I'm quite bad at irl

in #irl4 days ago

For the longest time I've kind of neglected irl stuff and usually try to push them towards others to do it for me. Things like paperwork or going to check up on health related things, etc is a real headache for me. Feels like whenever I'm not on the PC doing "hive stuff" it feels like I'm just wasting time.

Now don't get me wrong this isn't only about "earning potential", i.e. what curating unique authors may get me in return down the line or writing out comments and posts may get me extra passive rewards. I have some periods the past couple years where I haven't posted anything and while it's a bit regretful considering I could've used the post rewards it's not something that's the main focus in my mind right now.

I do have a lot on my plate and I don't hate admitting it, there are a list of awesome people who help me out with a lot of things as well which I'm very grateful towards. However whenever irl forces you to deal with it you get taken away from this hive-only world and start to think how much time it actually takes away from you.

Mew has been feeling a bit ill lately and we've had to send him to the vet a couple times the past few weeks. He's now hospitalized fighting off what they believe to be an infection. We went to visit him today and he seemed happy to see us. They said he's doing a bit better and as we got there and brought him his food from home his appetite seemed to be back as he started eating quite a lot which was great to see.

On the way there and back I usually try not to spend too much time on the phone since it easily gets me nauseous and only sitting there looking outside is so boring to me. It reminds me of the few times we may lose electricity or internet and every time I find myself ill-prepared for it from an entertainment aspect. I have nothing new on Netflix downloaded to prepare for it nor are my phone/laptop/pads ever charged for those events.

I do wonder how messed up my attention span/entertainment fix is on my brain at the moment. Not just cause there's always something to do on Hive but the way how time fasts forward when you are active here doing stuff. Makes me want to do a full no technology breaks to see how it'd affect me and if it would reset something in my head. That's not something I can afford to do right now, however, but maybe at some point.

If you do something well, do it all the time? I guess that's a hive-motto that I've been striving towards lately, although not sure how good I am at it either.

It's felt a bit more like someone has to do certain things lately so why not me. I'm well aware that I'm not always the best person for a certain job, take holozing organizing for instance, but right now at the starting roots of the project I can't afford to hire someone else to do it full-time who may be much better at it than myself. It may definitely have caused a lot of delays and a few I'm certain of but at least it's making it possible to fund the more important aspects of it that require funding asap to move forward.

Anyway, just some random ramblings having been afk most of today and coming back trying to enjoy the rest of the weekend watching the CS2 grand final. Even while doing that I feel like "just watching" and enjoying the show I'm doing too little so better get a post out while curating and commenting on snaps and posts. Hope we get to bring Mew back home healthy in a couple days.

Not sure how unique my situation is right now, there may be other hivers out there in a similar situation.

Have a nice rest of the weekend, whoever bothered to read these ramblings. :P


Sorry for your Angry cats, I hope he feel better and in home.
Well when you have been enough free time, you think has a big time to do Anything, but when you have been occupied with a lot of task, when you loses a little of time you feel bad with yourself because you think need to do wherever you want to do.

But remember the rest is part of the work, if you rest and take a breath, your ideas could coming and you can be more productive.
Consider this.
Have a good week too.

By the way I found a butterflyes working very hard.


I can relate to this. Everytime I take a break from hive I feel like I'm wasting my time doing nothing so I'm just blogging alot and Zingtober has been great so far to get me more productive than ever.

I have two cats as well. I can't live without them. They come and sleep near me when I'm drawing on my tab and it's so comforting to see that. I'm sure Mew will be fine soon.

Do you only have one Mew? I got two because they keep each other company when I can't.

my fiance has other female cats but they're quite anti-people except her :D so we got mew when I moved in as the only male and even though he generally likes her more due to the gender I assume he's the best cat I could've asked for. Unfortunately been sick quite a few times now with early on surviving the parvo virus, so hope he pulls through again :(

Ah I see. Glad to hear that he is not alone. I have two female cats and they seem to enjoy staying near me. They are anti others most of the time haha. I'm a quiet person and doesn't annoy the cats like others and maybe that's why.

It's too sad to hear that he got Parvo but he recovered so he a strong boy but it probably weakned his immunity and made him more susceptible to infections. I hope the medication works and he recovers fully.

I bothered to read and I read it to the end. Some days are just like that and I can to totally relate with what you've written.

I also agree to "if you do something we'll, do it all time, " I just don't know how to stop Hiving hehehe, it has now become a lifestyle.

Send my warm regards to Mew, I hope he gets better soon.

Thank you!

Lol... The tongue out at the end 😂.

I can totally relate to your blog post and it felt like I was reading my rambling, well aside from the cat and the electricity thing. I don't have a cat and going without electricity is the norm here, so I'm literally always prepared to live without it.

When my sister was onboarding me to hive, she'd always ring it in my ear that hive is another world of its own. I should take it seriously like my life depends on it lol.

I have since come to the realization that being on hive and then living in reality is like living in both worlds. I was actively running both side by side till I crashed and sorted for a balance.

Before my health crashed, it was so bad that I felt sleeping was a waste of time. 24 hours wasn't enough for me again, so many activities and I wanted to do them all.

I love hive and it's very therapeutic for me, it helps me cope emotionally and mentally because, coming on hive, gives me an insight to the world around me.

It's like being depressed and changing environments, doing the things that I love and meeting people who genuinely want to meet me too. All that I have mentioned, I achieve on hive from the comfort of my home without breaking a bank or going out of my way.

Ok ok... I'm the one rambling now and my comment is gradually becoming a post 😂. Wishing your Kitty a speedy recovery and I really admire how much love and intentionality animals get at your part of the world.

and going without electricity is the norm here

that sounds like a living nightmare to me ;(

Yeah I definitely get what you mean, the people I've met here get on this other level compared to relationships I've built elsewhere, it's like they need their own section.

For instance I owe some people Hive who are active here as my finances have been a mess lately, due to my reputation they've entrusted me with it without even knowing my real name or what I look like, that's like quite unheard of and you wouldn't be able to do this anywhere else.

Here they know that I value my reputation and the future of it above anything else though and more people should too. Who knows how big this platform can get, who the next millionaire trading memecoins can be and what they'll do with it for our ecosystem. Building connections can lead to a much greater time on here in the long run and it doesn't always have to be about the rewards.

If anything even if hive never goes anywhere we can rest assured that whatever we've written here won't go anywhere and AI will in the future read these chats wondering wtf we were trying to do while no non-tech life is around any longer. xD

Ohh you sure got that right... Living without electricity is hell and not a life one can ever get used to, not even in third world countries.

Took me quite a while to believe something like hive actually existed because the transparency is not something we see in our everyday life.

There's this saying that a good name is better than riches, which makes our reputation more valuable than wealth. I hope more and more humans will key into this level of consciousness.

Then later in the Future, with our writeups, possibly AI could create some sort of holographic memory from our past lives 😌

Hopefully Mew will get better soon.

or going to check up on health related things

I also don't like going to the doctors. My previous glasses served me probably 10+ years(?). I was already seeing very badly. But I kept delaying getting new glasses because:1. I did not want to go doctor 2. I did not want to spend hundreds of eur on glasses.

If you do something well, do it all the time? I guess that's a hive-motto that I've been striving towards lately, although not sure how good I am at it either.

I like to believe that I am good at art but evidence suggest otherwise. I have sold 5 pieces. I gifted away way more and I still have a mountain of unsold pieces. I am not the best at hiving either but I try and enjoy both hiving and making art.

You're definitely not alone in thinking, "If you do something well, do it all the time." I’m sure many Hivers (myself included) have made it a routine to dedicate a portion of their lives to achieving their goals on the platform.

While we may be walking different paths in our Hive journey, I believe we are all striving to reach a certain goal that brings us a sense of accomplishment. We should do our best not to waste time away from what we do here in Hive.

That being said, we should still try to let the people in our real lives know that we exist, lol.

I hope that Mew feels better soon. 💪

Poor Mew...he's probably also missing Hive and having to spend time away from you and your normal activities and schedule is upsetting to him lol. At least he got some good home cooking, so to speak. Hope he gets home soon, so the household can return to normal!

Greetings friend and I hope that your little friend gets better soon from that infection and well the time that we do not publish the truth does not allow us to generate more profits although it is always good to also add a little for the passive

Feels like whenever I'm not on the PC doing "hive stuff" it feels like I'm just wasting time.

Yeah I get what you mean. I have the same feeling too. And it's also not so much about curation rewards, considering I do have a day job which pays way more than a few dollars per post a day. Haha. It's just a fun place to be interacting in I guess.

Once you take a deep dive into any project times disappears for some reason.

Hope Mew is cuddle up close to you again soon, healthy and happy a gorgeous feline.

Technology gets very distracting these days which is really bad, and l say this as l am a traveller and can easily live without phones and wi-fi.

I really hope your cat fully recovers😊.


Hopefully Mew can return soon home, healthy and well.

Speaking of other things, Hive takes up a big part of the day for many people I think, I know it does for me. And I'm increasingly wondering if it's really worth it? I know I like Hive a lot, but there are so many other things I have to do, that need to generate more income for me and my partner. Unfortunately I can't make a living from Hive, and that makes it very necessary that I spend less time on Hive than I do now. But... I'm also really bad at real life. It takes so much effort, things that seem so simple to someone else feel like I have to climb Mount Everest to me. How can I deal with that better, and how do I generate income in real life? I haven't figured it out yet... and that puts me in the spiral where I spend more and more time on Hive because even though it doesn't generate a full income, it IS at least some kind of income. But the switch has to be flipped at some point...

When I weigh my virtual life against my real life, I feel that my virtual life is becoming more and more dominant. I think you have brought out the feelings of many people. At least mine! Maybe I need a simple questioning and this could be the beginning. Thank you, have a good weekend and I hope Mew gets better soon.

but she's soo cute 🥰

oh no seems like mad 😠

Sometimes I feel like I get overwhelmed when I have to do irl stuff, while I can do virtual stuff without any problem. I think I'm becoming way dependant of my phone lately and it worries me a little (maybe a lot?).

I try to disconnect and interact with real people irl but I feel uncomfortable around people and I end up using my phone again. Idk how I can work on it, but I know it is a problem.

PS: I hope Mew gets well soon.

Cute cat. I also have a pet cat but not that cute lol

I have to ask, what is it with the cat? I hope this is a clue as part of some mysterious Hive blockchain adventure game you are starting.

You're definitely not alone in thinking that when you're not doing things on Hive, you're wasting time.

In my case, I constantly check my feed and think of new ideas to keep bringing good content. Despite the poor connection in my country, I spend a lot of time here and enjoy it, so there's nothing to regret; Hive feels like my digital home.

On the other hand, I think a ahort break now and then isn't bad; it helps us rest our minds and regain strength to keep growing here.

I also have three cats with my girlfriend, and they're like our children. Whenever they get sick, we have to rush!

Awww, poor Mew - sick again? The little chomp needs bring out his inner champ and grow up healthy!

And, dare I say, so do you 😀. Take care of yourself (and yours). IRL. That should be front and center on everyone's mind, of course, in my opinion. Anyhow...

I think there are many people today that feel productivity is the bee's knees and more. Can't just sit down and dawdle while admiring art/architecture/you name it, or slouch on the couch and read a book - all that stuff is not productive. Well, wrong! All that stuff is recharging your batteries and broadens your horizon. Fight that feeling of having to be productive all the time. Find a balance for you and enjoy life!

And pamper Mew (and hidden) once he's back home with his hoomans 😍


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@danzocal(3/10) tipped @acidyo

Friend, anything that involves generating a greater amount of income per curation or per author is good for us. Greetings and happy weekend

TBH, I prefer people's random ramblings and venting to ostensible "real" content because I was always more interested in the Internet of PEOPLE than the Internet of THINGS.

Which, perhaps, points back to your commentary about IRL and the fact that I am typically quite content to live a somewhat hermit-like existence. Mrs. Denmarkguy and I both quite content to not get "out there," all that much. We now have four cats and they offer a sort of entertainment/companionship of their own. And since we both work from home on our computers, the height of external excitement ends up being a twice-weekly trip to the supermarket.

Of course, I'm of "geezer vintage" (64) meaning that I grew up before there was an Internet, but even so my preferred form of engagement was nature photography and other mostly solitary pursuits.

Hope you get Mew back home soon, in happy and healthy condition!

As much as I am not a fan of AI, I think some of these everyday things will eventually be freed up through the use of AI. Hopefully we take advantage of that free time and focus it on more important things versus squandering it away on useless things.

Oh I feel you! You are definitely not alone with this feeling! But first how is your cat doing by now? Hope you can bring it home soon!

I had a hard time being away from Hive for so long “just doing the project” over the past two years. Starting up worldmappin brought me back interacting with the community and now i am hooked again… feels like some kind of addiction sometimes being in this awesome community bringing value to the platform for them/with them and engaging… sometimes hard to find a balance and not get too lost in it. Having pets help to get back to the own world no matrer if its going out with the dog or taking care of your cat ;)
I think its great to see you writing again and also about sth more personal. A shame I never meet you on actual meetups 🤷‍♀️😊