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RE: Keychain Store v0.5

in #keychain4 months ago

I still don't understand why developers include the HBD price shown by coingeko or coinmarketcap, which is the one Upbit has.

I hope the day will come when we have a developer that shows the actual HBD (internal market) price. At the moment this tool is of no use, it only causes confusions to be generated.


Do you know by any chance why those sites focus on this odd pricing on upbit? I hardly know this one, I've never used it. Why the price is so weird and why coingecko picks it? Is it some, for example, china-only market, accessible only to them, that's their actual price for hive, and it has so gigantic volume/24h that coingecko picks it as the best estimate, or something like that? I remember wondering about ridiculous hive prices on coingecko -years- ago, it feels insane to me to not fix that "obvious error" and even more insane to actually rely on coingecko for hive if the price is "still wrong".. so... maybe that's not an error, price is right, and it's just I'm dumb not to see something?

It is because coingeko uses the CEX apis and Upbit is the only one that has HBD listed. There they manipulate the price for them and it only serves to confuse.

Someone at Hive should develop a dapp that shows the price of HBD from the domestic market, they can even average between the different swaps. However they go the easy way of connecting to the coingeko API even if it is wrong.
Imagine if inside Hive this bug exists, how an external investor could discover it. On the contrary, they would think that HBD is less stable than it is, since in Upbit the price is more volatile.

And of course, to ask coingeko to show the real price, you first have to offer the tool that gives it.

Wow so that's why it's stuck with it.. I remember now-dead Bittrex was a bit special and very handy for me with that it was one of the very few exchanges at the time that also listed HBD. I see how easily Upbit can seem to be the single 'source of truth' simply since HBD now listed by none, or almost none.
