Buongiorno amici di Steemit, come state passando questa estate? Io tanto lavoro e poco tempo da dedicare ai social, ma oggi riesco a trovare uno spazio per mostrarvi le altre foto di una delle cittadine più caratteristiche che io abbia mai visitato.
Questa era la prima parte del post: --->>>
Good morning, friends of Steemit, how are you going this summer? I work a lot and have little time to dedicate to social media, but today I can find a space to show you the other photos of one of the most characteristic towns I've ever visited.
This was the first part of the post: --- >>>
Ma quanto sono belli questi tetti a forma di cono?? Non ho resistito e sono salita sopra un trullo per poterli fotografare così =)
Tranquilli, non ho rischiato la vita, perchè come vedete sono case molto basse!
But how beautiful are these cone-shaped roofs ?? I could not resist and I climbed over a trullo to be able to photograph them like this =)
Don't worry, I didn't risk my life, because as you can see, they are very low houses!
A riguardare queste foto mi sembra di rivivere la stessa pace e sarenità che che si respirava in quel luogo, sarà dovuto anche al colore bianco delle casette??
Di sera la cittadina sembra avere un'atmosfera ancora più magica =)
To look at these photos I seem to relive the same peace and sarenity that was breathed in that place, it will also be due to the white color of the houses?
In the evening the town seems to have an even more magical atmosphere =)
Dovete sapere che il centro storico è diviso in due parti: il centro storico turistico e quello antico. Ora vi mostro alcuni scorci del centro antico dove risiede anche un trullo originale costruito nel 1700.
You should know that the historic center is divided into two parts: the historic tourist center and the ancient one. Now I show you some glimpses of the ancient center where there is also an original trullo built in the 1700s.
Siamo arrivati alla fine di questo racconto di Alberobello, allora che ne pensate di questi trulli?? Vi piacerebbe visitarli oppure ci siete già stati?? Spero che le foto vi siano piaciute e rimanete sintonizzati per la prossima località pugliese =)
Ps: Alberobello nel cuore!
We arrived at the end of this Alberobello story, so what do you think of these trulli? Would you like to visit them or have you already been there ?? I hope you enjoyed the photos and stay tuned for the next Apulian town =)
Ps: Alberobello in the heart!
I have read a very nice article about this town but completely forgot about it so thank you for bringing the memory back :)
I love the architecture. It is so special and different to anywhere else in Italy. I would love to visit this place. Is it too touristy? I don't like places that are too crowded and this is why I ask :)
Have a good day!
It's a bit touristy, but it s not too invasive. There is also a more ancient historic centre nearby, I advise you to visit him because it is really worth it!! Thank you for the comment
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le tue foto sono bellissime! sono stata ad alberobello ma devo dire che le tue foto lo rendono ancora più bello! lo ricordo effettivamente pieno di turisti e di negozietti per turisti, ma forse hai avuto la fortuna di andare in un periodo meno affollato! :-)) la luce della puglia però è strepitosa vero? il cielo cosi blu e tutto si riflette in quel bianco, come da favola...sei pugliese?
complimenti, bel post :-))cara @tinamarr
Forse te lo avevo già detto che sono ligure della provincia di Savona, o forse mi ricordo male io 🤪
Cmq li ho fatto una bellissima vacanza e questo è uno di quei posti che ti rimangono nel cuore x la sua particolare atmosfera 😊
Turisti ce n’erano molti ma ho avuto la fortudi dormire dentro a un trullo x 3 giorni, quindi la cittadina l’abbiamo girata bene 🙃
Mi fa piacere che ti piacciano le foto! Allora vai a vedere anche la prima parte del post (ho messo il link all’inizio di questo post)
Un abbraccio 🤗
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no, non mi ricordavo che sei ligure, ma anche la mia memoria non è granchè buona!!durante quel viaggio noi facevamo base a ostuni e poi ci muovavamo in macchina e quindi siamo andati a alberobello in giornata: immagino che questo renda meno interessante la visita e impedisce di vivere appieno l'atmosfera del trullo !! :-)) andrò a vedere i tuoi precedentii post, grazie !!
Grazie a te! Buona visione 🤗 alla prossima!!
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Ma sul trullo ti sei arrampicata alla meno peggio o c'era un modo per salire? Ti immagino modello Spiderman... 😁
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Ho fatto come Spider-Man quando lancia le ragnatele x poi appigliarsi e volare 🤪
No, in teoria non si poteva salire...
il mio ragazzo, molto più prudente di me, mi diceva di lasciar stare, ma io sono testarda...
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I maschi sono sempre più prudenti, anche mio marito lo è, se non fosse per lui andrei avanti a colpi di testa, non di arrampicate, data la mia nota non agilità 🙄🤔😏😒🤣
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This is probably the 3rd or fourth post I see that reports from some unique town in the Mediterranean. I can't have enough of this amazing towns.
It just blows my mind how neat they are, how beautiful, how well preserved. I can imagine how hrmonious those societies are, just to agree to have all houses painted white.
Those roofs are just so peculiar. They are made of some flint or rock, right?
We see the old B&W picture and we see how the town looks now and it is one of those magical moments where a place looks even better in the present time.
My favorite picture are with the lights on and some daylight still in the background. They really look magical.
I'd love to visit a place like that. I don't know what living in a place like that would be like, but I think I would be happy to spend some time there.
Thanks for sharing such a magical place.
Thank you very much for this post, and this has been so appreciated for so long 🙃
However, I have been informed: The trullo is a type of construction conical in stone.
I had the fortune to sleep in a three - day shaft and it was a unique experience of ☺️ Council for all! Where are you from?
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Cool. So you recommend anyone to sleep in these houses! I wonder do they have heating/air conditioner? I am guessing they don't. Yet, i wonder how they manage summer heat and winter cold.
I am from Venezuela. At some point we had a huge italian population and anything italian was in a way close to our hearts. Now most 3rd and 4th generations have left
we had the air conditioning, with more rooms, kitchen and bathroom: practically a very nice mini apartment inside ☺️
Surely it is a beautiful country also yours, too bad that the Italians have gone away 😔 and where have they emigrated?
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Most of the old generation I know stayed (they say they are too old to re-commence), but most descendant from Italian, Portuguese, Spanish ancestors have one back to their great grandparents countries or somewhere lese in Europe.
Most europeans who came to Venezuela after WWII became a powerful upper-middle class, owners of businesses (restaurants, supermarkets, bakery stores, shoe stores, etc). Most of those business stopped being profitable under the current crisis. Some of them just chaged their line of business, but still (their children became the object of threats and kidnaps; with the money they had they were better off somewhere else)
What a pity! These are sad stories, I feel sorry for this poor people, even here in Italy, they're changing everything: They close up a lot of historical shops and they open up new ones all the time... now I understand, thank you for your detailed explanation 😁
A hug 🤗
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Very rare snaps it seems, Intimes concrete jungles and mall cultures it is refreshing to see such snaps. The roof structure is truly unique and I gone through about this somewhere in the past quiet along time back. The name of that particular stuff is sounds like Truello. Though I know it was belonged to Italy but the the exact place was heard only now, Alberobello.
The blog looks good with some bright sunny Photos that looks like was a perfect day for outing. I will go through the other post too in between.
Have a nice day.
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Thank you very much, ☺️ if you liked to look at the other part of the post (I put the link at first).
Whereas you are?
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Hai detto benissimo, "Alberobello nel cuore", perché quelle stupende e caratteristiche costruzioni ti entrano veramente nel cuore!!
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Thank you so much 😁
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Very beautiful photos of a cozy city!
Thank you 😊
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Wow! This is an amazing place!!! The architecture is surreal. Your photography skills is also great. Thank you for taking us there. 😍
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Thank you so much 🤗
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abitazioni speciali....caratteristiche...affascinanti....con piccoli ma bellissimi interni