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Pytania konkursowe - Dzień 20
(Trzeci Tydzień - dzień 6)
Szczyt: Skalnik
Pasmo: Rudawy Janowickie
Pytanie 1
Największą (chyba) atrakcją Rudaw Janowickich są tzw. Kolorowe Jeziorka. Którego koloru nie ma wśród nich?
a) Błękitne
b) Czerwone
c) Purpurowe
Pytanie 2
Ile kosztuje bilet wstępu na teren kolorowych jeziorek?
a) 5zł
b) 10zł
c) nie ma biletów
Pytanie 3
Co widać ze szczytu Skalnik?
a) Karkonosze z Śnieżką
b) Kolorowe Jeziorka
c) Nie ma widoków, szczyt jest zalesiony
Based on the image above.
b) Red
c) there are no tickets
c) There are no views, the peak is forested
Wow, a non-Polish speaker, I assume? I'll multiply your points by a factor of 1.2
All answers correct, you get 3 points. Multiplied by the "non-Polish factor", you get 3.6pts. Bravo
1 B
2 C
3 C
poprawnie, ale @vickoly był minimalnie szybszy
For the first time a non-Polish speaker took part in my competition. Not only that, they got the questions right and was the first to do so. Well done @vickoly
Question 1
The question was negated, but the added difficulty hasn't stopped you from answering correctly. The colorful lakes are named: Yellow, Purple, Blue, Green. Even though the one shown at my photo looks reddish, it's called "Purple". All depends on the light and angle of viewing.
Question 2
I had to pay for a parking, but there are no entry fees for accessing the lakes.
Question 3
The summit of Mt. Skalnik is covered with trees and there are no views from it. Well, one can observe ants :-)
Wow that's awesome.
Am glad to be the first non-Polish speaking participants and also getting the correct answers.
Thanks for the privilege