France vs Quebec French

in #language8 years ago (edited)

When  learning  French, you will come across usage differences unique to Quebecers.   French speaking peoples of Quebec are notorious for speaking french in a unique manner.  You could say that french in Quebec is spoken in an american way.    

So if you ever come to Quebec from France you might want to know about some differences  between the two country.  Here are 3 differences between french in Quebec and french in France.

Un Dépanneur

Coming from France a "dépanneur" probably mean a repairman of some sort.  In Quebec a "dépanneur" is a convenient store.   You will probably hear something like  : "Je vais acheter du lait au dépanneur du coin", which mean  "I'm gonna go buy some milk at the nearest convenient store".


In Quebec if you ask  : "Comment vont tes gosses" your are not talking about children's but about the thing between your legs.   In Quebec "gosses" means testicle "testicule" in french.  As you can see, not the same meaning at all.

Chum, Blonde

In Quebec when talking about a girlfriend or boyfriend you might hear something like this "Comment va ta blonde ou ton chum ?"  Blonde means girlfriend  "petite-amie" and no, hair color has nothing do with it.  Chum means boyfriend "petit copain" in France.

Same language but many differences.  In the end it's all about diversity and diversity is a good thing.


'tomber en amour' (Quebecian: derived from English's 'fall in love', a literal translation getting mainstream)

as opposed to

'tomber amoureux' (Official French, but not literally 'fall in love')

Geographical influence might be an interesting thing to do research about in Quebecian and official French.

I agree if we wer all the same it would be boring... Thank u for ur blog 🙂

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