That's true, but he's moved a little bit up the totem pole recently ever since Russia had to go to him begging for help. It must have boosted his ego to be the celebrant instead of the supplicant for a change.
I thought of that. The thing is that North Korea uses its own homemade weapons, and the ones they're selling to Russia are domestic brands. China's arms-sales to Russia are a little more shadowy. They sell "dual-use" materials, stuff that they can semi-credibly pretend was for civilian use.
They're involved though. China is the one who funds Russia's ability to buy NoKo's weapons, by buying Russian oil.
That's true, but he's moved a little bit up the totem pole recently ever since Russia had to go to him begging for help. It must have boosted his ego to be the celebrant instead of the supplicant for a change.
I think he's just the middle man,and the end seller is really Putin's one and only friend who is afraid of selling to him directly
I thought of that. The thing is that North Korea uses its own homemade weapons, and the ones they're selling to Russia are domestic brands. China's arms-sales to Russia are a little more shadowy. They sell "dual-use" materials, stuff that they can semi-credibly pretend was for civilian use.
They're involved though. China is the one who funds Russia's ability to buy NoKo's weapons, by buying Russian oil.