If your first move is to reject the idea of replacing a judge by an artificial intelligence, keep in mind what is a judge function : he must synthesize thousands pages, read expert reports, check legal texts and the related case, and all this before making a decision!
Titan work
Many judges complain how overloaded they are, the lack of resources and describe their work as a titan task. All this impact their decisions which are not always made in the most perfect rationality. Do not forget that external factors can sometimes skew their judgment. Media coverage of a trial have impact on judge’s decision, often making them more severe.
To avoid all these errors and psychological biases, it would be ideal if justice could rely on artificial intelligence. Some American law firm already use it since last June. IBM created Ross, a software able to analyze tons of jurisprudence, to grasp their meaning, their degree of application to a specific case and bring reasoned answers to questions. Maybe they are the first to do it but I'm pretty sure others will follow.
Need for speed
Of course, some will say that this is impossible, like in crime cases where the intimate conviction of the jury is required face to an uncertain guilt. For these sensitive cases, the intervention of a judge, a human is required.
But for the vast majority of cases that go to court are classic ones : trade business, divorce, neighborhood problems, etc. And for that majority of cases, artificial intelligence can be more effective because it can digest and interpret in seconds all similar cases and all past judgments, adapting his decision to the new case.
This will help us to speed up procedures and avoid years of delay.
We do not have the choice
In fact, we do not even have the choice to refuse the use of artificial intelligence. Why ? Because in a near future, with autonomous cars and trucks and billion items permanently connected to the internet - drones, robots, fridges, intelligent buildings - the Internet of Things will become the primary source of litigation in case of failure and/or accident. To reject usage of artificial intelligence would paralyze and suffocate Justice.
I expect passionate debates to come …
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We should replace the entire justice system with Gremlins. They'd even do better. They have ideals!
Lol. It would be worthwhile to discuss.