Who Am I? Round 2: A Deeper Dive!

in #introduceyourself β€’ 3 years ago (edited)


Note: My original intention for this post was to pin it to the top of my blog, however, I posted it in one of the Introduce Yourself groups first using PeakD, and shared it to my blog too. Unfortunately if you share a post in a group, you can't pin it to your blog. Hence I'm deleting the version that got posted to my blog (though the original post in the community remains), and posting this to my blog directly instead. I hope this does not cause issues. I won't make a habit of it. Lesson learned. πŸ™ πŸ’š

EDIT: A great deal has shifted in my life since I posted this. I'm not ready to re-edit this whole thing, so I'm going to let things settle and stabilize in my life once again before I attempt to bring it up to date. KaΓ― and I are not together any longer, and I no longer live in Seaview. My Life Just Hit a Brick Wall at High Velocity, on the Cusp of My 50th Birthday: Mid Life Crisis 101 gives you an idea of the very challenging changes that I've experienced since writing this post. I began writing about my experiences with it all in my #AliveAndThriving Today!|#IAmAliveChallenge Hive Daily Journal Entry posts. I returned to GaiaYoga Gardens on October 11, 2022, which was a very good decision. I am very grateful to living barefooted and naked in my jungle community once again, after being away for five months and ten days.

Warm greetings all. πŸ™ πŸ’š

I've been on Hive for 7 months now (OK, it's two days off - September 23, 2021), and while I did make an introductory post back when I joined, at the time I didn't yet fully comprehend exactly how to do one well, so with a bit more experience and hindsight, I want to create a do-over introductory post. Mind you, this isn't easy at all for me, as I very rarely know how to talk about or describe myself in any simple, succinct, or accurate way. I've been mulling this post, and what I want to express in it, over for days now, and I'll likely continue letting it percolate for days more before I actually publish it. Even then I'll probably edit to add more or refine.

I think I'll begin, in part, with how I've attempted to describe myself in the past, then flesh that out a bit.

My name is Tydyn Rain St. Clair (my given birth name), and I'm an immensely multifaceted, multidimensional, and multifarious Techno-Hippie, Mystic Scientist, Plant Whisperer/Spreader/Land Weaver, Goddess Worshiper/Integral Tantric Healer, Conspiracy Realist/Social Media Truth Activist/Meme Master, Cross-Domain Translator, Mixer/Integrator of Worlds, Alchemist (in many contexts), and a FOSSH (Free Open Source Software and Hardware)/Linux/Arch Linux Lover, among other monikers, or, in fewer words, I'm an Integral Evolutionary Nexus, with a mindbogglingly vast array of interconnecting and intertwining deep interests, loves, passions, vocations, missions, and purposes, here on Earth at this extremely potent and significant time of Awakening, Healing, Shift, and Transition, with my Soul Tribe, and many like us, to help ground new higher-level-functioning energy, patterns, templates, and dynamics into this physical, human context of being; to help birth the New Humanity and the New Earth. Simply put, I'm here for The Great Awakening. Another simpler way of expressing it would be to say that I am here to unite/integrate Heaven and Earth - to ground a greater and greater awareness and experience of our infinite, eternal, multidimensional True Nature into this context of being. Yet another way of saying it is that I am here to explore and expand what it means to be human, and fully revel in and savor that humanness.

In any context I function as an awakener, catalyst, healer, transformer, integrator, synergizer, alchemist, and learner/teacher, with many abilities, capacities, gifts, perspectives, and skills to contribute and share. Doing so in the form of books, talks, workshops, seminars, and the like would be very useful, and it is an intention, however, my challenge is that I have so much to share, across such a staggering array of subjects (where everything intrinsically and innately connects and leads into everything else), that I don't easily know how to to take an arbitrary piece of this exquisite kaleidoscopic tapestry that is existence, and mangle it down into rudimentary linear strings of words. Magic tends to happen one-on-one, or in small groups. Also, fully and consistently believing in and having confidence in myself, and what I have to offer, has been a lifelong challenge, that thankfully I am now finally facing head on and surmounting, more and more each day, with focused intention and desire.

For most of my time the Big Island of Hawai'i (over four years now) I've lived naked and barefooted, very close to Nature, almost 24/7. For the past three and a third years I've lived in an 18-acre, off-grid, clothing-optional, food-forest intentional community (GaiaYoga Gardens) in the middle of the jungle of Lower Puna, on the far Eastern tip of the Big Island of Hawai'i. Recently I've found myself in transition between this beloved and challenging jungle community where I've lived for so long, and The Sanctuary of The Blue Dragon, a new community living and event space, on the coast, in Seaview (also in Lower Puna - luckily The Sanctuary of The Blue Dragon is clothing-optional too, and Kehena, a long-time clothing-optional beach is nearby). While I still have strong ties (and a lot of plants) in my jungle community, between the catalyst of my beloved partner @kai-sunrise (who also lives at The Sanctuary of The Blue Dragon), and my own internal impetus, need, and desire to offer myself, my gifts, knowledge, and magic, in wholeness and fullness, to the greater world, I find that I am more and more engaged and excited with what I'm creating in Seaview, and I can no longer hide in the jungle, no matter how much I love it.

My Greatest Passions/Purposes/Missions - What Brings Me Alive The Most:

1.) The Great Awakening - Birthing the New Humanity and the New Earth - Exiting/Disconnecting/Deprogramming (and helping as many people as I can to exit/disconnect/deprogram) from the Satanic, Parasitic Slave Matrix System - Creating Our Own New (Parallel) Systems

2.) Whole Natural Sovereign Divine Human (Being)/Humanity - Full Acceptance and Celebration of Our Humanity - Nakedness - Full Human Expression - Divine Embodiment - The Naked Divine - Multidimensional Integration

3.) Goddess Worshiper - My Work/Vocation with Women/The Feminine - Healthy Masculine Embodiment - Integral Tantric Healer - Whole Being Healing and Reintegration - Deep Integral Energy-Body-Tantric Work Sessions

4.) Integral Living and Practice - Integral Cross-Training - Integral Transformative Practice - Integral Life Practice - Integral Evolutionary Practice - Fleshing Out Our Individual and Collective Greater Potential as a Practice

5.) Plant Whisperer/Spreader/Land(scape) Weaver - Locally Increasing Biodiversity/Ecological Complexity and Usefulness of Land - Medicinal and Edible Plants - Medicinal Teas

6.) Empowering and Liberating Technology - Free Open Source Software and Hardware (FOSSH) - Linux - Arch Linux - Decentralized/Distributed, Open-Sourced, Self-Governing, Censorship-Resistant Blockchains - Hive - Bastyon

7.) Mixer/Integrator of Worlds - Unique/Novel Synergies/Combinations/Mixes/Integrations/Connections/Interconnections Within and Between Domains

8.) Cross-Domain Translator and Teacher

9.) Alchemist (Across Many Domains and Contexts) - Foods - Medicinal Teas - Healing Elixirs - Healing - Technology

10.) Conspiracy Realist/Social Media Truth Activist/Digital Soldier/Meme Master - Spreading Important and Necessary (Usually Censored) Information

11.) Mystic Scientist - In Everything I Integrate Logic/Rationality/Intellect/Analytic Capacities with Intuition/Imagination/Impulses/Creativity/Direct Apprehension/Knowing

I could flesh out and talk about all of these immensely more, of course, but that would also make this post far longer than it presently is. I'll likely add more over time. I'm also happy to answer any questions or curiosities that you might have about any of them.

For those that appreciate more in depth views, here are some images dealing with my Western Astrological and Human Design Analysis.





In terms of the Myers & Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I test most frequently as an INFP.

I'm also left-handed, though in most things I'm pretty ambidextrous.

I'm on many alternative platforms. If you'd like to find and connect with me outside Hive, take a peek at my LinkTree page.

NOTE: I'll pin this post to the top of my blog, and update it as things change and as I gain greater clarity, even after the payout period.

Thank you all for giving me your time and and attention, and allowing me to express myself with greater wholeness! πŸ™πŸ’š

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Dude!! Who the hell is this freakin awesome guy crouching in the bushes!!

I initially saw you in the leaderboard and I clicked your profile so I could make out the picture. Then I wanted to know if your name was Tydyn Rain, or if it was supposed to be like TieDye and Rain…either were possible, either were super rad - so I checked out your profile and you’re like another super rad forest wizard like Fenngen!!!

Instant follow - I’m stoked to see more of you! …now I gotta scroll to the top and actually read your post but I wanted to say this first. Nice to meet you!

UPDATE: I read it, and I am NOT disappointed - you dont just have a forest wizard style avatar, but you are in fact the real deal! Pleasure to make your aquaintance friend, I look forward to expanding my own magick practice based on your shared wisdom πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Haha...your comment put a smile on my face, and a laugh in my belly! Curious creatures like me pop up here and there, though usually in the out-of-the-way places, deep in nature.

I'm honored that you felt inclined to look more into who I am. Yep, my given first and middle name is Tydyn Rain, and I'm the only one in the world with it. I've learned a great many things in my life, and since coming to the jungles of Hawai'i. I reconnected directly with earth and nature, and my connection and relationship with plants deepened immensely. I deeply appreciate the kind comparison, I have always very much appreciated Fenngen.

I'm grateful for the follow, and I'm already following you! It's excellent meeting you as well!

It's wondeful that you appreciate what I share. That's beautiful to me. Living as openly, honestly, authentically, genuinely, and transparently as I am able is of paramount importance to me, as is exploring, experimenting, tinkering with, and refining what I do. We are pure living magic, capable of far, far, far more than we usually think. I'm like an in-betweener, or a bridge between domains or worlds, and that's where the alchemy happens, at the edge. Thank you so very much for expressing everything that you did! It's my honor, pleasure, and privilege to meet you as well, and I look forward to many more marvelous conversations! I'm always happy to share anything that I know, and that I know how to do, and I'm certain that I would learn from you as well! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Yep, my given first and middle name is Tydyn Rain, and I'm the only one in the world with it.

How fortunate to have been gifted such a cool name! I have two daughters, Allie and Lucy, which is where I came up with Albus Lucimus. My middle name, Zarathustra, I took from Nietzsche...I guess I wanted a cool name too, so I just made one up. I could be way wrong by conventional standards, but as a young wizard, absent any form of apprenticeship, I've had to raise myself in the world of alchemy, the edge, and the in-between...and as such I decided the rules were mine to invent - my success can't be measured in monetary terms, but rather in the alchemic transformation of the vibrations that surround and subsume my being - and by that standard I believe I'm off to a decent start in my ninth year as a self-proclaimed conscious living sovereign sorcerer.

I'm super stoked to expand my perspectives and existential horizons at all times, and you are definitely someone from whom I intend to learn as much as I am able to imbibe!

Stay well brother, I look forward to seeing you around!

Indeed, I agree! It's funny, when I was a kid, I didn't like my name, because I always felt so different from my peers anyway, I didn't need my name helping out with that! Now, however, I'm truly deeply grateful for my name, that was plucked out of the ethers by my completely-out-of-the-box gifted father. He did the same thing for my brother's name, Trevyn Ander. As far as I know my name has no inherent meaning, however, if you sound it out right, it perfectly describes me, as I've felt deeply tied-in (Tyd-yn) with everyone and everything all my life.

I really like how you came up with the name that you use here, from your daughers' names. Most of the people that I know in my daily life use names that they chose themselves. It's always interesting to me how and why people choose the names for themselves that they do. The process that you describe is very much about creating ourselves, creating our expression in the world, as well as, and as a part of, grounding, or unfolding, our unique core vital energy into this context of being. The one thing that I do feel called to mention about given and chosen names is that we are born with a particular name, that holds a very particular frequency, as well as challenges and potentialities inherently connected to it, so it does indeed have a strong significance to us. Also, to be able to transcend to new levels or stages of consciousness, all parts of us at each level must be fully integrated into coherent wholeness to be able to make the leap, and that includes the parts of ourselves that we 'leave behind'. Just something to keep in mind.

It does sound like you're on a good path, and yes, our success and transformation begins inside of ourselves, with our own perspective and beliefs, as we coalesce them to form our world. I look forward to hearing more about your journey!

That's excellent, as it allows for immense growth, especially when we lean into the edge of our comfort zones! I'm both humbled and honored to hear that, and I'm happy and grateful to share and assist, always!

Thank you muchly, I appreciate it, and I very much wish you the same! Ditto that, and I have no doubt that we will! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

After reading your post and knowing about your lifestyle and your work, I was very impressed. I am also very impressed by nature, nature always attracts us with its mystery. And to know that mystery, we need to go in its proximity. We have to understand its secret. I think this is the purpose of life. It was very nice to know about you. Thank you.πŸ™

Thank you much for your kind words, @mulik369, I deeply appreciate it! That's beautiful that you also know the incredible importance of nature in our lives, and the need to know it directly. Nature is an expression of our souls' vitality made manifest in the world around us, and yes, it is living magic, just like us. I'm grateful to connect with you here as well! You're ever so welcome, it's my honor, pleasure, and privilege to share! Thank you! πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ’šβœ¨πŸ€™

Thank you so much for appreciating and following me.πŸ™

You're very welcome, @mulik369, absolutely! Have an amazing buzzy Hive day! πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ’šβœ¨πŸ€™

Nice to have you here
I'm also a newbie
Hope to have a nice time here to explore the HiveBlock chain
Lots of love

Warm greetings to you! Thank you so much for that, it's greatly appreciated! I'm a relative newbie at this point, since I've been active on the Blockchain for a little over 2.33 years. Hive is a truly incredible opportunity for so many, as you can grow to astounding heights even by starting from scratch, zero, nothing! Hive is also quite a large ecosystem, that takes time to full understand, so take your time, going one step at a time. On Hive We receive what we give, and the only limit to our success here is us! I wish you a deeply fun, fulfilling, and meaningful journey on this glorious Blockchain! I send big love to you, too! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Aloha! Nice looking!

Aloha! That's very kind! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Beautiful wife u got there

She's not my wife. She was a girlfriend who broke up with me more than a year and a half ago. I just haven't gotten around to removing her photos yet. 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Awww well. That's how it always goes. But you you good right.

I don't know if it always goes that way, but it definitely very often does. Well, I've had a few more heartbreaking experiences since she broke up with me, so I can't say that I'm 'good', but I am doing my best. 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Hi from qortal :)

Heya, brother! It's super cool to see you here too! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™


@blackibutterfly! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ tydynrain. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


Gsh? 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

That is really interesting as you are. I'm not sure if I could live in the jungle, but I like the idea. I think I've been too long into this matrix of slavery but still feel a bit outside of the mainstream like I always did even when I was young.

Thank you so very much, Chris! Yes, living off-grid in the jungle would be very challenging for many. I've learned how to do it, and I love being deep in Nature. I very much appreciate those who see things differently. 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Look forward to connecting more with you, nice post

I look forward to it! Thank you so very much! I'm grateful that you found resonance in it! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Oh wow! I'm of the belief that our destinies are directed in some way and that it is the correct time for me to find out about you. You seem to be a very interesting person. I can't say for sure, but I do believe I may have had an out-of-body experience once or twice and I agree with you that we are much more powerful than we tend to believe we are. I've had some very strange personal experiences that brought me to that conclusion. Unfortunately, I'm in a rush to get to bed because I always stay up too late and need to get up without enough sleep, so I'll leave things as they are at this point and check out more of your blog another time.

Indeed, nothing is random or by chance. Thank you for your kind words! Going out-of-body is natural, and happens every night I sleep, but most block the memories. It can also be learned to do consciously as well. I'd love to hear about those interesting experiences that you mention. Haha...no worries, go get some sleep. When I lived on the mainland, I used to be a night owl. Out here in Hawai'i I go to sleep and get up much earlier most of the time. Hive keeps me awake quite late sometimes, though...πŸ˜‚ I look forward to sharing conversation with you! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

How do I pronounce your name? In my head, I call you Tidy n Rain.

I am sorry about you and your girlfriend's break up, you made a nice-looking couple.

#11 Brought this to my mind.

I would like to hear your thoughts on what has happened to me many times in my life.

I have what some might call daydreams but they are different from a normal daydream. The last one I had was several years ago. I was driving to another town to fish and saw myself on the edge of a flat, which is shallow water, I was catching fish. It is like I am actually there, I feel, smell, and see everything around me, even the other boats. I do not know how I can drive and be somewhere else at the same time. It is hard to explain.

I put my boat in the water and with a strong urge to stop I drove past the place that I saw, I went all over and did not catch anything. I was headed to the other boats, thinking they must be catching fish to be bunched like they were, I got to where I saw myself, and 3 pompano skipped. I stopped and sat there without another boat around me and had a good catch. The other boats were just as they were in my daydream.

I wish I could see the winning lottery numbers, I would not ignore them. lol


@tydynrain! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ myjob. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

My name's pronounced tie-din, with the stress on the fist syllable, and Rain is my middle name (I have a very creative father). When I smash my name together in my usual username, it does kind of look like Tydy N Rain...πŸ˜‚

Thank you for that. I appreciate it. My heart's still pretty broken over the end of that relationship, and with the feeling that she'll be my last close relationship with a woman. I just refocus my energies in more positive and constructive directions. All the devotion that I had for Kai is now given to Hive and Arch Linux.

That is a fascinating experience indeed! The one thing I'll say about experiences like that is that they are as natural as breathing, becsause our consciousness, and who and what we are is not limited to our body, or even to time ajd space, but rather had complete freedom. We have the ability not only to consciously travel out of our bodies (we do that every night in sleep anyway), but also to project aspects of our consciousness to different points in time and space. We can even project our consciousness into objects and other beings, to directly perceive how their consciousness experiences existence.

Our very nature is multidimensional, and we exist simultaneously, in many diverse existences and domains, across time, space, and probabilities, and beyond even the concept of time or space. We are far, far, far greater than we think. 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

My granddaughter's middle name is Rain but spelled Raine.

Never say a love lost is the last one because we never know who will come into our lives.

Thank you for your opinion on my daydreams, I do agree with you. My Father could leave his body, he would tell me all kinds of stories about it, I wish I had listened more closely to him. One of my brothers said it started to happen to him, he said he came halfway out and got scared and he went back in. I don't think it ever happened again or he never mentioned it.

@tydynrain! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ myjob. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Ah, that's cool! I've known two young women with Raine as a middle name!

Indeed. It just seems unlikely at this point.

Absolutely, you're most welcome! Yes, it happens to some people spontaneously. It can be learned and controlled with practice. That's fascinating about your dad and brother! Hehe...yes, I know the coming-halfway-out and getting scared quite well! It's a very common thing, but many people block their conscious memories. 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™


I have tried to leave my body but it never happened, maybe subconsciously I am scared because of the things Dad told me. Like there are things that can grab you, that is the one that scares me. He told me what I was to say if this happens but I can not remember what it was so now I hope it never happens.

There are particular techniques to trigger it, and also certain psycho-acoustic/brainwave hemispheric synchronization/neural resonance audio tracks which can also help a lot. Like anything it just takes practice. One thing about being out of body is that we often meet the manifestation of our thought and emotions, as they all manifest in some context, and some of the appear as an ojectification of our fears. No entity can affect you without your acquiescence on some level, so stating that you have dominion and sovereignty over your experience can help. 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

I am glad we had this discussion, now if it happens, I will not be afraid.

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This is an amazing introduction sir, I gather you're very close to a living wizard/mystic, if not to say the least. It's an honor, hope we can contribute to a positive experience here. Have a great journey, here on Hive!

Thank you very much for your kind words @weone! I deeply appreciate it! I have many aspects, and the wizard/mystic/alchemist/magician is a notable one indeed! I'm also quite human, and I have my fair share of challenges too, but regardless of anything I am deeply grateful for my life, and for how and where I live!

You humble and honor me with your words! It's always my deep honor, pleasure, and privilege to to share, assist, and contribute! That's one of many reasons why I love Hive! Thank you again so much! I recognized Hive's immense potential and its technological elegance pretty much as soon as I got here just over a year and a half ago, and more I learn and the deeper I go, the more passionate, committed, and dedicated i become! I'm all in for the long haul here! My long-term goal here is to become a Hive millionaire whale, so that I am able to live off this some day, and so that I am able to help as many around me do the same! Onward and upward, together! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

You're welcome sire. Becoming whale is one heck of a challenge. Keep learning something new about the ecosystem and the blockchain industry, the current challenges that it faces, towards wider adoption etc. Wishing you all the very best.

Yes, it's a huge challenge indeed! I've been involved in crypto for several years now, and Hive is the only one in which I have solid faith, which is why I've devoted so much time and attention. I'm happy that Hive is still flying under the radar at the moment. Thank you so much again brother, I very much appreciate that, and likewise! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Veo que estΓ‘n viviendo tan intensamente como puedes, muchas de las experiencias que nos cuentas, suenan asombrosas, estar en contacto con la naturaleza es siempre algo que nutre nuestro ser.

Espero que todo estΓ© bien para ti.


Β‘MuchΓ­simas gracias @syllem, aprecio mucho tus palabras! Β‘SΓ­, asΓ­ soy yo, una criatura de intensidad! Β‘Es cierto, para mΓ­ estar en contacto directo con la tierra y la naturaleza es algo necesario! Β‘Gracias otra vez! Β‘SΓ­, me encuentro bastante biΓ©n! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™


Thank you! I'm grateful that you found it interesting! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

very nice photos and what a good introduction

Thank you very much for that! I deeply appreciate it! I've been meaing to update it again, but Hive keeps me a very buzzy bee. 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Such an amazing and interesting person you're. Also this is the best introduction I ever seen on hive. I have so many questions but so little time due to busy schedule but will reblog this so I can ask questions in the future.

Take care and keep safe always

Β 2 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thank you! I deeply appreciate and am very grateful for your kind words! I'm always happy to answer questions or clarify. πŸ™ πŸ’š

Ahhh, so beautiful to read your post here, @tydynrain - and to resonate so much!! Blessings and I look forward indeed to connecting more!

Β 2 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It's so wonderful to read this comment! I'm truly grateful that you found so much resonance in what I expressed. Thank you for your beautiful comment and wellwishes, and I'd love to connect more! I've appreciated your posts as well, very much. πŸ™πŸ’š

Thanks @schoolofminnows! I appreciate it! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™