
Not the attitude to have when I'm polite about telling you to bugger off with spamming your link on my post man.. If you're going to be a jackass and spam your stuff on my post it's only a matter of time before you end up with your account rekt again.

Treat people like you want to be treated.
I wouldn't come spam on your post, Show me the same respect.

Edit: He finally removed the link then revenge flagged me.. lol ironnyyyyyy

Not defending him, cause I despise post spamming within other threads too, but I think he genuinely didn't know what you were talking about and thinks this post should have more upvotes (which it should).

Also, his comment is extremely relevant to the thread. Still think he should remove it, just sayin' :)

@jaycobbell remove the link please

you had a winky face at the end of your comment, i totally thought u were joking about me spamming. I have removed the link now, just need to ask next time. My link was totally relevant to your blog. I even upvoted both your comment, your blog & complimented your blog by saying it should be trending. fuck u man seriously. im revenge flagging you!

Don't let the winky face fool ya man. It's pure evil I tell ya!

Thanks for removing the link. I apologize for the flaggin'!
I can see how your link may have held relevance to you.. But still poor form imho.