The #JoinHive Twitter Gif Creation Contest

in #joinhive4 years ago (edited)


Twitter accountdealing with personal matters), so no word on whether or not this is a permanent thing.Before I get started on the contest, I wanted to take a quick moment to mention that as of yesterday, @theycallmedan's , which had been under a "temporary suspension" (most likely due to a mass reporting attack) has now been suspended, and all of his tweets have been deleted (also, while I'm not sure it's related, I noticed yesterday that the Twitter account for @moeknows also has a "temporary suspension" notice on it). Dan was aware of Twitter's account lockout a couple of weeks ago, but he's been mostly offline lately (my assumption is that he's

However, in an awesome show of solidarity, a whole bunch of #HiveTwitter accounts changed their display names to, "They Call Me" with their user name. It's been a wicked cool thing to see evolve, and it's also a sobering reminder that unlike here on the blockchain, your Web 2.0 social media accounts & their contents are subject to the whim of big corporations. Personally, I think it's all the more reason to continue using those platforms to spread the word of this amazing place where you own your social media and earn crypto to boot!

Speaking of, now on with the contest!

#JoinHive Twitter Gif Creation Contest

In the almost three years (September 22nd is my official blogiversary) I've been on the blockchain, I've developed a bit of a reputation. No, no - not that kind of rep... well, not exactly anyway, but there was that one time... although there's no proof... at least, I think I destroyed all the pho... wait, what was I saying?

Oh yes, I've gotten to be fairly well known for my gif creations. Not in the same way talented folks like @doze, @stellabelle, @derangedvisions, & others actually create their masterpieces - I'm more of a slap & dash gal, who takes existing pop culture-type gifs and adds text and/or Hive logos to 'em.

It's really much simpler than you'd think, which I'll explain later in this post. First, here are the specifics of the contest -

To enter the contest

  • Find a gif that represents a reason you think someone should Join Hive (which happens to be another Hive Contest). GIPHY and TENOR are two of the best places to browse for ideas. You can also create one either from scratch, or by modifying an existing gif (ways to do so explained below)
  • this awesome post by @revisesociology (or any other non-Hive tag that's currently trending).Tweet out the gif with the reason, the tags, #Hive #JoinHive and at least TWO others from the list in
  • Drop the link to your tweet in the comment section of this post
  • Enter as many times as you like, but only one entry per person into the drawing.
  • THIS POSTOPTIONAL - add your referral link from @hiveonboard (details in ) either in the original tweet, or as a reply to it. Who knows, someone might see your gif and be inspired to join, and you can give the current top two (@soyunasantacruz and @jeanlucsr are tied for first place, and @femcy-willy is close behind) a run for their money!

That's it!

Here are a couple of example tweets - one with a gif I found just from searching Twitter's gif library (yes, I know I said "gif creation" contest, but the main idea is to share a gif that represents a reason to join Hive, so I'm allowing some wiggle room 😊 ) -

And one I created by adding a logo to a gif I found on Giphy -

~~~ embed:1306718136658464768 twitter metadata:SGl2ZUJsb2dTaGFyZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9IaXZlQmxvZ1NoYXJlL3N0YXR1cy8xMzA2NzE4MTM2NjU4NDY0NzY4fA== ~~~


As I said on Twitter, I originally had a different prize pool to offer but since Dan was my sponsor and as I said, is currently AFK, I'm not able to offer quite as much as I'd hoped. However, the main idea of this was to create some awesome gifs to go along with Stella's Join Hive initiative that's going on for the month of September (again, check out THIS POST for info), while also answering the call for a quick gif creation tutorial. Also, according to the Twitter poll I did yesterday, most folks feel that for this contest , "the fun is the prize."

HERE and if you love being able to tip people on Twitter like I do, be sure to show your support!So, after this post pays out in a week, I'll do a drawing from all of the valid entries, and 10 people will each receive a Hive Tip from me on Twitter, thanks to that awesomesauce @HiveTips browser add-on from the folks at @fullalt! Speaking of, if you haven't voted for the Hive Tips proposal yet, check it out

Oh, and all of my favorite created gif entries will also be uploaded to both the Official Hive Gif Libraries - HiveGifs on Tenor and HiveGifs on Giphy!

How to Gif

For me, the simplest way to create a gif is to find one I like, then use the Create function on Giphy (you do need to sign up for an account to use this function, but it only requires an email & password to do so). The creator itself is pretty self explanatory, but if you have any questions, please feel free to shout out. Here's a screenshot, to give you an idea of how it works...


If you want to add a Hive logo, or any other sort of overlay to the gif, my go to website is ezgif. It also has lots of features for adding text, cropping, optimizing, and other cool things, but for simplicity's sake, here's another screenshot showing where to click to add a logo/overlay...


And here are a few of the logos I use in the gifs, all with transparent backgrounds...

I have a bunch in various sizes and transparencies, but those should be a good starter set for now.

If there's interest, I might do a more in-depth tutorial on customizing gifs in the future, but for the purposes of this contest, those two options should be enough. Again, please feel free to shout out with any questions, and...

Happy gif creating & tweeting!


Blog thumbnail created on Canva


Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...


Hi, this is my entry for the Gif contest

Excellent job, @eve66! Thanks so much for joining in!

Thank you

And as an extra thanks for your entry, @eve66... !ENGAGE 25

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Thank you for your support

Won't have time to get a GIFY going unfortunately this week Traci will support you and others who join. Have fun and keep going!

Awesome @joanstewart - I really appreciate your support! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 😊

And as a thank you for your tweeting & awesome support, @joanstewart... !ENGAGE 25

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

My entry, thanks for making this dear Traci. Excited more of the GIF we can see for this contest.

I'm also excited that I remembered today that I can do this for everyone that enters, @hiro-hive... 😊 !ENGAGE 25

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

You are the busiest person I know when it comes to marketing the HIVE Blockchain Network! I like making gifs, so here is my submission...

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

And I've been so busy that I'm just today doing this for the first time for the comments on my post, so as an extra thanks for entering the contest, @sgt-dan... !ENGAGE 25

Thank you!

Busy Bees on HIVE!
You're the bestest!

Aww, thanks @sgt-dan! And nicely done! 😊

Now that I know how to use this, and as an extra thanks for entering, @jenina619 - !ENGAGE 25

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.


Thank you for entering -

@pacolimited @eve66 @hiro-hive @jenina619 @sgt-dan @plantstoplanks @fionasfavourites @xcountytravelers

Since @hivetips is undergoing maintenance at the moment (and Twitter is being a bit glitchy), I'll be sending your prizes at some point in the next day or two. I'll do an wrap-up/announcement post when they're back online, so you'll know to check out Twitter for your tips. If for some reason Hive Tips is still offline at that point, I'll just transfer the prizes to your Hive wallets. Thanks to everyone for your wicked awesome entries!

And thank you for doing this! Seems there has been a problem since Tuesday. @pixiepost tried to tip me for a #HiveChat tweet and twitter deleted it. Urgh!


Awesome, @pacolimited - love that gif! I also realize that I wasn't entirely clear with what I wanted for the tweet, so I've edited it into the post (what a difference two words can!).

So instead of...

Tweet out the gif with the tags, #Hive #JoinHive and at least TWO others from the list in this awesome post by @revisesociology (or any other non-Hive tag that's currently trending).

It's now....

Tweet out the gif with the reason, the tags, #Hive #JoinHive and at least TWO others from the list in this awesome post by @revisesociology (or any other non-Hive tag that's currently trending).

I still consider this a valid entry since it was my goof, but if you could retweet this and add in the reason people should join Hive, that would be cool. Thanks again for your entry!

And because it just occurred to me earlier today that I can do this... !ENGAGE 25

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Umm...I only get points for trying lol

Oh, awesome @fionasfavourites! And you made it with plenty of time to spare - thanks for jumping in!


You are welcome. I may have to try doing that again... lol

So thank you, too, for the nudge...😀

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

In your honor, I have squeaked by at the last minute by the seat of my pants...

LOL! Nope, by my clock you still had plenty of hours left before the deadline, so well done @plantstoplanks! Love the gif choice too - thanks for entering!



Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 23 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Yeah, they done went and suspended me. It's crazy how they really have no desire to explain themselves whatsoever. No communication at all. They want me to dox myself so that they can associate a phone number to my account. I don't want to do it. I consider a lesson learnt. I don't know why I ventured back out into web 2.0.

Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that, @moeknows. And I hear you - if it weren't for trying to reach out to people about Hive (and connecting with the writing community on Twitter), I'd be done with other social media too. It was nice tweeting with you, while it lasted, and at least you're still here on chain. 😊

Yep. I wish I could get on and take part in the support for @theycallmedan. I might get back on there just to spite them.

It could be a new battle cry sorta like "Who is John Galt".

I see that you did - awesomeness, @moeknow! 😎

WHO is "them"? does anyone know why dan's twitter was suspended?

Them is twitter, and if Dan is in the same boat as me, I doubt he knows why his account was suspended. I think that all it takes is for some admin somewhere to decide they don't like you to suspend your account. Since they won't reply to appeals, they don't ever have to even acknowledge that they did that.

its nuts. i went to dan's blog here and he has not been active. how to get in touch with him? disocord?

Not sure, but 3speak still has a twitter. I bet they can get in Touch With him.

Thank you so much for doing this

You're very welcome, @nathanmars - thanks in return for your support! 😊

Can I make several Gifs?

Yes, @eve66 - you can make as many as you like! While you'll only get one entry into the drawing, any gifs you create might be added to the Hive Gif Libraries, so go for it and have fun! 😊

Thanks friend for the mention, this contest has me working hard 😅😂

I don't know anything about editing, but I'm sure I'll learn in the future, I hope to see great gifs participating in your idea @traciyork

You're very welcome, @soyunasantacruz! No worries if you can't edit a gif - if you want to participate, just finding one that represents a reason to join Hive works. And I'm already seeing some great gifs - this is going to be wicked cool! 😊

Already shared in our #conteststoenter channel at @theterminal... as always, appreciate your continued positive energy dear friend... !tip

And I appreciate your support & your tip - thanks so much, @wesphilbin!

Check out @wesphilbin blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @traciyork! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @wesphilbin!

@theycallmedan just checking to see what's going on with you..

Hello @traciyork! This is a very fun idea. Guess I need to try my hand at it!!!!!

Well, it took me a long minutes to figure it out, but here's my tweet link! It is my sweet Chihuahua Snickers. She loved to talk to me. I am sure the conversations would have all been about me blogging so I could afford more treats for her.

I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Oh my gosh, I could sit and watch Snickers telling people about Hive for hours! Your long minutes of trying to figure it out were well worth it, @xcountytravelers and thanks so much for participating!


You are so welcome. I am trying to get back into the "making videos" groove. She just looked like she was talking.