I'm Still Alive! Sorry for Going Dark Recently...

in #klye4 years ago

Sometimes the universe has a tendency to take the momentum I've generated in regards to development and business building and throws a massive sickly curve ball at it to try and knock the wind out of my sails. Over the past 3 weeks or so I've been laid up in bed mostly trying to regain my health. Seems that I'd run myself into the ground health wise in the prior months and ended up agitating my resident feet demons. The same sickness that put me on IV antibiotics a few years back was trying to rear its ugly head, with my feet effectively turning into an infected red hot burning mass of flesh. A combination of excessive time spent sedentary in front of the computer, less than optimal diet and large stress load caused by spreading myself thinner than I would like in regards to the HIVE based businesses I'm trying to create and/or keep running.

Delays, Dysphoria and Disease

While I try my best to stay healthy, focused and productive it's come to my attention that I've developed a cyclical pattern of over exerting myself for periods of time while focused on development which leads to self neglect causing health issues. In some demented form of self fulfilling prophecy I'm inclined to work myself into a position where my health declines to the point I'm no longer able to focus on what I need to be focusing on.

I love building here on HIVE through coding, but I don't like the way that I've normalized running myself into the ground trying to push things out under timelines that at first glance seem realistic but upon getting into the "thick of the shit" cause me to panic and burn myself out mentally and health wise. I've probably got some underlying health issues such as deep vein thrombosis and/or a systemic candida infection that causes these crashes in my health and once the hospitals slow down a bit here locally with the COVID horseshit I'm going to go get bloodwork and a physical done to see if the underlying root cause (besides poor diet and poor lifestyle choices) can be dealt with.

I'm tired of getting sick when I try to put in above average work hours for more than a few weeks at a time. It is embarrassing to have delays in production of services and businesses I'm working on creating due to my health starting to fail when I need it the most.

Fixing Problems Stemming From Within

Could sit here all day listing reasons why my health is in decline after abusing my body and mind pulling long hours.. but frankly the true root of the health issues I've been experiencing is my own patterns of living ad I'm acutely aware of this now. While the underlying health issues caused by infection likely need some heavy duty antibiotics to truly be defeated.. it seems that eating properly, taking breaks every hour to get up and stretch my legs to help improve circulation and being aware that my energy supplies and health are not infinite are helping.

Behind schedule on basically everything, and for that I apologize. Hopefully in this next week or so I can begin to muster more productive hours than I am currently able to put forward.

Being sick fucking sucks, but I'm almost certain I've figured out the cause of it now.. So it's jut a matter of limping myself along until I can get in for a physical and bloodwork to confirm my suspicions and then hopefully move on to some IV antifungals and antibiotics to mop up whatever the hell seems to be trying to take my feet and health from me.


All good mate .... get well soon!

Thanks captain. Working on it. Need to keep moving forward even if I feel like a bag of smashed assholes.

If your feet are itchy and red, Blue Star Ointment is your friend.
Don't trust any doctors alive today, they have been screened to be people that need your money more than they need you.

This stuff cures mange in dogs.
Ringworm, too.

It is a 100 year old skin irritation formulation.
I use it all the time to tame flames in the nether regions and between the toes of my feet.
Amazing stuff.

Warning: The more it burns, the more you needed it.
Use it sooner next time, if it burns.
It usually quits burning in a day or two depending on the depth of the inflammation.
It doesn't burn the whole two days, just when you apply new.
It does stop burning in what may seem an eternity, but is really only a few minutes.
Use it sooner, if it burns.

Dose lightly at first to manage the burn, eh?

I didn't get the benefit of these words of warning, I found out the hard way, and then found out a couple more times, then I started keeping a steady supply to avoid the burning all together.


Thank you for this information. I think what I had started out as ringworm or athletes foot then with improper nutrition decided to start eating it's way inside. I'll see if I can find some of that up here to start treating my limbs. Thanks again man.

Sunlight should help, if you can get 15mins a day up there, you will come out happier for having taken the time, in time.

It takes 10 days in 30 with direct sunlight, no shirt no shoes, to get the vitamins d and c going again.
While more is not always better, none is hazardous to your health and bones.

I'm expecting a lambo from all the dough I got tied up in you, I'm hoping you persist to achieve this.
Please get your 40 minutes a week in direct sunlight nearly nekkid, eh?
I'll take your word for it, no pics necessary.


I've actually been going for smokes with my shirt and shoes off trying to soak up some sunlight.. WHo knew being a basement dweller that effectively was sitting stagnant in a chair for 16+ hours a day without proper nutrition or sunlight would cause nasties to grow in / on a person? :P

Take it easy neighbor!

Thank you captain!

Missed your face! 😀


You are a great person and I would be very sad if you disappeared.

I've got a dead man's switch set up in the off chance I end up disappeared. Granted I'm not at a place where I'd be comfortable dying yet.. Still some things I have to fix before I can peacefully die, granted that is not the plan.

On the off chance I get "Suicided" know that I'd never do that shit as well.

Where'd you go....

You got this king ! 🤘🏼

no u

It’s always worth it checking with a doctor.
I have bipolar friends that in manic episodes can work 20 hours a day in multiple projects at a time for days or weeks, and then crash during the depressive episodes.
Worth checking to get it off of the list.

Yep. The bipolarism I exhibit has a similar path.

Working myself into sickness has been a common occurrence over the past few years and while I struggle to maintain balance with it, I'm acutely aware of the issues now.

I've got no health number or ID so it makes going to a doctor a tad more difficult than I'd like to admit.. Yet another thing in my life I'm trying to get rectified.

Appreciate the share of your friends situation. It's all too eerily similar to my own.

I thought I had it because I sometimes felt very motivated and sometimes very unmotivated, I say “to tick it off the list” because in my case the doctor, after following and monitoring me for 2 or 3 years (healthcare here is not expensive) said:

“nope, you are fine you just overthink it, what you think are episodes are just you feeling normally up or down and happens to everyone”

Ah, yeah that makes some sense. Over thoinking can be brutal.

Was diagnosed with Manic Depression at twelve years old.. I'm well into my thirties now.
They don't call it Manic Depression anymore though. They call it Bipolar. Gift and a curse.

Damn, hope you "fix" the problem with your health! That doesn't sound fun at all :/

Im just glad you are ok more then anything
Anything else can just wait, we can all hold :)




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