aah I just found this :-) You have had a fascinating career. That must have been sad to say goodbye to the navy life after all that time. I have tons of respect for people like you who give up so much for the rest of their communities. Did you end up moving to the East coast after all?
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Oh yeah. I forgot about this post. Thanks. I was fortunate that I was able to translate the career I had in the military to civilian life. It wasn't sad at all to leave. The military can push you outside your limits. The goal was the mission or mission support. A personal life was an allowance. They don't tell you that when you join.
I grew up on the east coast, but I didn't move there after leaving the Navy. I took a nomadic life for a spell. Moved between states until settling in California and getting married with someone I grew up with on the East Coast. Weird how that worked out. We're planning another move though once my company shuts down in a couple of years. It will be another interesting trip.
I hear you re the Navy. I've always wondered how military families cope, but then I guess especially in the States, it is such a patriotic way of life and service in the armed forces is so highly respected that self-sacrifice is the norm. Sounds like a life well lived and lived well though :-) I'm pleased for you that you were able to move on and grab your personal life in abundance. Keep adventuring Felix. So much life left to live and sounds like many more adventures to be had😊
Thanks. Trust me, I'm having plenty of adventures, happiness, and fear with a family. You're definitely correct about life.