we had the air conditioning, with more rooms, kitchen and bathroom: practically a very nice mini apartment inside ☺️
Surely it is a beautiful country also yours, too bad that the Italians have gone away 😔 and where have they emigrated?
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Most of the old generation I know stayed (they say they are too old to re-commence), but most descendant from Italian, Portuguese, Spanish ancestors have one back to their great grandparents countries or somewhere lese in Europe.
Most europeans who came to Venezuela after WWII became a powerful upper-middle class, owners of businesses (restaurants, supermarkets, bakery stores, shoe stores, etc). Most of those business stopped being profitable under the current crisis. Some of them just chaged their line of business, but still (their children became the object of threats and kidnaps; with the money they had they were better off somewhere else)
What a pity! These are sad stories, I feel sorry for this poor people, even here in Italy, they're changing everything: They close up a lot of historical shops and they open up new ones all the time... now I understand, thank you for your detailed explanation 😁
A hug 🤗
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