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RE: I'm Still Alive! Sorry for Going Dark Recently...

in #klye4 years ago

Sunlight should help, if you can get 15mins a day up there, you will come out happier for having taken the time, in time.

It takes 10 days in 30 with direct sunlight, no shirt no shoes, to get the vitamins d and c going again.
While more is not always better, none is hazardous to your health and bones.

I'm expecting a lambo from all the dough I got tied up in you, I'm hoping you persist to achieve this.
Please get your 40 minutes a week in direct sunlight nearly nekkid, eh?
I'll take your word for it, no pics necessary.



I've actually been going for smokes with my shirt and shoes off trying to soak up some sunlight.. WHo knew being a basement dweller that effectively was sitting stagnant in a chair for 16+ hours a day without proper nutrition or sunlight would cause nasties to grow in / on a person? :P