A WEF-FIE Girl in the Davos World, Pfizer’s Drunken Admission and Hamlin’s Probably Dead

in #jacinda2 years ago

A WEF-FIE Girl in the Davos World, Pfizer’s Drunken Admission and Hamlin’s Probably Dead

The all-Seeing eye of See-BS… can see hooded dead people in an NFL suite but is blind to bad climate change crisis actors, New Nazis in crime positions, and the controlled intelligence narrative of mass shootings.

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Klaus mentioning Putin is a YGL:

Check out today’s video..!


jeff awesome content

If that football player is actually dead and people find out, this would be the biggest controversy we've seen because now they're messing with the "bread and circuses" and for so many sports fans who hate their life, it is their one escape in their miserable existence.

Please Jeff dont say Germany is attacking Russia. Germany is vasall state of the zionist USA and not at least souvereign in any means. The german army "Bundeswehr" is in the worst status nearly possible. Communist Merkel prepared Germany for this moment in many ways (energy, military etc.) and we are sending the few tanks and other vehicles that are working to Ukraine. So we have not really much left when Russia is going to go big and attack the EUdssr.

But make no mistake. Putin was raised by chabad lubawitsch jews and was a KGB-Agent (he was responsible for "a terrorist attack " even more obvious than 9/11 in Russia). The communists /jews/satanists are still running the show in Russia.

This war runs cleary after a script. State wise there is not a good side besides the side of the commun folks that are suffering. The satanists turned 2 brother folks against eachother in no time sadly...

I heard the president of Liberland was at Davos?

I think project veritas is a psy-op viruses don’t exist, when viruses mutate they aren’t as lethal and wuhan is bullshit! The bioweapon is the vaxxines

I had the thought that the video clip Jeff shared was acted out , just another smoke screen. It felt fake to me. I have no belief in physical 'viruses' but here are a few truths I have observed that I think are relevant; people are easily fooled by convincing stories, stories spread like wildfire, stories evolve (people elaborate and exaggerate) and thoughts create dis-ease. Even if 'viruses' only exist as thought constructs, they can still spread and 'infect' people. I am reminded of the idea that the devil's best trick is convincing people he does not exist, it's as though the devil must exist because it is so obvious he doesn't or like when Elon said 'you can tell it's real because it looks so fake'. You can tell the 'virus' is 'real' because it seems so fake and anyone that thinks it isn't 'real' was tricked by the devil!

This may be a clone. A test for the "resurrected" Antichrist. Who is able to die in 2026, but then reappears in 2027. It's supposed to happen before the Great Tribulation. The first 3.5 years is Tribulation. The last 3.5 years is the Great Tribulation, which is worse. Also by doing some math, which is sort of crazy, but I did a video on it:

Basically there was no year 0. So TIME, is the ultimate deception. 3 Antichrists. So, if 666 yrs needs to pass between Antichrists, then the 3rd would come at 3 x 666 = 1998. 33 is a TROPHY to the cult. Because that is when evil hurt God the most, the age that Jesus died. They rape, torcher and murder children, because innocence is colsest to God. So they "hurt" God when they do this. BUT, there is NO year 0. So, in LIFE, you aren't BORN 1 year old. You live 1 year then becom 1 year old. Same for TIME. So technically, we are 1 year ahead of reality. So in GODS time, we have to subtract 1. Including from 1998, which is 1997. GUESS what happened in 1997? Watch the video, it will drag the "there is no coincidence" in front of your face and say, "If that's true, then you better get your shit together!"
BUT, 33 +1997 = AGENDA 2030.
I know... numerology. But it is a "numbers game" Starting with 9-11. We say it NINE - ELEVEN.
9x11 = 99 (3rd coming of evil) 99/3 = 33. 3+3 = 6, So in the numerology. 9-11 is
3+3 and 3+3 and 3+3 or 6-6-6. (to add the final NAIL in that palm- 2001, is 2+1 or 3, the divisional number)
I can go on. If there is a SIGNIFICANT day it will be 9-11-2023. Want more?
There are a total of 6 numbers. 9-1-1-2-2-3. they total 18, which is 6+6+6
This date holds even more ways to get 666 than what I am showing you.
9x11=99 x 2 = 198(lets use all the numbers, you'll understand in a moment) 198 x 2 = 396 x 3 = 1188 Now for the 6's
1198/6 = 198 (23 is really 2x3 or 6) 198 is significant and the 2023 is saying do it 2 times so we get our 2nd 6.
198/6 = 33 remember what 33 is yep, 3+3 =6 and there's another 666
So that day has a real PUSH feel to me, as from that moment (this is considered by some the BIRTH of CHRIST. Many think it is in Spetember not December -we know it's not December.. But what would you think if I said that he was born on 9-11 in the year 0 AD..
I have a real love of math. To me, though it's crazy, 9/11/2030 is Judgement day.

Aannnny how..

What advice would be given for someone that was under attack by their government in canada?

What advice would be given for someone that was under attack by their government in Canada?

What advice would be given for someone that was under attack by their government in canada?