Welcome to Fyrstikken's Underground Crypto News (FUCN) - Haejin & Relaxo is on everyone's mind, and before they are nuked into oblivion, here is one last outstretched hand.
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Vote for @fyrst-witness
Use @Booster and @Speedvoter to trend your post
Always active on @SteemSpeak Discord 17h/day
@fyrstikken, you threatened to find me and kill me in front of my family and actually evidenced it in writing on the blockchain.
And yet you want me to adhere to your requirements?
You are nothing more than a stress test for the Steem engine.
Your anal-ysis are simply bullshit. Or do you still think EOS will reach 57$ by the end of the month?
You spread pure disinformation
and maybe found a weak point in the system together with the triangl, but I can garantee you, all witnesses are on alert allready and we will close that loophole by consensus and other counter measures. You are teaming up with Tone Vays who stated that
"Steemit and everything Dan Larimer does is a Ponzi-scheme." Traitor, You better piss off soon from this platform and take Tone Vays by her pussy and go elsewhere. You are a destructive traitor from within, equipped with $$$$$munition to bring Steemit to a point, where it is easy from outside to ridicule the whole Steem platform. Steemians will not watch you and Tone Butthurt Vays destroy our all investment.
How long do you think will it take until Rancho-not-relaxo-anymore pulls his votes?
1 week ? 1 month?
There are plenty of attack vectors
and we will use them all.
Now look out of the window! Can you see the black Van?
You thought you can hide ? really?
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Run with your evidence to the nearest police station and press charges, @haejin. If you can do it this week, would be nice. I must be punished :D
I bet things like this wouldn't happen if you met your opposition head on in discourse rather than flag battles. You have had ample opportunties to do so including today. You chose to answer today in the same way you have in the past, with flags. Reap what you sow. DO NO HARM
Since you downvoted the first instance of this, I'll take that as a sign that you are not ready to come to terms with your own actions. Let me know when you are ready for a civilized conversation.
Always the victim. SMH.
You have perpetrated months of this flag war and never once ventured to admit the wrongs you have done. You continuously escalate the conflict by threatening and throwing around your "1.4 mil SP" weight as if all of Steem should simply allow you to collude and conspire without any corrective actions. You have threatened Steemcleaners, Buildawhale, Randowhale and now Booster for no other reason than opposing the HARM that you do.
Your actions hurt all of us and most of all the long term investors. The sooner you admit and self-correct that, the better off you and the rest of Steem will be. And by better off, I mean more profitable than you are now. Many many many people have tried to reason with you, and you always reject those negotiations. I do not condone the threatening of your life, but I see it as direct result of the trajectory you put in place from the beginning.
Perhaps we can change that trajectory and use this as a starting point for a more reasonable exchange. What do you say?
Always the victim. SMH.
You have perpetrated months of this flag war and never once ventured to admit the wrongs you have done. You continuously escalate the conflict by threatening and throwing around your "1.4 mil SP" weight as if all of Steem should simply allow you to collude and conspire without any corrective actions. You have threatened Steemcleaners, Buildawhale, Randowhale and now Booster for no other reason than opposing the HARM that you do.
Your actions hurt all of us and most of all the long term investors. The sooner you admit and self-correct that, the better off you and the rest of Steem will be. And by better off, I mean more profitable than you are now. Many many many people have tried to reason with you, and you always reject those negotiations. I do not condone the threatening of your life, but I see it as direct result of the trajectory you put in place from the beginning.
Perhaps we can change that trajectory and use this as a starting point for a more reasonable exchange. What do you say?
Amazing video.@fyrstikken
I hear Haejin has very hairy hands
Ps. I don't like to ask for votes, but Haejin flagged me down from 40 to -5 any help to repair the damage would be appreciated
Ha ha, he knocked me down to a rep of 4. Welcome to the club :)
Badge of honour ;)
Wear it with pride
you mind teling me why did he flag you in the first place?
did you get involved in flag war? or did you flag him first or criticize him online? Im just wondering what could possibly trigger downvoting you so badly :(
Sorry for late reply. I posted negative comments on some of his posts and he flagged them. I flag his posts regularly also. But it was the comments that specifically triggered him.
Woke up to see so many votes on my comment. When I first got flagged, I was tempted to power down and leave this place. But I am glad I stuck around. Steem has a great community and together we can make this a better place.
If we build it they will come.
To all the newbies out there, too much self love is not good. It can lead to blindness ;)
Thank you all
you mind teling me why did he flag you in the first place?
did you get involved in flag war? or did you flag him first or criticize him online? Im just wondering what could possibly trigger downvoting you so badly :(
Can't remember if I flagged or commented first. But basically, I showed I disagreed with this large payouts and flagged his post. Which is a perfectly legitimate thing to do on steemit if you disagree with the level of payout.
He then decided to retaliate by flagging all my posts.
Didn't work out well for him though, my rewards from steemit and followers went up... While hjin just managed to add one more very resourceful person to the list of people who want to see the little setup hjin and Rancho have stopped.
from my impression flagging on steemit is a way to declare a war to someone. it's more of a punch that will almost always cause a fight.
Im sorry to hear that you got downvoted so badly
i will be following you closely. myself Im to small and scared to get involved into this flag war
It's a part of the mechanism, if someone upvotes you, you don't have an outburst of love and go and upvote all their posts, so why the asymmetric response to flags?
I don't understand that guy, if someone with very little SP flags me, I wouldn't care. It's part of the collective will to upvote or flag posts to make sure they achieve appropriate rewards.
Thanks for following. I will try and be interesting ;)
No body is too small to make a stand
I love that quote.
Maybe that could be our new Outreach :Dyou could join #minnowbootcamp and get a bit more daily help...
Good idea, will give it a go
A lot of people stood up against him, so maybe victim is not the best wording here.
Thats not right flagging people down is crazy nomatter. Well i hope he doesnt see this comment and flag me down too. Lol
He can't flag everyone, he is too greedy to use his precious Steem Power to flag that many people. He tries to target a few hoping others will stay silent out of fear... It didn't work ;)
My condolance, i hope you can grow again, and there is no incident like this again inthe future
Thanks for the support. There's a great community on here, so I am sure I will slowly crawl back up 😎
let's try to always be one another keeper. united we stand
Indeed, it's all about the community.
Together we can make steemit a great place for good content, to share our ideas and experiences
"people who have great power have big responsibilities", and I see from this incident, especially those involved in this war, using their power for "NASTY" purposes.
I hope they are quickly aware of the "Madness" they are doing.
from level 60 - 0? how many articles he downvotes?
Articles and comments have the same effect. He went and downvoted my comments and posts. As you can see, I comment a lot as I like to engage with the community. So and easy target for those who want to flag.
I have muted all users I don't like and Steemit is much better like that.
I tried that but the shit still shows up - even in my FEED. I don't understand how it works. It's a definite problem for me.
Shouldn't be like that. Maybe somebody that you follow do resteem of their articles...
Thanks - that makes a lot of sense. Never thought of that.. My feed is actually a lot better since I trimmed down the accounts I am following and turned off the auto-follow-back feature in SteemAuto ;-) Getting a better grip on it now.
it like hiding shit in your apartment. It's not a problem if you are not seeing it, right?
But you cannot hide the smelling, ¿am i right?
I know that that is not solution but that is only and best thing that I can do. Do you agree?
Nope. You are a co-owner of Steem ecosystem. Haejin and Relaxo are stealing from reward-pool, which is funded from inflation, which decrease value of your tokens.
Are you really ok with that?
^this man gets it.
Muting is the equivalent of putting your head in the sand or rather putting your fingertips in your ears while the house burns down.
Use your VP to help create the culture your want to see an discourage that you do not.
Exactly, you don't fix problems by hiding from them.
If inflation is the problem implement a proof of burn.
This will help address inflation and price depreciation issues
Ive been searching for developers to help me build a new platform that actually addresses it issues instead of letting them fester for 2 years
Check out @lrd. Its a bot that is fighting against inflation and circle voting. If they manage to pulled it off i think is going to be awesome.....
Of course not but only developers can change that. I don't like what they are doing but they just do what current rules aloud them. I would like that we have SP limit and dough they would have many different accounts, things would be different. Limit SP and have as much STEEM as you want. These are just my wishes...
Limit SP @cichar !? why would you want that ?? How would that help anything at all ? SP is the right of anyone to have and in any amounts ? That statement just smacks of Socialism and that as you can see from Venezuala is a failed model, the last thing we need here on Steemit is control on anything ! I would hope and I am pretty sure most people here on this platform will agree with me !
That is no Socialism. Even if you play video games, WOW for example, when you reach maximum level you can't advance more to stop that one player is too powerful. Same thing is here. If somebody is too powerful that is very bad for Steemit... Limiting SP would be better for Steemit but that is my opinion and for me is ok if you think different. Different opinions are always good if you have valid reasons for it...
good post
A smart man just spoke to me here...
I absolutely LOVE that you most likely had that shirt made for this 7 minute video. That is fucking fantastic, man.
This was a nice video Fyrst!
This was fucking hilarious!
Yes I had to Upvote and resteem! It was so good! The background by @elgeko was great I loved the custom Logo on the window :D its great its perfect
Highly rEsteemed!
Best critique on the the "MasterBaitor" EVER!
you know what i meme.
I love you @fyrstikken you are so frank and honest. I hope haejin take heed on your sensible points.
I like the idea of anyone going up against haejin. I even agree with you that downvoting someone like him when he continues to drain the reward pool should be done by those with enough power.
But why o why do call names? Why do you continuasly say he is shit or stupid or a noob or .... . Don't you think anyone who calls someone names is not that bright?
You are draining the pool with your post aswell.
154$ from booster
114$ from buildawhale
102$ from postpromotor
101$ from therising
You sended in a shitload of money to get those upvotes. So a post like this crying to haejin and then draining the pool with the vote bots? A bit silly is it not?
I am shure that with your following and opinions alot of people would have voted you into trending without the use of the bots. I for one will upvote this post even though i don't like how you presented it i do agree with your statements.
You might not be greedy, but you do have a kind of mentality that i never liked. Even on steemspeak you banned me for venting my opinion towards you. You kept saying "you don't know who i am, so why do you have a opinion on me". While 30 seconds beforehand you told me what you thought about me.
With all due respect but making a post like this where you are crying to haejin that he should be making money like you do. Is not a good way to go. Maybe he does not want to make a bot like booster. Or maybe he does not want to handle the drama. Maybe he just wants to make a buck.
You are reaching out your hand: i don't believe this for a second
How do you suspect people to respect you when you make posts like this?
In some countries a post like that can get you into jail. I for one don't like haejin. But i would never threaten his life. And neither should you. Stop playing the innocent victim role when you are threatening another persons life over steem. Don't forget that anything your post on here stays on here.
So in the end it is clear you are no politician. Swearing and abusive language is never a good thing. When you want someone to stop doing something calling them piss poor - stupid - retarded - ... is not the way to go. Communication is the way to go especialy in a mature setting. Did anyone ever show him other ways. Handed him the tools? I for one would not know how to even start with a bot. Show him numbers. I know delegation is the way to go as a whale as returns are higher (or close to the same) as upvoting yourself.
It is better to educate people than to swear them down.
I just checked haejin's blog and he is still doing well except on one where he got zero. Who is this guy/gal????!!!
@berniesanders vs. @haejin@simply-me Scroll down to post 10-12 days ago and see that he has been obliterated on many of his posts. Some have received payouts but most have not. More info. in this post if you care....
OMGggggggggg.... But he has sooo much SP. I think there's a conspiracy here.... No one knows who he is right? He could be the same guy/gal that is bad-mouthing himself/herself and is having lots of fun.. Is that a possibility?
oh my *gasp
good fun
After seeing how you have reinforced the community's resolve through @booster, I've decided to cast my vote for @fyrst-witness.
I don't have much SP, but I would like to show my support.
The Viking has spoken up!!
add the haejin posts in the green screens lolol
Hey @ackza!! Looking for this?
Was a good 3 hour video editing exercise!! To be honest i kinda overdid it but well.. Hope i dont die for this..
Feel free to use it as you liked.
On it! though this is done at the risk of me being flagged to oblivion so i hope i can get more love than i get hate.
That was awesome hahaha!!
😆 😉 😊 😋 😎 +1
Hahahahaha I can't stop laughing! I love how you add fun to this presentation about the ongoing steem based war. Hahahahaha! Please I need more of your video. Need to push this my blood pressure down to barest minimum. You will be good for comedy😂😂😂😂
Below nearly got me taken out by laughter ohhoooorhh!
Do have a happy Sunday!
@eurogee of @euronation
What is he doing that pisses everyone off?
This is epic AF, and it's noble of you to give the donkey one more chance... He's been warned more than enough times.
Haejin will just set up other accounts and carry on...
Ok, i wonder if anyone has such power to do something to him...
You got a 19.39% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @fyrstikken!
Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker websitevote for @yabapmatt for witness! for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please
Well, for one, @fyrstikken doesn't bot his own stuff 10 times a day as far as I could tell.
No fyrstikken asks everyone else for money to vote on them with his bot. How does that differ?
He runs a business? Nobody forced you to use @booster or @speedvoter did it? If @fyrstikken posted everyday and used @booster to upvote all his posts/comments, then I will agree with you.
He uses his bot to downvote, meaning everyone who uses the bit bot gets a lower return. But that aside. How does it differ.
If I vote on myself with a vote of 1 STU
Or I send 1 steem and get a vote of 2.50 STU (loosing the 0.50 curration). And giving 1 steem.
What diffrence does it make? I get the same vote, so in essence i am draining the same pool. How would you all feel if Haejin would send all the bots 50 - 100 steem and get upvotes of 100 - 200?
Now see it from a bot owners percpective. We use the bot. We over vote, so the bot owner is winning money. Het gets his steem instantly, no risk for downvotes :D.
In essence he is not earning 100% of the potential and i know that but fyrstikken is using his bot for downvoting aswell. Wich potentianly opens everyone who uses it up for downvotes from whoever is using the bot.
In essence we are all abusing the system. I don't think vote bots where a intent of the creators of steem.
Trash trending posts receive downvotes. Who the heck expect to gain major returns from bid bots? It's an advertising tool. You are supposed to fish for the big whale votes with money spent on the bid bots.
Bot owners should down vote as needed because given their massive SP, they need to stand up for content standard as well. Whether that comes in the form of blacklist, whitelist, etc. it's an evolving system.
Until @ned, STINC, et al come in and say no, even then, your "intent" of the creators serves no purpose as far as the point of an OPEN platform.
That is true, "as far as you could tell." However, under the current rules of the blockchain, who or what could stop @fyrstikken if he did decide that he wanted to upstroke himself 10x's every day, just like @haejin does??? Or, how do you know that they are not both one-and-the-same person, since everyone can create multiple accounts and there is no way to ensure a persons' identity and that each person only has one account?
Multiple accounts is a HUGE red flag to me, and it allows people to "game the system" that SteemIt has put into place. It provides an environment which makes it easy for people to hide their activities and hide behind false identities. Why would people want to have fake identities? Is it because they don't want other people to know what they are really doing?
Answer: only a group of other whales could stop this from happening. So, why did the whales allow @haejin to make $200K off of SteemIt, and are only now getting around to addressing this apparent "problem?" Why do such a small group of people seem to have all of the "power" in this supposedly "fair" system??? Is SteemIt truly "decentralized" or does all of the power go hand-in-hand with a minority of super-rich technocrats ??? Is this a system of governance which is preferable to the systems which we already have in place? Or, is this just a case of, "different boss, same rules?"
Has SteemIt really been able to address its' own fundamental questions? Or, is it a failed experiment? Can it still be salvaged by some tweaks to the blockchain? If so, why haven't these tweaks been made yet? Do the Witnesses really want to make SteemIt a fair place, with fair rules? Or, do they want to make it appear to be fair, so they can keep on gaming the system they have put in place - and beat down anyone who threatens to usurp the power they already have???
All I can say is, you better start voting. Not just upvotes and downvotes, but also for Witnesses.
And the serious whales have reasons to not play the "golden parachute" like @haejin.
My witness votes have been in place, and have been "adjusted," since... about June, 2017 - just as soon as I joined SteemIt and educated myself about voting for witnesses. The only question is, does my voting have any effect? I honestly don't know that it does, one way of the other.
Why have these "serious whales" allowed @haejin to exercise this, "golden parachute" option - for the last few months? If they were so "serious," wouldn't they have stopped @haejin somewhere around $20K, instead of $200K ??? Or, could they have been 10 times more "serious" about exercising their resposibility to keep SteemIt a fair place?
Is there anything put into place to address the next "rape of the rewards pool" which is almost certainly in planning or has already launched? Or, are there already thousands of similar situations already going on, which nothing is being done to correct? Or, is @haejin just the most glaring example of somebody who has successfully "out-gamed" the whales who are already gaming us?
If self-promotion is "against the rules," why don't the Witnesses change this situation for everyone, ensure a "one person, one account" system, and clean things up? Or, did Dan Larimer leave the SteemIt platform because there are "unfixable" problems that are already hard-coded into the SteemIt blockchain, and he's going to try and do a better job with EOS and SteemIt 2.0?
Currently, Witness vote weight is all about SP. I do recall @ned mentioning about changing it. You can see the overall layout here.
The report gets rid of the proxies I believe, so it's basically how the SPs weight all distributed among the top Witnesses. The website also has sections for the lower 50s, etc.
Also note that I believe a significant of Steemians DO NOT vote.
It's very possible that it's a group of whales that funded rancho and haejin in the first place, in order to create a fall guy that cashes out mercilessly and with maximum efficiency, so that they can make money without any apparent ties to the scheme. And as long as some people at some times appear to be doing something about "individuals" like him engaging in such behavior then less attention is given to the witnesses who could actually change the whole system at the code-level to be less profit-driven. The same witnesses who are backed by some of the same whales who are doing this in the first place.
Exactly my thoughts. I have no idea if they're accurate, but it would not surprise me - in the least - if something very close to this is actually what @ranchorelaxo and some other whales all had in mind to begin with.
I only have one thing to say: IT TOOK YOU @$$HOLES LONG ENOUGH TO CLEAN THIS $#!t UP!!! Why the hell did the whales on SteemIt let this situation go on for so long? As far as I can tell, SteemIt Whales are totally disengaged from policing this kind of thing. I'm sure they have better things to do, but a delegation of some SP to somebody who would be able to take the time to do so... This crap was pointed-out many months ago. So, why all of the urgency to get around to doing this, right now?
I mean, it's not like @haejen can just walk away from SteemIt now with... $200K. How is this a deterrent to anybody, if you let people walk away with, literally THOU$AND$ ???
Haejins nightmare.
Hahahah. That quite sums it up.
Great video. Thanks for the update mate.
I watched your video and then I checked out haejin's blog a little bit to get some perspective. Interesting disagreements going on, though I know I don't have the full story. Anyhow... my real intention here is to try and gain some support for my community The EN here. @fyrstikken, would you mind checking out my Steemit community project? :D It's a good idea (I think)... I haven't tried appealing to whales 'til recently as I have been trying to get organic growth, but no luck yet. Been around Steemit for a year. Here's a link to The EN community's recent blog on Steemit: https://steemit.com/fitness/@the-en/the-en-main-exercise-center. Would really appreciate any help. I like your humor, btw! Cheers.
If You Build It, they will Come... 😎
I Did! If you wanna see how, join my community and I will school you.
You was talking good think .Thanks for sharing guys.
Awesome video,loved it.
Will surely vote you on witness.
that was a great video
thank you this is informative for alot of us.
Destroy that bully..
you really spoke nice.Your reaction and thinking are good.
Great post guys.Haejin use your brain and make money on steem.
i really like that room. And seeing a purposeful new video from you too bro.
weird video ^_^
i am new on the steemit , i don't know very much about steemit , i am a learner so i follow you to learn , and i will follow your post please don't flag me.
This is not aprrobriate for children
The amazing video.
Just wowwww👌👌👌👌
Nice video news
good video.
Am just starting here. I follow you so I can refer later on. Thanks. Great job. Amazing video.
I'm a victim of @haejin. He didn't help me when @berniesanders pulled me down from 34 to 16. But, when i made peace with him in a post made by @kimjoonpoo, Haejin pulled me down to 13, but now i'm 25 scored. Understood...
Nice video..
following me @habibsphs
what does it means ?
i just upload here because this is trending post so .if this post disturb you please leave a comment
otherwise suggest me what does this witness vote means?
that was really an outstretched hand, from the songs in the video to the messages within, you really spoke well
the war is in its final stage now
haejin is having a nightmare, Relaxo over everyone's mind, with so many post's in a single day, man this is bullshit
This really is the simple solution here.
It seems like the war is gone on to the point that haejin wont back down as a matter of principle, fearing that it would mean 'he lost'. But the truth is, egos aside, that haejin could be great for the platform with his bag of steempower.
Doing these things would immediately end the criticism and war. But instead, he just posts more, continuing the war. He has the power to end the situation and come out even stronger. But for whatever reason, he wont.
I agree! The fucker doesn't get a hint! He's like a rubber wall! Every message is just bouncing off him!
@berniesanders looks like your old post came true.
@fyrstikken is back :)