As much as I dislike the whole concept of the Tok - the most dangerous aspect of it is what a lot of people are completely ignoring. The government has NO business in this, and having them come in and strong arm it is a really dangerous and bad precedent that is being set. The markets are the best ways to get rid of it. American companies can lobby and prove how dangerous it is to the phone companies and internet providers and work to limit or discourage its use. It needs to be kept in the private sector getting rid of something like this, absolutely not the government.
Having the government come in and do something that’s not been their job is going to have long lasting ramifications that we will see unfold in 5-10 years when someone does something that is great for citizens and people it not in their best financial interest and they will use this precedent to destroy it
It’s all a bunch of smoke and mirrors anyway - it’s going to go down to the last minute and something is going to swoop in and save it and send it on its merry way to go and continue harvesting all of the data about people.
I hope we get some people from the situation, I just don’t know how many.