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RE: LBI liquidity pool - feedback needed.

in #lbi5 months ago (edited)

My view on the matter:

  1. Wouldn't NOT support it, but I think it doesn't make sense right now. The leo pool is still quite young and building and splitting liquidity now could be bad. So postpone and see if it makes sense down the line has my preference

  2. Yes, but I would probably not touch the reinvestment part, actually I would but increase it rather as this helps grow all the others over time.
    Cutting the regular divs has my vote, we did without for years and cutting it back some in favor of more lp rewards and growth makes sense to me.

  3. Personally could do without a bunch of extra garbage tokens. Dumping them to boost other areas would probably be better, whenever it makes sense as it might not have much value anyway


Thanks for the input.

  1. Tend to agree - its too early to add more pools in. Mainly, I am wondering how many LBI tokens are out there in hands that don't want any more LEO, so they wont end up in the pool. Those holders may be happy to pool with HIVE. It's a thought exercise for now. The current LP contract still has over a month to run, might be worth a closer look as that approaches its end.

  2. I expect differences of opinion here. Div's have benefits and drawbacks, and I understand there are lots of different views. I personally really like dividends, but try to find a balance between my preference, and that of other LBI holders. I think a small portion for dividends, with lots of asset growth built in hits a decent balance.

  3. I'm just looking for something useful to do with them. I'm not going to fill the LP contract with a bunch of worthless tokens.

Yeah definitely agree on 1 and 2, as for 3 I think it only makes sense when it becomes a stack with some value. Fun idea: let it build up and check twice a year say around Christmas and May. Anything wortwhile gets distributed as is or as extra leo divs. Like a Christmas and vacation bonus 😄