"In my view, it’s ignorant to use the word pussy to refer to a weak person and a woman’s vagina."
Only if it's ignorant to use the word dick to refer to someone who's an asshole as well as a man's penis.
"In my view, it’s ignorant to use the word pussy to refer to a weak person and a woman’s vagina."
Only if it's ignorant to use the word dick to refer to someone who's an asshole as well as a man's penis.
fair enough. But I don't think the two words have a similar history in how they were used. I haven't looked into this, just my initial feeling.
Yes I dont like these words or how they are used to weak or stupid, I'll use the words in a joke context or where appropriate, otherwise I think its better to speak/talk and act maturely when discussing serious things
What does the history matter? Why do women get special privileges that they're reproductive organs are not to be spoken ill of or used in any negative way, where it's okay to do this to men? Females get privilege then march around talking about male privilege. It's eye-rollingly boring.
I absolutely agree with this comment....The same people who scream blue murder and constantly censor people who they deem to be demeaning and sexist, are the same ones who constantly use the directly equivalent words to say things that are 'socially acceptable', at this moment in space time, or in the right type of atmosphere and audience. It's called being a hypocrite, and I bet there were a lot of those at the women's march (both male and female).
This type of behaviour happens constantly in social situations, but everyone agrees that's it's hilarious when it's directed one way, but completely unacceptable the other way. Isn't that the entire point of the 'sexism' and 'equality' meme? Because I seriously think it's just becoming a meme rather than, actually changing peoples attitudes. Another divide and conquer tactic, really.