My scary supernatural experience.. Entry for Supernatural Writing Contest by @jerrybanfield (SWC)...

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)


Hi dear steem fellows.. I am @biyanoor and this is my entry for supernatural writing contest by Jerry Banfield (SWC)..

I am a religious lady belongs to a religious family where prayers are given importance and religion is fundamental part of routine life. My mother shared her supernatural experiences with us since my childhood and i heard a lot of scary stories of demons and genies.. Being a muslim we believe that genies or demons are a supernatural creature of God, live with us on this land and good of them do not interfere in humans life.. Evil or satan is everywhere even in humans or genies both.. Some of demons are good and some are evils friends..

Death of my Uncle..


My story starts when i was 14 years old. I had always some dreams as predictions of any bad incident specially any death in my family since my childhood like i had a series of dreams(dreams in half asleep half awake condition) before deaths of my grandma, uncle ,grandpa's mother and my father also.. Before the death of my uncle i had some strange slumber intervals at different places like in classroom or even during walk.. During this series i had a very light sleep almost awake and i saw my uncle and aunt in grief..

One day i saw that my uncle came and told me that he divorced my aunt.. When i awake i went to my aunt to see if everything is fine as she live in our neighbours and we have a door between both houses.. She was quite fine and was smiling that time.. I did not tell her anything and tried to sense any unusual incident but everything was pretty good.. Next day in slumber i saw my aunt weeping and telling that uncle left her. I was worried and asked her if he divorced.. She looked at me with teary eyes and said no he gone and left me alone here.. I awaked and sensed that something bad is going to happen with our family.. Few days more these slumber predictions disturbed me. One day in the morning at 6am i was sitting on a seat preparing my test and again i hit same condition.. I saw my uncle in white dress standing with the wall joining both houses his eyes were so dead and empty then i heard weeping shrieks of my aunt and scene changed now i saw a dead body in white dress on floor with that wall.. Suddenly scene had gone and my heart was in deep fear i finally got the meaning of my dreams.. I was thinking about these strange dream as i was not lying in bed.. I was still sitting book was in my hand and reading.. Then what was that.. Suddenly phone in my grandpa room rang up and i heard their hollow voice.. He was loudly calling my father and telling about heart attack of my uncle during morning walk.. My father rush to hospital and i was shocked with teary eyes..

I went to my aunt house she was in same dress as i saw in my dream and going to hospital with some holy water for uncle.. She was sure that he will be alright soon.. I had no courage to tell her anything.. This was 1st heart attack and nobody was expecting anything wrong except me.. I prayed a lot for his safety as he was a loving father for me but my heart was hollow and knew that he was no more.. After an hour all came back with dead body..

Same series of dreams i experienced every time when i lost any blood relation.. I never told anyone as i never had courage to tell that something bad is going to happen.. How can i say or even think such heartbreaking things about my loving family members.. To see a dead body in dream in our house before any death is also common among other family members as my sister and aunt also saw dead bodies on floor in their dreams before death of my father but that were nightmares not like my slumbers..

Demon in my aunt's home...


After my uncle's death my aunt is still living in our neighbouring home.. After few years of his death i again had a series of predictions(i say them as these happen before any incident) about my aunt.. One day i was preparing my science practicals notebook and sketching some glomerulus structure.. After completing it i took a peaceful breath and i felt someone pushed me with force and i was standing in our inner courtyard instead of my room looking towards my aunt house.. I saw a greyish black moving cloud on their home.. It was moving and i was feeling its movement is resembling like some layered fabric.. It was only on homes building not on inner yard.. Again something pushed me back and i awaked with my notebook in my hands.. I was also shocked to see that glomerulus was incomplete..i rushed to yard and it was dark of night outside while few moments ago i saw a clear bright daylight.. I thought again that it was a dream..

Next few days i saw same dream so i decided to talk to my aunt.. I went to her and asked her that everything at her home is good? She said it is good.. I don't believe it and i told her about my dreams before uncles death and also what i was seeing nowadays.. She was confused at once and i sensed something wrong.. I come back home and next day in same dream i intentionally focused on that cloud and i shocked that it was a woman and that day i saw her black face.. She was flying like a cloud on house.. That day my aunt come to me and told me about strange things happening at her place.. She was feeling so stressed and tired all time without any prior health issue.. Lights of different rooms were turning on and off, some sparrow flew in rooms and suddenly disappeared, one of her sons was caught severe headache and did not cure with any medicine.. He was on bed and pain was so severe that he was shouted and shrieked with pain.. Money and things were disappearing from home..

I told her that its a female demon.. She was much worried but she is a strong lady.. She went to her mother in law and discussed all things happening with her.. Her mother in law is a pious and virtuous lady and agreed to help her.. She came to my aunt home from village to manage some special prayers.. As demon was so strong that aunt was unable to even recite or read any verses.. That brave old lady started to recite some special verses daily.. After few days of this recitation we saw a horrible scene..

One early morning grandma was reciting, suddenly an injured sparrow appeared and toppled before her. Her wings were bleeding.. Grandma stopped and worried about her as she tried to catch her she disappeared.. Then a scary thing happened that demon was in grandma and she was talking to her.. She was weeping and requesting grandma to stop this recitation as it hurt her alot.. Grandma asked her why she was disturbing my aunts family.. She said she loved the family and wanted to stay with them.. Grandma talked her and convinced her to leave the home.. She agreed and requested my grandma that if she permit her she wanted to visit her occasionally as she was impressed by grandmas power and strength.. Grandma agreed and she left her body..

During this conversation all family members were so scared as two different voices were coming from grandma's mouth, one was her original voice and other was a scary horrible heavy pitch voice resembling dogs barking.. Another clear sound was of heavy breathe coming from grandma’s surroundings..
As she left she never come back to my aunt's home but she go to village to visit grandma once in a month..

Haunted college ground..


When i joined college for graduation,life was rather tough and stressed.. Early days of college were of understanding new environment and people.. From a small private sector school to a big government college life was totally changed.. College was big and consists of 5 blocks, hostel and 13 green grounds decorated with beautiful fruit and flowering plants.. After joining i noticed a beautiful ground with hostel wall surrounded by colorful flowers.. This was a separate ground between hostel and arts block contained hundreds of different flowers, mango trees, palm, orange and guava trees.. In one corner there was an old store room and it was like a bad spot on that beautiful ground.. I often wonder to see other grounds full of crowds and that beautiful one empty..

One day our group was roaming in college and searching some separate place for study circle and we found that ground quite suitable.When we were entering a passing by girl shouted behind that look at the board students are not allowed to enter.. I looked here and there but there was no board on entrance.. I thought the girl was joking and we went into ground and started our study circle.. It was a hot sunny day but grass was so soft and cool.. The environment and surrounding was silent and strange.. We all felt a big difference of climate as we entered ground boundaries.. This was affecting our nerves and we were feeling uncomfortable.. My 6th sense was alarming me to leave the place.. I asked others to go somewhere else but they refused and started study circle.

After 5 minutes we heard different voices coming from that store room.. The room was with broken door and window, had no roof.. There was no one in that room but voices were coming from there and the noise was higher and higher with every passing second.. We were afraid and started to pick our books and bags to leave the ground.. Meanwhile I looked at the room and omg what i saw was so horrible thing of my life... there were clear blood spots on walls can be seen from broken window and door. These spots were making a bloody face in the mid of wall with long hairs and eyes were shining like a small light.. I sparkled my eyes to think that it was my illusion but it was not.. I was feeling anger on that face.. Fear was penetrating every inch of my body i rushed to leave the ground..

My mind was not ready to believe this so before leaving near the boundary i turned my face to that scary room and i always wished i should not do this as what i seen was more horrible than before.. Now there was a girl and a boy standing in window looking at us angrily.. The girl had same bloody face and hairs…

when i was crossing the boundary i saw a board there with clear instructions that students are not allowed.. I wonder many times after that incident that why we did not see it before or where it was gone before.. It was not a dream as five of us saw all these things with our eyes.. 3 of my friends left the college after this scary incident.. One was so scared that she remained sick three months..

Another strange thing the girls outside the boundary did not hear or see anything.. Everything was normal outside the boundary.. I went to principal office to report the incident.. We heard a long lecture there instead of any good words as no one was ready to believe that board was not there.. Then we come to know that ground and room was haunted and owner creature did not like any interference in their property.. After few months college management decided to bulldoze that ground and room and constructed a new block there.. I can't forget this my whole life.. But i was recovered soon with blessings of God..

Demon of hill station..


After 4 months of my graduation i married to a good man and shifted to other city.. After 10 days of our wedding we went to a hill station for honeymoon.. My husband was driving car himself.. This was my 1st and last tour to any hill station.. I was really very happy that time enjoying travel, roads on hills were like big snakes.. We reached our destination at 8pm.. My husband was a government officer that time and we were staying in a big government rest house..

This rest house was no doubt very beautiful and constructed on a big hill.. It was a long drive of 16 hours and my husband was fully tired.. He was not ready to drive more so he parked the car in rest house and told me that we will go to see some nearby markets and food streets of hill station tonight. After checked in and putting our luggage in our room we left the rest house for a short trip..

There was a small road between back side of rest house and hills.. This road was a shortcut to nearby famous market.. we decided to go to market by this road as market was only on 20 minutes walking distance.. We started walk on this road.. We had rest house on our left side and hills on our right.. There were big and old trees on our right side also.. Road was covered with dry leaves of these trees.. Whole road was empty and we did not find a single person on this pavement..

Darkness, intense cold and insects voices were our companion.. I was uncomfortable and again feeling something bad.. After few minutes i heard a jump from tree on my backside.. My husband did not notice.. He was telling me his last trip story.. I turned my face back but i found nothing.. In dim light of street lights whole road was empty on our back.. I was scared as the voice of jump was clear.. After few seconds i heard voice of footsteps coming behind us.. I was hearing someone walking on dry leaves.. I again checked but road was empty.. I told my husband in whisper.. He noticed also and checked many times..

No one was there behind us but someone on dry leaves was walking with us... Now beauty of nature was gone and we were scared only..We started recitation of some verses and after that the voices had gone.. I was unable to enjoy anything.. After visiting market and dinner we come back to rest house by same pavement.. This time there were no voices but every second i felt someone unseen around us.. I was continuously feeling someone's presence.. When we reached our room i recited all words my mother and holy book taught me for protection from evil..

Our room was on second floor.. All 6 rooms were in a line with a long terous in front of all rooms.. Our room was in a corner and there were big glass windows in right wall and back wall.. Attached bath was on left side.. I wanted to tell my husband that i was senses someone's presence but i thought might be it was my fear only and i remained silent.. There were bushes, trees and plants on back side.. I covered the windows with curtains.

Temperature was in minus.. Everything was cold like freezing.. I was unable to sleep.. I was feeling uncomfortable and scared.. Suddenly i heard knock on door.. I was freezed with fear.. It was 1am..

Someone was knocking on door with intervals.. I awaked my husband.. He asked again and again but there was no answer.. Knock was again and again.. I stopped him from opening door.. After some time it finished and we had a sigh of relief.. We tried to sleep again.. I was sure that he was still outside and ll try to frighten us again.. Our bed was with back wall.. Now he come to back window and started knocking and tapping it.. My heart was drowning in a river of fear..

That night was very restless.. He disturbed us again and again.. That night is still fresh in my memories..Next morning my husband asked watchman and cook of rest house about issue we faced but they refused presence of such things there.. I checked back side of our room.. We were on second floor and it was not possible for any man to tap that window without using ladder.. There was no big tree.. The land was uneven and rough there..

We spent two days and two nights there and it was a scary and restless stay.. After that we come back to home.. I was continuously feeling someone's presence even during our back travel i felt someone on back seat of our car.. My husband denied it and said it was my fear due to strange things in rest house.. He was thinking i was disturbed..

Demon at our home..


Actually that things come with us to our home.. And lived with us for next few years.. There is a series of scary incidents we faced in those years.. At night when i closed my bedroom door someone started to push it or knock it with intervals.. It was a daily routine and we were habitual to this soon.. I did not feel comfortable and safe myself even in daylight..

I was strong enough in past to face anything but now i was scared and restless all time.. I felt someone's presence around me all time.. I started to receive anxiety attacks.. Peace of life was gone.. I asked many times my husband to solve this issue but he thought i was only scared due to our honeymoon tour.. After 8 months i come to my mother home for my 1st delivery as it was a ritual in my inlaws..

Few days after my husband called me and told me about some strange things happening with him.. He told that he had water spots on his clothes .. In our bedroom he heard someone unseens sounds of sitting or standing from bed.. His personal documents were missing. One day when he was walking in our street he heard close to his ear some big dog sound of running and taking heavy breath.. This voice remained with him until he reached home.. He was restless and worried.. After my delivery i was more weak to bear any stress.. My condition was worse.

when i come back to home i sensed change in my husbands behaviour.. It was worse time i spent in my life.. Those demons spoiled our life for next two years.. They were playing with my nerves.. Anxiety converted to depression now.. These two years were very difficult for both of us.. During this period they tried to scare my little daughter.. This was peak time when they showed us their face with intervals..

One day They scared her in the form of black cat with big eyes.. Our dining room was in less use and we used it for guests only.. These cats we seen there and then they disappear.. Then We had a series of few more losses.. like one day fire lit in house and burned my daughters clothes.. Our dining table glass suddenly break on its on.. We were tired of these issues and then my husbands passport missed after this he lost his temper and went to a pious man..

we welcomed him at home..He checked our house and we come to know that they were two and came with us from hill station.. My husband was their victim.. That pious man told my husband few verses to read daily and some other things.. My husband started and did it for one month.. During this period he felt a lot of pressure on his shoulders that was enough to break them.. After one month this pressure released.. And he thought they were gone..

But who knows they were gone or still with us as i am still scared and living a miserable life.. I always scared and feeling something behind me..
I still felt presence of someone that irritate me. Who knows they are with us or gone..

Thanks to @jerrybanfield for this contest as it gave me a chance to share the secret part of my life.. God bless you for your good efforts Jerry for steemit community..


it look intresting i will read it later for sure

Thanx.. I ll wait for your precious comments

Did you read it yet? What did you think?

Good story i like it......

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Very intense. I am sorry to hear you live a life still scared of these things. It is difficult to find the right support to overcome these demons. Have you ever read about the archangels? I have called on Archangel Michael to come and take family demons during deep meditation. I even had a few traumatic experiences in my childhood, my father strangling me being one that caused a deep embedded cord of fear that allowed energies related to fear to influence the rest of my energy. I had to meditate on the energy and call on Archangel Raphael for bringing in healing energy and Archangel Michael to safely extract that cord from my energy field. I saw it lift out of me like a metalic cord with an encasement at the bottom.

I believe in God as well as beings of light like angels and other higher vibrational beings. I also know the truth of the lower vibrational beings, demons or angry beings with unresolved karma etc

One thing I want to say is call on the light. We all have family guides of light and healing, and many of us have family demons but we can invite the light to heal them and to take them if we ask. Prayer is a great way but fear definitely draws the demons. I'm sure you know, as a child of god and that within you, your spirit, is a light that can be brightened and grown with the love of God. Positive affirmations help such as,

I am a child of God,
I am protected by the light of God,
Within me, my spirit shines bright with the love of God,
I call on Archangel Michael to come and take any spirits that need to leave the land of the living and return to the realm of spirits
I call on Archangel Raphael to surround me with healing light so that I may be released of this fear and feel the light of unconditional love, that of God.

There are also many other Archangels that can assist with many different, more specific things. Working with the angels will certainly help to bring more light and comfort. Best of luck!

This is a wonderful link, I hope it helps...

and here is one specifically on the angels

There is more information out there of course and if you learn to communicate with the angels they can assist in so many ways.

Hm you are right.. Like your archangels we also have some holy pious men in our city.. We said them aalim.. They always do good job if they are pious not aalim of black magic.. I am happy to meet you.. Nice to hear all these from you..
I also have some magical words.. After so many pushup and courage here on steemit.. I am going to start treatment.. Hopefully i ll get rid of it soon.. But if i fail i ll talk to you surely

Those two links are great because they explain how the angels have come to help humanity. Their mission is to help us overcome these spiritual battles. I am no angel and in general men, or women, often carry with them spiritual karma or debt that can prevent them being fully in their light. The angels however are always in the light, they are beings of the highest vibration and frequency. They are here for all. I was not aware of them when I was small but know they exist and can surely help to bring comfort. I wish you well!

Yeah you are right we learn about angels since our childhood.. Their names and their duties in world.. But few verses from holly book are extremely powerful.. I wonder they work very quickly.. Demons influenced me but did not harm me or enter in me reason behind is daily reading of those verses.. They protected always me.. And will protect me in the future..
Thank you for your concern..hope I ll benifit from your experience in future.. Also you are kind hearted.. Thanx for good wishes

OMG Biyanoor, i was breathless when I read this story, it was scaring but appreciable.I'm amaze how did you type this kind of story.upvoted

Thanx dear.. Yeah it was so difficult to type it.. Thanx for appreciation

Wow, those were some scary times you lived through. It shows me what a strong woman you must be.

Thanx for visiting..
Yeah i think i was.. But after this post i am feeling much better.. I am facing my inner fear with a smile

Ah, so this was one time when talking about it (well, writing anyway) DID help. Maybe just expressing it got it outside you instead of inside. (I was too late to upvote the post, so am upvoting your reply to me.)

Thanx for your support..
Yeah i hope so.. That it ll be outside now.. As sometime your fear is strong and overcome you only due to your cowardness as you intentionally avoide to face it even wish to neva face it..
But i am also trying to recite some verses daily...

I would appreciate that you were strong among all those activities happened with your husband usually girls get scared. But i appreciate your hard work keep it up and keep working like this.
But it was scary. I also feels someone is moving behind me or someone standing far behind me but when i see no one use to be there. May be its my thought because no one in my family see/felt like this.

Thanks.. I ll try to do..
Means you feel someone unseens presense around you.?

Luar biasa tolong votes saya

I cant understand your langyage.. But thanx for visiting

realmente fue interesante leer tu historia muy buena llego un momento que me sentí atrapado dentro de tu relato te felicito

Cant understand your langusge but thanx fir coming and reading my blog

Please don't dream of me. LOL 😂

Hahaha.. So you should be happy that we are not in a blood relation..

Very long and scary story. I am wondering how did you type this long story.

Yeah it took whole night to write it.. I dont wana leave any incident but i had to left few.. Thanx for stoping and giving your opinion..

Hectic stuff @biyanoor ....... I could not stop reading.

Thanx for this comment.. Am consider it appreciation?

Definitely appreciation.... your writing communicated the feelings very well.

Thank you so much
You bosted me
God bless you

Wow reading this was a wild ride and I am now very grateful to feel at peace where I am! Thank you very much for sharing what you see with us because I have hope that sharing this will help it pass!

Thank you.. I commented few minutes ago gmichelbkk to tell my wish to you.. I am really happy you read it.. Only this thing paid my hard work.. Tgank you for coming and reading jerry.. God bless you.. I was depressed yesterday that you had not noticed and was upset.. But now i am happy..

Hi @jerrybanfield I just wanted to make sure you saw my SWC entry. Here is it is. I was also feeling a little down that it would perhaps be lost in the sea of posts you are viewing. But as I see it took some time to respond and share this post I will stay hopeful that you will see mine.

hi @jerrybanfield, i am so overwhelmed right now knowing you are one of the brilliant minds flooding steemit now, i just would like to let you know that i love most of your ideas especially this contest.. i've been meaning to show you my SWC entry.. here is the link

Thank you @biyanoor for writing this story. You have had many experiences and the part where your relative is speaking a second voice is scary! Thank you for your participation in the SWC and I'm sending a bid to a bot now for your upvote.

Ok thank you.. God bless you..

hi sir @gmichelbkk, i am also glad that you have supported my team mentor @ bobiecayao with his entry on the SWC.. here is my entry of the contest sir, this is the link i would be more delighted if you would read it. i asure you it'll give you chills.. :)

It's in the list now @roxyladugal066, thank you for helping me find it.

Some scary stories there @biyanoor, I would have run a mile!

Thank you dear for stopping by.. And leaving a comment.. No need to run a mile.. Here at biyanoor is also some good stuff

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It's very quit interesting and scary story, worth to reading! It's really happens into your real life ?

Yeah.. It was happen.. I am trying to contact you.. Do you have some time...

contact where ?

Via are a talented lady.. I was thinking about a steemian it posible?

Yeah! Sure I share with you my facebOok link...

Ok thank you dear.. I ll talk to you soon..

This post has received gratitude of 7.59 % from @appreciator thanks to: @gmichelbkk.

The picture is so beautiful, the mind is filled with the look

Picture is courtesy of pixabay.. You can find more there.. Do you read my story? Thanx for stoping by

Read ilyastarar post on my blog.. It ll help you to increase quality of your comments..

You certainly have a gift and the dark recognises this. Dont let them win and put you into fear. Stay strong and have faith like your brave grandmother.
Thank you for sharing

Thank you..may be you are right..
I ll try to be strong although its not in my hand.. I am in an unknown fear all time..

No the dark doesn't want you to to realise your ability to hold the love and light and doesn't want you to become powerful.
You maybe a force to be reckoned with if you knew this so they trick you into fear.
Stand in your faith and dont let them feed off your fears.
I will send you love and light but ultimately you need to have courage and faith x

Yeah.. You are right.. So nice encouraging words.. Thank you dear.. Yeah you are right.. Its so nice to meet you.. Yeah i need it both courage and faith.. Also prayers

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What a scary and painful experience... Demons are everywhere. We just have to be more careful and prayerful.

Yeah.. You are right.. God bless you from all scary things

At some point, I concluded they were not true. At some other times, I concluded that even though some bit of it really happened, you exaggerated some part of it. Honestly if those things are happening, I bet it lies with you. So intensify prayers and disengage from any shortcoming before your creator.

Yeah these all things were happen few years ago.. In last 4 years 2 or 3 small things were happen.. Only fear remains with me now.. Hope i ll overcome it someday

You are right.. Sins results in weakness of our strength.. Pray for forgiveness is only solution

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Please avoid such messages.. Read ilyastara posts on my page.. It ll create a difficulty for you

Goooooooseebump story brrrr..... hope i can sleep :D
Next days i will write my story, just need to pick one from many :) would love i you would also follow my ;)

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