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RE: Pair Play 2018.4.30 - Round 3

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

Top 10 out of 36 participants

rankparticipantprevious cardslast cardsscore
1designshoph02.png c10.pngc09.png d09.png28
2goodnewworldd08.png c08.png26
3leebs12d04.png s07.pngh04.png c04.png18
4blackyoc04.png d05.png9
4palejackd01.png s09.pngc08.png d01.png9
4jhy2246s04.png h05.png9
4woobooh04.png c05.png9
4yirgacheffe2shotd06.png d07.pngs01.png h08.png9
4minampusans03.png h06.png9
4ghdcks10c02.png d07.png9
4leeki7801h10.png d03.pngs10.png c09.png9
4garywood-cs08.png h01.png9

h08.png s10.png@clarkgold Joined the game.

s03.png h06.png@minampusan Joined the game.

c02.png d08.png
c08.png s05.png@ys1302 Joined the game. @gimmi0 Joined the game.


c05.png s01.png@isaaclab Joined the game.

c03.png d02.png@peanut131 Joined the game.

s08.png h01.png@garywood-c Joined the game.

h02.png c10.png@designshop Joined the game.

s02.png s04.png@khaiyoui Joined the game.

c01.png c07.png@gidung Joined the game.

c09.png h03.png@mijang0260 Joined the game.

d06.png c04.png
d09.png s07.png@hyunaria Joined the game. @wabangcute Joined the game.

d04.png d01.png@sunstrip Joined the game.

h10.png d03.png
d07.png d05.png@leeki7801 Joined the game. @torypapa Joined the game.

s09.png s02.png@coolzero Joined the game.

c02.png d07.png@ghdcks10 Joined the game.

s05.png h03.png@toytrain Joined the game.

d03.png h08.png@bugi Joined the game.

d10.png c05.png@ratamocha Joined the game.

c07.png h10.png@gsl421 Joined the game.

c10.png h02.png
d08.png c08.png@jjjjabe Joined the game. @goodnewworld Joined the game.

d04.png s07.png@leebs12 Joined the game.

s04.png h05.png@jhy2246 Joined the game.

d01.png s09.png@palejack Joined the game.

h06.png c01.png@feelsogood Joined the game.

d04.png c03.png@ayogom Joined the game.

h05.png h10.png@syivestre Joined the game.

c07.png s04.png@gochuchamchi Joined the game.

s08.png d03.png@bji1203 Joined the game.

h04.png c05.png@wooboo Joined the game.

h02.png c10.png@iieeiieeii Joined the game.

c04.png d05.png@blackyo Joined the game.

s05.png s02.png@littlerhj Joined the game.

h09.png d02.png@dayul Joined the game.

h03.png h01.png@chungjh Joined the game.

s04.png d07.png@tkdgjs79 Joined the game.

h02.png d09.png@newiz Joined the game.

c05.png d03.png@onproof Joined the game.