
Well.. That would be abuse now wouldn't it? :P

I think so. It made me really mad and I, little minnow that I am, flagged these abusive posts in a fit of pique and that's how my rep got to where it is now.

I have got over my indignation at this now and I am well and truly begun the process of making an app that gives me an option missing in the webpage here: to actually make these meanies nasty words not appear on my screen. The lack of the ability to do this opens up the possibility of this kind of abuse and while sure, you can say, why did I not just ignore them? Because they were wrong. Wrong in the sense of moral, not about fairness.

I made it very clear in my protests I was not here to make a big pile of vote rewards, just to put my stuff out there. What made me so indignant was the individual in question is not a contributor, merely a critic with a big fat steem balance. I don't think I will be the first creative person in history to rail against talentless hacks like this, nor will I be the last. I have calmed down now and I am returning to my work, and my revenge will be in my success. I get it that the devs can only put so much energy into refining the interface, and this is actually where my concern is centered, but then at the same time, it's a blockchain discussion forum. There is no reason why it should not be accessible in many many ways. This website is just a viewer.

Thanks for the reply!

I'm sorry you've run in to ill mannered folks on here man.

I cannot wait for your app!