
Because people could and would never create parks voluntarily, except that they have, and do.


was that one created voluntarily or is it publically funded?

Not sure. Your argument lacks logic, though, even if it were publicly funded.

Something is publicly funded =/= That same something could not be privately funded without violence

This should be obvious, but hey, I’ve come to expect no less from statist trolling. ;)

Your argument is "well some may be voluntarily created" mine is "yes, but that one was not" so your argument does not work. Whether it could be voluntarily funded or not does not matter because in fact it was not voluntarily funded.

You enjoying that park is as hypocritical as voting.

Without me trolling you would get bored.

I paid for the damn park. Not hypocritical at all. Try again, Bobby.

Isn't that only because you were forced to through taxation?

=/= I wouldn’t have paid for it voluntarily.

Are you seeing where you are leaping, yet?
You are implying that without forcing people to pay for parks there would be no parks, correct?