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RE: Χερουβικός Ύμνος - Cherubic Hymn

in #jesus7 years ago

Orthodox Chant sharing. Giving me most inspiration via listening. I checked how to learn those tones via web and founded best educative one.@liondani, Absolutely interesting to hear

A self-study tool that introduces the singer to the eight tones of Common (L’vov-Bakhmetev Obikhod) and Kievan Chant. Illustrates tonal patterns for singing stichera. Future sections will treat psalm verses, troparia, and kanons. The scheme of the tutorial is to break down each tone and identify each of its musical phrases. The sequence for the proper use of the melodic phrases is fully explained as well as the “formula” (intonation patter, recitation pitch of the body of the phrase, and cadence) for each melodic line. All phrases are illustrated with musical and textual examples. Recorded choral demonstrations of the written examples for each tone are presented, including full (SATB) choir, and individual lines for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.

Here's 08 Stichera tones indeed. I have no longer experience how to study. But I think near by my catholic father give good help. This hymn invites us to walk with Jesus Christ on the path of martyrdom that leads to the sacrifice on the Cross, setting aside every worldly care we may have.

The soul of a Christian who has not learned how to become alienated from worldly cares during the Divine Liturgy, will never be able to admire the all-heavenly... Mind and heart will not be glorified in splendor by the inconceivable grandeur of the heavenly Altar and the angelic hymns" (P.G. 47, 414). Now is the time to set aside all worldly cares and focus exclusively on Christ our Savior. This includes all the thoughts of family, our jobs, all our worries, and our trials and tribulations. Fill the mind instead with Christ: "Lord have mercy on me.- Saint John Chrysostom

Lot of Cherubic Hymn's found from myself and every once given inspiration and I wanna go deepest world via expand my mind soul. Sure...I can control my mind and then thoughts through Cherubic Hymn. When the choir intones the other-worldly supplications of the Cherubikon, even the most theologically unschooled person present in the church can discern that a kind of awe inspiring, wondrous veil falls over the worshipers gathered together. Actually you change my mind before one hour and given especially thanks to you. I'll learn more and start a studying. God bless you.. Amen.