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RE: [Pairplay] 2018년 5월 28일 Round 3

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

Top 10 out of 44 participants

rankparticipantprevious cardslast cardsscore
1twinpapah09.png c09.png28
2toporod02.png h10.pngh07.png c07.png24
3samplingc04.png d04.png18
3marabarac04.png s04.png18
5coolzeroh03.png h07.pngs01.png c08.png9
5ssb3304h08.png c04.pngh09.png d10.png9
5steemhitth07.png d05.pngc06.png d03.png9
5mathetesc04.png h05.png9
5dobdirectionh06.png d03.png9
5nea4444s04.png d05.png9
5pyorinhoc07.png d02.png9
5leeki7801c01.png h10.pngh10.png d09.png9
5khaiyouid07.png h02.png9

@garywood-c Joined the game. c08.png c10.png

@coolzero Joined the game. h03.png h07.png

@khaiyoui Joined the game. d07.png h02.png

@gimmi0 Joined the game. d05.png s10.png

@dayul Joined the game. d01.png h04.png

@kyle-event Joined the game. s06.png s09.png

@marabara Joined the game. c04.png s04.png

@jucobox Joined the game. c03.png d10.png

@sunstrip Joined the game. s07.png h05.png

@leeki7801 Joined the game. c01.png h10.png

@mijang0260 Joined the game. c02.png d06.png

@wabangcute Joined the game. h08.png c07.png

@walking100 Joined the game. h01.png h06.png

@chungjh Joined the game. d07.png h01.png

@clarkgold Joined the game. h04.png d08.png

@pyorinho Joined the game. c07.png d02.png

@wjdwpckd11 Joined the game. s10.png s04.png

@jungch98 Joined the game. s03.png s05.png

@comaiiii Joined the game. s08.png s07.png

@donekim Joined the game. h02.png c05.png

@twinpapa Joined the game. h09.png c09.png

@sampling Joined the game. c04.png d04.png

@cine Joined the game. s06.png c02.png

@roona1383 Joined the game. c06.png h05.png

@strosalia Joined the game. d10.png s02.png

@feelsogood Joined the game. c10.png c03.png
@chocolate1st Joined the game. c10.png d07.png

@mathetes Joined the game. c04.png h05.png
@haedale Joined the game. h09.png h08.png

@steemhitt Joined the game. h07.png d05.png

@ayogom Joined the game. h06.png d02.png

@rideteam Joined the game. h02.png c07.png

@smigol Joined the game. s03.png d09.png

@hwantag Joined the game. s07.png h10.png

@sonki999 Joined the game. s02.png h04.png

@ssb3304 Joined the game. h08.png c04.png

@toytrain Joined the game. h01.png c09.png

@razastyle Joined the game. s09.png h06.png

@nea4444 Joined the game. s04.png d05.png

@toporo Joined the game. d02.png h10.png

@altobit Joined the game. d08.png c02.png