Thank you for the suggestion about adding the receiving address in the confirmation email. The developers are actively integrating this suggestion. You'll see it soon.
[EDIT: This feature has been implemented. All withdrawal confirmation emails now include the destination address.]
Yes, there was an error in the withdrawal process. All withdrawals should be processed. Sorry for the delay. The developers are building a new withdrawal system that should prevent this kind of problem in the future.
If you have any other questions, please complete the support form or contact [email protected] at any time.
Appreciate your service very much. I've been telling others about you since I began using you weeks ago. I've used you for my weekly powerdowns as well as I sent my Litecoin through you to convert to Hive. Usually done within minutes. I've asked CoinGecko to add you to their Hive page, as I suspect there is a lot of velocity for Hive being missed since so many who track this still aren't acknowledging you. Although I dream of a day where perhaps with smart contracts we can bypass exchanges, especially for fiat buy in.
One question please. How does one actually log out of your exchange? I always have to close my browser and destroy all cookies and such. I would anyway, but would be nice to just log out first.
The logout icon is in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Dear @ionomy:
Once again I ask for your valuable collaboration since I still have
not received my funds in my ionomy wallet.
Several hours have passed and it has not been paid yet.
I transferred 55,913 HIVE to ionomy MEMO: 5e77d920a2a3e220e0558802
Transaction hash:
These funds still do not appear in my wallet.
Hello, the developers reviewed your account and the issues appears to be resolved. Apologies for the delay. There was a system error that the developers have fixed.
If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected] and the team will address them.
Update: Confirmation emails now include the destination address and withdrawal amount.
Thank you, for your services, which I'm happy to use. Question: I have Steem in my reserve @Ionomy wallet. How do I move it to available, so that I can sell it?
Looking forward to hearing back.
Some accounts show assets in reserve because there are open orders in the market. This includes partially filled orders.
If you cancel all orders and there's still a small amount held in reserve, that's probably just rounding error from paritally filled orders that were cancelled.
In most cases this reserve amount shouldn't be worth more than a penny or so, but if larger amounts are stuck in reserve, contact [email protected] or use this support form: