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RE: I'm quite bad at irl

in #irl3 days ago

TBH, I prefer people's random ramblings and venting to ostensible "real" content because I was always more interested in the Internet of PEOPLE than the Internet of THINGS.

Which, perhaps, points back to your commentary about IRL and the fact that I am typically quite content to live a somewhat hermit-like existence. Mrs. Denmarkguy and I both quite content to not get "out there," all that much. We now have four cats and they offer a sort of entertainment/companionship of their own. And since we both work from home on our computers, the height of external excitement ends up being a twice-weekly trip to the supermarket.

Of course, I'm of "geezer vintage" (64) meaning that I grew up before there was an Internet, but even so my preferred form of engagement was nature photography and other mostly solitary pursuits.

Hope you get Mew back home soon, in happy and healthy condition!