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RE: Keychain Store v0.5

in #keychain2 months ago

I'm also surprised to see CoinGecko. I'm not very active, but for the last few years, every single time I check the coingecko's price estimation, it's very noticeably different than on exchanges like bittrex, binance, well, ok, bittrex is dead now, I didn't got used to that yet :) but I'd really like to hear others' opinion on that - because - if it really is that bad as it seems to me(*), why it's still used?

(*) let's say, typical 7-10 to even 20% difference? Long time ago I tried to guess what's the deal - and it seemed to prefer the prices on something like 2-3 exchanges with very odd prices, some new china-based exchanges I never heard aboout, while ~10 other exchanges I've seen for years all had their hive/hbd prices mostly equal.