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RE: The #JoinHive Twitter Gif Creation Contest

in #joinhive4 years ago

Awesome, @pacolimited - love that gif! I also realize that I wasn't entirely clear with what I wanted for the tweet, so I've edited it into the post (what a difference two words can!).

So instead of...

Tweet out the gif with the tags, #Hive #JoinHive and at least TWO others from the list in this awesome post by @revisesociology (or any other non-Hive tag that's currently trending).

It's now....

Tweet out the gif with the reason, the tags, #Hive #JoinHive and at least TWO others from the list in this awesome post by @revisesociology (or any other non-Hive tag that's currently trending).

I still consider this a valid entry since it was my goof, but if you could retweet this and add in the reason people should join Hive, that would be cool. Thanks again for your entry!