Please Jeff dont say Germany is attacking Russia. Germany is vasall state of the zionist USA and not at least souvereign in any means. The german army "Bundeswehr" is in the worst status nearly possible. Communist Merkel prepared Germany for this moment in many ways (energy, military etc.) and we are sending the few tanks and other vehicles that are working to Ukraine. So we have not really much left when Russia is going to go big and attack the EUdssr.
But make no mistake. Putin was raised by chabad lubawitsch jews and was a KGB-Agent (he was responsible for "a terrorist attack " even more obvious than 9/11 in Russia). The communists /jews/satanists are still running the show in Russia.
This war runs cleary after a script. State wise there is not a good side besides the side of the commun folks that are suffering. The satanists turned 2 brother folks against eachother in no time sadly...