While traveling through Samaria, the Savior teaches a woman at Jacob's well that He is the "living water." John 4: 5-29 5 Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph . 6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour. 7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. 8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.) 9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans . 10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. 11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? 12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? 13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst ; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. 15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. 16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. 17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: 18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. 19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet . 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth : for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit : and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth . 25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. 27 And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her? 28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
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John 3:5
King James Bible
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
What do you think that John means when he uses the word "water" in John 3:5 and then again in the passage you have chosen (John 4: 5-29)?
Is "water" the same in both passages? What is it?
I think the water is Jesus himself. So if it's Jesus himself then it's the same in both passages. Let's look at this verse from the epistle of John
We can see clearly that Jesus came by water and blood. So whenever we hear of water been personified in the New Testament, it's highly possible that it's referring to Jesus. And he also said that three testifies. The water, blood and spirit. And now we know that the Spirit is the Spirit of God or the Holy Ghost. The blood and water together is Jesus as I've said earlier.
The following verses clarify my point as the Holy Ghost as a seal
The testimony of Jesus is through His blood. That's he washed us and made us whole by his blood so that he can testify of our faith to the father. Let's consider the following verse which is kind of an analogy between Jesus and a godly husband
Here too we can see the Water. And Jesus's work to testify before the father by the washing of the water.
Just contributing. I hope this might help @onceuponatime and @liondani
It might be helpful to go back to the original Greek in which the Gospels were written to try and come to some understanding. Greek was a much more precise language than English is now. It would be instructive to know if what is being translated as "water" is the same in both passages discussed in my comment - as well as in such passages as where it talks about turning "water" into "wine".
Such a study is on my bucket list :-)
Okay. I'll check it too.
And don't forget that after Jesus "died" blood and water came out of His rips ... He visited the underworld and gave life as a gift, and smashed death to eternal defeat...
Very well put.
???...The knowledge (truth) that we are thirsty to know about and only the holy spirit can give us?
I will try to find out more about it...
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
It is Christ Jesus our Saviour..
thank you for sharing sir @liondani
Καλησπέρα Ντάνιελ, πολύ ωραία δημοσίευση. Να μου επιτρέψεις ένα σχόλιο από αυτά που έχω ακούσει απο τις διδασκαλίες του πνευματικού μου. Ο Κύριος αναφερόμενος στη λέξη διψώ, πέρα από την ανθρώπινη διάσταση του γεγονότος ότι ήταν κατάκοπος από την πεζοπορία αναφέρεται και στο γεγονός ότι διψάει και με ύδωρ της αγαλιάσεως ή και χαράς η οποία θα επέλθει από την σωτηρία της Σαμαρείτιδας και των υπολοίπων κατοίκων της πόλης. Η φράση αυτή επαναλαμβάνεται και κατά την διάρκεια του σταυρικού πάθους του Κυρίου με την ίδια έννοια. Καλό βράδυ.
Goodnight Daniel, very nice post. Allow me a comment from what I have heard of the teachings of my spiritual father. The Lord, referring to the word I am thirsty, besides the human dimension of the fact that he was hurt by the hiking, also refers to the fact that he is thirsty with the water of the exultation or joy that will come from the salvation of Samaritas and the other inhabitants of the cities. This phrase is also repeated during the crucified passion of the Lord in the same sense. Greetings.
Do not forget to be happy mr @liondani 😎
Ισως σε αυτην την φραση να εσωκλειεται ολη η αληθεια του χριστιανισμου.
Και η απλοικοτητα με την οποια της διωχνει τις οποιες αμφιβολιες ειναι μοναδικος.
Καλη Κυριακη να εχεις @liondani
Amen. This is the kind of worship that the Father looks for.

We learn from this, it shows that Jesus is gentle with people of all races, we must be so too ... And we should not believe that some people are evil because they are from a certain race ... Jesus wants to know all the right people who lead to eternal life. We also must want to help people learn the truth.
My dear friend @liondani 👋 , The woman thinks that Jesus speaks of true water, but he speaks of the truth concerning God and His kingdom, and this truth is like the water that gives life, and can give the person eternal life. I know many stories because I live in the place where most of the prophets and apostles lived، thanks so much for sharing a great story , good luck my dear friend @liondani 👍👍😃 , all the best for you 😃😉
Lolz yes i agree with you as concerning what the woman may have perceived from the words of Jesus. It is not the mere water that we drink but the words of the father through his son, Jesus Christ that we may have eternal life. I have some questions for you though, if we don't desire and meditate on the word, does it mean our eternal life is not guaranteed? Is being good and doing good enough to attain eternal life?
@liondani can answer this for me too please :) @dee-y over and out.
The Samaritan woman takes responsibility for her own people. Once she has tasted the truth of the stranger’s words, she runs to her townspeople to share what she has learned. However we interpret the famous lines about the five husbands, she does not think herself unworthy to be the one to tell the good news. And she is fearless in claiming her own power to recognize the one to come, in letting her own experience be the criterion for inviting others to come and see. That experience is familiar to the mystics of all ages: He told me all about myself, he knows me inside and out.
A very important lesson I learnt from this story because I'm very familiar with it, I've always been thought this in church.
Wow, this is a wonderful post from you sir.
Very true, we must worship God in spirit and in truth, for he is a God of truth, he never lies.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us all sir.
«Όποιος πίνει από αυτό το νερό θα ξαναδιψάσει. Όποιος όμως πιει από το νερό που θα του δώσω εγώ δεν πρόκειται να διψάσει ποτέ, αλλά το νερό που θα του δώσω θα γίνει μέσα του πηγή νερού που θα αναβλύζει για να μεταδίδει αιώνια ζωή»
Πόσοι από εμάς όμως τούτο το νερό το πίνουν και πόσοι το πετάνε στο χώμα να σκορπίσει;
My some photowork for you and i will make a post about you




Awesome work man...... Appreciated.
It would seem, however, that this encounter was more than just life changing for this woman and the city of Sychar. This conversation also changed Jesus: ‘I have food to eat that you do not know about’.
And we are reminded that even Jesus was filled and refreshed by doing the will of God.
The true message of the story is about our human thirsts, the greatest of which is for a Savior. Christ alone can fill the hole deep inside of us that we stuff with so many other things on our earthly journey. But when we’ve found Him our lives are transformed and made new.
He is the lord of host and he knows all we need
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He is the water of life and the grace he had given us upon those who have given him honour.
Keep doing the right thing and he the lord will locate you any where you are.
The woman does not know that Jesus is a prophet and that he does the news from God
Jews hate all spectra and return everyone
The Jews killed many prophets and apostles
As Christians we should strive to drink from the water Christ has promised us.. The water of everlasting life,the water that will quench every thirst in life, the water that will wash us pure.
Dear @liondani,
Why did the woman at the well neglect to bring her jar home with her in her rush?
His disciples, upon returning from town, were surprised to find their teacher talking with a woman, and a despised Samaritan at that! The Samaritans were a mixed race and viewed as perpetually unclean by the Israelites.
The woman forgot to take home her earthen vessel made for filling with well water, because she sought instead to be an earthen, human vessel filled with the living water of God’s Holy Spirit.
As the town’s people traveled back to the well with her to meet Jesus, He told His disciples to open their“spiritual eyes” to look upon fields ripe for a harvest of souls. The Samaritans, considered unclean and as Gentiles, were ready to receive Christ as Lord and Savior though they were not purely Jews in genealogy.
Shalom, Steven Sherman @lastdays
If we trust in God we must follow him,if we want eternal salvation He is our Saviour!!!
This is one of the beautiful story in Bible.
Que hermosa palabra
The gift of God is the gift of salvation, which he offers you, so that you may be free from slavery, and you may quench your thirst. Because in such a way God loved us, that he did not spare his son, but gave him up, to give us life and life in abundance.
Thanks for sharing this post with @moniristi...Upvoted and resteem
“Everyone drinking from this water will get thirsty again,” Jesus declares. “Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.” (John 4:13, 14) Yes, though tired, Jesus is willing to share life-giving words of truth with the Samaritan woman.
The woman then says: “Sir, give me this water, so that I may neither thirst nor keep coming over to this place to draw water.” Jesus now seems to change the subject and says to her: “Go, call your husband and come to this place.” She replies: “I do not have a husband.” But how shocked she must be at what Jesus knows when he tells her: “You are right in saying, ‘I do not have a husband.’ For you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband.”—John 4:15-18.
really a holy post i really inspired by the post sir @liondani i observe your attachment with Christianity and Christs teachings and its really helpful for all the Christians to watch the video must cause that teaching is the teaching of humanity and goodness which not only christian but all the human beings should.,
This is exceptional and carries a lot of lessons, the gift Jesus wanted to give was literally not water,because nomatter how we consume it we will stiil be thirsty but it was salvation because who ever he decides to show mercy is saved forever.@liondani i wrote something like this the other day thanks for giving me a new biew on this topic
Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
He that drinks the living water shall never thirst again! Indeed, the Samaritan woman saved herself that day when she decided to give Jesus water to drink. Thanks for sharing.
The Samaritan lady assumes liability for her own particular individuals. When she has tasted reality of the more abnormal's words, she races to her townspeople to share what she has realized. In any case we decipher the renowned lines about the five spouses, she doesn't think herself unworthy to be the one to tell the uplifting news. Also, she is daring in asserting her own energy to perceive the one to come, in giving her own particular experience a chance to be the model for welcoming others to come and see. That experience is well-known to the spiritualists of any age: He disclosed to me about myself, he knows me all around.
A blessed post I extremely propelled by the post sir @liondani I watch your connection with Christianity and Christs lessons and its extremely supportive for every one of the Christians to watch the video must reason that instructing is the educating of mankind and goodness which christian as well as all the people should.
The endowment of God is the endowment of salvation, which he offers you, with the goal that you might be free from bondage, and you may extinguish your thirst. Since in such a way God cherished us, that he didn't extra his child, yet surrendered him, to give us life and life in plenitude.
In Jesus’ day, the Samaritans accepted the books of Moses but did not worship at the temple in Jerusalem. For years they had used a temple built on Mount Gerizim, not far from Sychar, and they continued worshipping on that mountain even after that temple was destroyed. The animosity between the Samaritans and the Jews was evident during Jesus’ ministry.—John 8:48.
Its a real story Its great really great story I like this ... Thanks for your nice story post .. Its really god gifted
Thanks @liondani
This is one sacred writing in the blessed book that never escapes date. In reality the Bible is new every morning.A entire parcel of I spitation to draw from this story. Jesus is seen talking with a corrupt lady and that by itself has a lesson to teach.I have dependably had issues with my mum concerning ladies and unbelievers when all is said in done and this story has dependably been my perspective . Jesus is an ideal case of a man who cherished all and never oppressed anyone. He treated all man alike and that is essentially one of the lessons we can gain from this.
As the Samaritans listen to Jesus, many more believe in him. They tell the woman: “We no longer believe just because of what you said; for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the savior of the world.” (John 4:42) Surely the Samaritan woman provides a fine example of how we can witness about Christ, arousing curiosity so that our listeners will welcome more information.
Jesus is the ace instructor, conveying light to all hearts He meets and astuteness to all who acknowledge him. Much obliged @liondani for sharing this incredible update that all we have and all we are given to us by God.
The work Jesus is talking about is not that of the grain harvest, which is some four months away. Rather, Jesus is referring to a spiritual harvest, as he goes on to show: “Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting. Already the reaper is receiving wages and gathering fruit for everlasting life, so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together.
Meanwhile, the disciples urge Jesus to eat the food they have brought. But he replies: “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” The disciples wonder at that, saying to one another: “No one brought him anything to eat, did he?” Jesus kindly explains with words that hold meaning for all of his followers: “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”—John 4:32-34.
This scripture can be somewhat misunderstood.
Some times, the potential in us is devide for abstract use,which is against the original plans of God.
After this woman head the word,she went into the city and proclaim christ.
Thats evangelism.
Sir really very intresting post .. now I am your big fan .just amzing post sir ..
Very nice video sir
.Follow, Upvote & Resteem this post ..
& I am waiting for your next post
This is one scripture in the holy book that never gets out of date. Actually the Bible is new every morning.
A whole lot of I spitation to draw from this story. Jesus is seen speaking with a sinful woman and that alone has a lesson to teach.
I have always had issues with my mum concerning women and unbelievers in general and this story has always been my point of reference . Jesus is a perfect example of a person who loved all and never discriminated against anybody. He treated all man alike and that's basically one of the lessons we can learn from this.
Another lesson that can be drawn from this is generousity . The woman attracted favour through generousity. This is one we should emulate and I must say a big thank you for sharing this at a time like this.
Jesus the only way, true and life! Thanks for the great post @liondani
Jerusalem is a holy place. The woman and Jesus story is amazing.
Seeking God first in all our doings.
Jesus is the master teacher, bringing light to all hearts He meets and wisdom to all who accept him.
Thanks @liondani for sharing this great reminder that all we have and all we are are given to us by God.
No shame to learn anything from anyone. For this reason, Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman.
nice writing sir...
For Jesus is the living water and he who drinks from it shall never thirst again. Thanks for the scripture, reminding us of our christian faith.
@liondani, where have you been. Been long I saw your post
He sure was a person of hope and mercy.
Καλά εκανες και μα το θύμισες..
δε έχει σημασία αν είσαι εβραίος η Σαμαριτης,αρκεί πιστέψεις στον ίδιο Θεό...
Καλό απόγευμα..Γεια σου @liondani, ωραία παραβολή.. Όλοι παιδιά του ίδιου Θεού είμαστε..
Great passage. It is my understanding that she had these five husbands because she was baron and could not conceive. She was not a prostitute. Thanks for the meditation today.
Μερικές φορές σκέφτομαι πως στις μέρες μας κανένας δεν θα τον πίστευε και θα τον έπαιρναν για τρελό, ή θα τον απέφευγαν από φόβο. Θλιβερό.
Ο Θεός είναι αγάπη, πρέπει πρώτα να την έχουμε μέσα μας για να μας φανερωθεί.
Το νερό του κυρίου είναι το φάρμακο της ψυχής και του σώματος του ανθρώπου...
Wow ... Very Nice post Thanks for sharing your great post .. I Really impreshed you ...
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