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RE: Lasse's Angels promotion campaign: Are you an attractive female that would like to make 5000 LASSECASH per post ones a week for 3 months? (Guaranteed, potentially much more if the price of LASSECASH goes up)

What values are you reinforcing here?
That sexuality doesnt exist? That attractive people dont exist? That we shouldnt make the distinction between the "pretty" and the "ugly".
That people shouldnt use their physical attributes to their advantage?
That we should attack those that acknowledge human nature?
That when a guy in a male dominated business like crypto asks to find and pay users of the opposite sex to post on his chain, that he should be attacked for it?
What exactly are the positive values you are reinforcing here?

I see none. All i see is you being outraged at someone for making request for physicaly attractive women because he thinks that will benefit his business or whatnot.
Should he had written: Looking for ugly women? Ugly men?

If its ok to ask for smart women, then its fine to ask for attractive ones.

Both are attributes of us humans and painting a picture that searching for one attribute is somehow valiant and searching for the other is somehow appaling and outrageous is beyond ridiculous.

Posted using Partiko Android


Reinforcing that women deserve more dignity than be reduced to selling their bodies.

You def don't want to encourage human nature, base human nature is very animalistic, I come from Africa and have seen and heard about things that are truely shocking, so you don't want to go down the road of encouraging human nature.

Humans should rise above their base instincts through education and evolved thinking.

That we shouldnt make the distinction between the "pretty" and the "ugly".

Yeah well if you notice the world is trying to break free of this convention, media and modelling is leaning towards fuller figures, plus sizes etc. Everyone has value and saying someone is worth more because they are pretty is discrimantory.

This type of ad offended some of the older readers who called on others to do something about it, so clearly it was offensive, maybe subjectively so but offensive none the less.

Just as much as you view the ad poster to be justified, the people outrages are also justified to vote against it, it is their stake and they can choose what they would like to see on trending.

If you have an affiliation to the person posting or to the said project maybe you should disclose that, as that is what it looks like otherwise why would you care to defend it.

Breaking free of that conversation?

Yeah. Thats beyond ridiculous. Plus size movement is the pinacle of stupidity of modern society.
The absolute corruption of human intelect. Sickness painted as the "norm".
Its beyond disgusting.
Acknowledging human nature is nothing wrong. Wer not talking here about culture destroying animalistic behavior. Wer talking about the very basis of what makes us human. Sexuality.

Someone is worth more because theyre pretty?
No one is worth as a human more based on anything.
But if you are marketing based on physical attraction its an absolute fact that a attractive person is worth 100 times more then a non attractive one. There is nothing discrimatory in that.
I dont care facts offend you.

I dont care what was offensive to you. People can be offended about anything.

Im offended by people wearing socks with slippers.
Im offended by people saying "nukelar" instead of "nuclear".

I can say any fucking thing offends me.
I care only about facts and what is right.

And what is right is that a guy can say: "Beautiful women attract more attention then ugly women and i want beautiful women to promote my project and ill pay them for it."
... and no one can crucify him for it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah. Thats beyond ridiculous. Plus size movement is the pinacle of stupidity of modern society.
The absolute corruption of human intelect. Sickness painted as the "norm".
Its beyond disgusting.

You can't say that is sickness, some people are born with fuller figures and larger bone structure, they can't help it, doesn't mean they are sick or any less attractive.

In fact in days gone by, fuller size were more desirable like the Mona Lisa, modern society has changed and now finds skinny as the new attractive, but there are movements to try change that, somewhere inbetween is probably a balance.

If you look at consensus on this post the only significant upvotes are the bots and quite a few stakeholders on Steem disagree with it.

There are modelling agencies with catalogues that can be approached for this sort of thing rather than using the Steem trending page as a cheap way of recruiting.

Anyway you are entitled to your opinion and I to mine, and the rest of the people downvoting or upvoting are entitled to theirs too. Let consensus speak for itself, let's leave it at that.

No. People arent fat by nature. Theyre fat by choice or they have a dissease. Thoroid condition for example.
Take a look at the plus size models. Simple obesity.

Attractive is closer to healthy then plus size. Plus size models promote unhealthy living and normalize it.

Steem disagrees. Sure. I dont care what the mob thinks. If i showed up at a flat earth convention the consensus would be that the moon landing was fake and that the earth is flat.
I dont care what a finite number of people have to say about how they see the world when the abundance of facts show the opposite.

I cant leave it to opinion because this is not solely a opinion based argument.
This is not:

Spiderman is better then Batman.

Im giving you facts and the fact is that physical attractivness is a real attribute and should be left to the guy making this proposal to judge for himself.
This is not anyone demeaning women thinking theyre only good for their looks or physical attributes.
They are good for everything else but looks are a huge factor that shouldnt be dismissed when trying to promote something.

Posted using Partiko Android