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RE: Who Am I? Round 2: A Deeper Dive!

Indeed, I agree! It's funny, when I was a kid, I didn't like my name, because I always felt so different from my peers anyway, I didn't need my name helping out with that! Now, however, I'm truly deeply grateful for my name, that was plucked out of the ethers by my completely-out-of-the-box gifted father. He did the same thing for my brother's name, Trevyn Ander. As far as I know my name has no inherent meaning, however, if you sound it out right, it perfectly describes me, as I've felt deeply tied-in (Tyd-yn) with everyone and everything all my life.

I really like how you came up with the name that you use here, from your daughers' names. Most of the people that I know in my daily life use names that they chose themselves. It's always interesting to me how and why people choose the names for themselves that they do. The process that you describe is very much about creating ourselves, creating our expression in the world, as well as, and as a part of, grounding, or unfolding, our unique core vital energy into this context of being. The one thing that I do feel called to mention about given and chosen names is that we are born with a particular name, that holds a very particular frequency, as well as challenges and potentialities inherently connected to it, so it does indeed have a strong significance to us. Also, to be able to transcend to new levels or stages of consciousness, all parts of us at each level must be fully integrated into coherent wholeness to be able to make the leap, and that includes the parts of ourselves that we 'leave behind'. Just something to keep in mind.

It does sound like you're on a good path, and yes, our success and transformation begins inside of ourselves, with our own perspective and beliefs, as we coalesce them to form our world. I look forward to hearing more about your journey!

That's excellent, as it allows for immense growth, especially when we lean into the edge of our comfort zones! I'm both humbled and honored to hear that, and I'm happy and grateful to share and assist, always!

Thank you muchly, I appreciate it, and I very much wish you the same! Ditto that, and I have no doubt that we will! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙