A Day in Nature, With My Favorite Guy!

in #japan7 years ago


Just over the ridge, nestled in a quiet, sunny valley, a hidden park. Shhh! Don’t tell mommy! It’s a secret until we show her tomorrow!



We walk down the road, and you break sticks and leave a trail, so we don’t forget the way back to the car. I’m impatient because I’m hunting bees, and want you to walk faster, but you’re so beautiful in your own little world. I’m glad we came here today.


Upon return, we are greeted by a strange guest! A Japanese rat snake! Don’t worry, Mr. Snake, like you, we’re just going about our business. Thank you for keeping the rodents away.


This guest, on the other hand, is not so welcome. Can you spot it? It’s not very easy to see at first.



Today was an excellent day. Nature is a wonderful muse, and my partner is wonderful company.





Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Reading this was very relaxing. Green is my favourite colour and there's lots of it in this post, as there is in the rainforest where I like to go walking. I'm not bothered by the snake, I like snakes. We have lots where I live and none has ever done any harm to me. And your little man is gorgeous. Just a beautiful post from A-Z!

Thank you! My favorite color as well :)
Rainforest sounds amazing. I’ll have to visit someday.

nice park, but damn I can't spot the unwelcome guest, keep looking but can't see it xx

Haha. Just a hornet's nest right by the ridge of the roof.

ah now I see it x

the snake freaked me out. however i love the place already.

Freaked me out, too!

nice photos, but felt scare when i saw the snake.
wonderful photoshots
thanks for sharing

Such a wonderful place but the snake? Hmm...somewhat scary..😄😄😄

Eyes are visible by seeing some pictures that are visible. I want to come back from here, Actually very nice photography. Comparing yourself with your photos themselves.

This spot is really good. Hope u have a good time there. But i am afraid of snake!!

thank God the government enslaved people and robbed them to create that lovely park.

Because people could and would never create parks voluntarily, except that they have, and do.


was that one created voluntarily or is it publically funded?

Not sure. Your argument lacks logic, though, even if it were publicly funded.

Something is publicly funded =/= That same something could not be privately funded without violence

This should be obvious, but hey, I’ve come to expect no less from statist trolling. ;)

Your argument is "well some may be voluntarily created" mine is "yes, but that one was not" so your argument does not work. Whether it could be voluntarily funded or not does not matter because in fact it was not voluntarily funded.

You enjoying that park is as hypocritical as voting.

Without me trolling you would get bored.

I paid for the damn park. Not hypocritical at all. Try again, Bobby.

Isn't that only because you were forced to through taxation?