Howdy! Thanks for the informative post. I followed the link about maximizing your vote through dustsweeper. You and I have spoken about this before, and I think I'm going to jump in and do it this time. Thanks largely to your great explanations, I'm starting to understand it enough to feel confident using it. Dustsweeper here I come!
Also, I was quite excited about point number 3 regarding formatting in markdown. I've looked online for how to change font colors and formatting, but haven't found anything beyond the super-basic. Alas, the link you posted didn't work for me. Page Not Found. Any chance you could drop a new link in the comments for me so I can try it again?
Thank you I will see what I typed wrong.
Okay I have it fixed now, sorry about that I usually check all my links after posting, guess I forgot on this post. Should work now.
Awesome, thanks! You'll know if it worked if my next post has centered headings. 😁😀😁