Why Revenge Flagging Doesn't Work

in #klyeart8 years ago (edited)

A short illustrated guide on revenge flagging and why you shouldn't do it!

So you've just finished thieving a bunch of well written content or photos from some website and proudly cobble up some barely passable wordy bits at the top to hopefully fool folks into thinking you've written the article. As you hit the post button on Steemit your lazy, scam filled heart hopes some god-whale such as @berniesanders upvotes you so you can continue to ride out your sad little life not really doing much nor contributing to anything...

In strides the untold heroes of our story!

A mysterious team of users work together to help protect Steemit from foolish content thieves trying to reap profits off of other folks hard work. This team of unsung heroes comes from a diverse background and from all walks of life. It's made up entirely of the community, you're actually part of this team already!

Would-be scammers get justice they deserve in the form of heavy flaggings!

Some thieves that get flagged for content theft do the right thing afterwards..

They apologize to those they've stolen content from, the people who were forced to flag them and the community for being such a shady character. I've seen a handful of plagurist / content thieves get caught, denounce their scammy ways and go on to create great content. If you believe you've been wrongly flagged check out https://steemit.chat/channel/steemitabuse-appeals

Sadly and far more troubling... is when the recently caught thieves take a different approach and lash out, casting hateful words, threatening users and sending revenge flags onto our noble heroes original content...

What they fail to realize is that the hate and revenge flagging is FUTILE.

But WHY is all of the content thieves hate and revenge flagging futile?

The answer lies hidden within the recently implemented reputation system which @dantheman has created for Steemit using his "highly erotic" code wizardry. In some cases after a content thief has been spotted, had his stolen content and account "flag nuked" into oblivion and had their reputation left highly damaged they proceed to cast flags on all users involved in heroically smiting their scammy selves. Unfortunately for the content thieves (and fortunately for our heroes) they are unable to flag with any sort of effect due to their now heavily tarnished reputations. This however doesn't seem to stop people from engaging in the childish behaviour we know around here on Steemit as revenge flagging.

Once you've been caught thieving.. bow your head and apologize.

Getting upset and childish after being caught only makes you look guilty.

Once your account reputation is hurt, your flags do very little.

Push yourself to be a better person if you're caught up in plagiarizing.

Thank you for reading this article. I hoped you learned something!


This post is worth gold Klye! Man you kick ass!

<3 Thank you minion. Much appreciated dude!

You are getting better at paint mate.

I'm not sure about that... But I appreciate the kind words!

Butthurt flagging wars are so silly. Especially when the person makes a bunch of alt accounts. Like really, do these people have nothing better to do?

Sadly it seems they do not. :/

Great post klye. Can´t get enough of your style :-)

Thanks Shaka. I dig your miniatures stuff something fierce.

This post is worth gold Klye! Man you kick ass!

Beautiful piece of work here folks!

good article - my old primary school teacher use to 'chant' the saying - if you cheat your only cheating yourself- you will never learn off the backs of others' - stuck with me all my life!

That is some wise words I'd say!

Flagging can be used to shut people up who say things you and your 'friends' who like your upvotes too.

Well.. That would be abuse now wouldn't it? :P

I think so. It made me really mad and I, little minnow that I am, flagged these abusive posts in a fit of pique and that's how my rep got to where it is now.

I have got over my indignation at this now and I am well and truly begun the process of making an app that gives me an option missing in the webpage here: to actually make these meanies nasty words not appear on my screen. The lack of the ability to do this opens up the possibility of this kind of abuse and while sure, you can say, why did I not just ignore them? Because they were wrong. Wrong in the sense of moral, not about fairness.

I made it very clear in my protests I was not here to make a big pile of vote rewards, just to put my stuff out there. What made me so indignant was the individual in question is not a contributor, merely a critic with a big fat steem balance. I don't think I will be the first creative person in history to rail against talentless hacks like this, nor will I be the last. I have calmed down now and I am returning to my work, and my revenge will be in my success. I get it that the devs can only put so much energy into refining the interface, and this is actually where my concern is centered, but then at the same time, it's a blockchain discussion forum. There is no reason why it should not be accessible in many many ways. This website is just a viewer.

Thanks for the reply!

I'm sorry you've run in to ill mannered folks on here man.

I cannot wait for your app!

Good Article my friend, Can you help me to be able to produce a good article ?

Sure! I'm available to do illustrations for commissions tonight!

I have a few I need to get done first but come check out #klye on http://steemit.chat

Nice artwork that helps visualize your points. Especially Big Bubba just waiting for a cute little thief he can call wife.


Thank you. I find the art helps keep people interested.
Large blocks of text suck... Throw a few pictures in there... BAM!

Can I be big bubba? I promise to not be gentle with your content thief

Sorry I missed this earlier mate. Totally overslept this morning! Brilliant post and awesome art as always.

Even if you gently try to nudge people in the right direction they still behave like arseholes

THIS really needs to be up on the trending page right now, and some more of this, and more things like it as well to let the spammers know that their day is coming.

It's true I got banned yesterday and was unbanned after my video post today.

Glad to see you're back on the good path dude..

But in the future if you spam your link on my post again I'll flag ya. ;)

edit: This doesn't mean give me sass. Please remove your spam link dude. Cmon.
Flagged you till you figure out how to act here...

as long as your name isn't cheeta or anyx i dont really care, Im surprised your post isn't worth more after 44 votes already, u should be trending bro

Not the attitude to have when I'm polite about telling you to bugger off with spamming your link on my post man.. If you're going to be a jackass and spam your stuff on my post it's only a matter of time before you end up with your account rekt again.

Treat people like you want to be treated.
I wouldn't come spam on your post, Show me the same respect.

Edit: He finally removed the link then revenge flagged me.. lol ironnyyyyyy

Not defending him, cause I despise post spamming within other threads too, but I think he genuinely didn't know what you were talking about and thinks this post should have more upvotes (which it should).

Also, his comment is extremely relevant to the thread. Still think he should remove it, just sayin' :)

@jaycobbell remove the link please

you had a winky face at the end of your comment, i totally thought u were joking about me spamming. I have removed the link now, just need to ask next time. My link was totally relevant to your blog. I even upvoted both your comment, your blog & complimented your blog by saying it should be trending. fuck u man seriously. im revenge flagging you!

Don't let the winky face fool ya man. It's pure evil I tell ya!

Thanks for removing the link. I apologize for the flaggin'!
I can see how your link may have held relevance to you.. But still poor form imho.