my introduceyourself moment

My story is truly insignificant in the big scheme of things,
but I promise to avoid plagiarizing the hard work of anyone else.

That said,
I do like to quote things which have meaning.
If you see something with improper or inadequate attribution just let me know and I will correct it.

I am not interested in antagonizing anyone
but I do have a perspective on the Universe which many find incredible.
What you believe and what I believe are different,
and I have no interest in changing your ideas by even one pixel.
I am only interested in finding anyone else who believes as I do,
that "No Being shall Harm another Being".

After working my way through five continents I have only met one other such person, ever.
Almost anyone else seems to want government (or something worse) to run their life.
Others seemed to have some sort of conditional agenda,
some based on racism, others based on wealth, based upon place of birth, or other circumstance.

The One Law does not concern itself with such irrelevancies,
no more than the sun rising in the east chooses who to warm and who to ignore.

Nationality is merely a matter of opinion.

Who you are is defined by what you do and what you do not - how others regard you illuminates what they are.

Some of my favorite tags:





I think I'm on the same page as you. I refuse to do anything with malice.

To me a fundamental piece of spirituality is to not be an asshole! Lol, simple yet hard for many. After all, we're all a part of the same whole/ energy system.


"I refuse to do anything with malice."
...if we could persuade the entire rest of the planet to leave malice at the rubbish bin,
life would improve.

A manageable step is to try to give the benefit of the doubt that others aren't being malicious towards them. It at least makes the initial reaction instead a misunderstanding or miscommunication. (Most people aren't great at meaning what they say)
This alone is a win in my book, conversations to clarify can easily begin without negative emotions and defense mechanisms.
People don't freak out about "shit happening" but get instantly up in arms when "they are doing something to you. "

This is actually one of the main characteristics people included into my utopia concept, "don't act on malice, believe others in community don't act on malice. "

Steemit is growing every day!Excited to have you @theonelaw!


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Do robots have story is truly insignificant in the big scheme of things,\n but I promise to avoid plagiarizing the hard work of anyone else?