1/ Most businesses make money based on a simple premise: they offer a product or service, and customers utilize that product or service and pay for it.
2/ The customer earns value from the product or service they purchased and the business earns value from the monetary transaction. However, not all businesses work like that
Como se puede conseguir apoyo lo mas pronto posible cuando se ve una oportunida unica para traer a personas influyentes que el factor de respuesta rapido es la clave para poder traerl@
Traigan a mas vtubers a hive, muchos de ell@s son artitas y traen variedad de contenido, siento que sera buen impacto si traen a vtuber, traigan a la ratonsita cheesitv :)
Hoy en día en la web2 los usuarios buscan de alguna forma monetizar en grande sin realizar un real esfuerzo. Redes como TikTok, Instagram provocan eso.
aunque uno de los mayores problemas es el metodo de pago, pues usualmente la gente se preocupa cuando menciono que hive es una crypto. Y prefiere evitar el tema
Yo creo que ya dos veces ha ingresado a Hive excelentes influencers, recuerdo el caso de un comediante y también de un ilustrador pero no les dio el alcance que les genera la Web 2 en cuanto vistas, monetario etc.
Sí, es que si vienen de ganar mucho y tener muchas vistas, aquí no van a ganar igual ni a tener la misma interacción. Hay menos usuarios y el valor no es tan alto
Concuerdo con Jessica y es un choque el iniciar sesión y quizás los primeros 3 post. También me han dicho que los nuevos usuarios tienden a buscar tutoriales en Youtube y no hay suficiente información allí
Creo que la tolerancia sobre el crecimiento de un usuario ayuda a que haya un avance significativo. Obviamente de entrada no respetarán ciertas reglas, que no conocen o no tienen adoptadas, así que es cuestión de apoyar a ese usuario.
En literatura HIVE es poderoso.
Puedo publicar una historia de suspenso y las recompensas son satisfactoria. Si las llevo a la Web2 no he podido causar un impacto importante.
Pareciera que HIVE es para no faranduleros por decir un nombre.
Es cierto. Si un usuario por propia intuición llega a Hive no podría evitar cometer algunos errores porque no hay algo que les indique que no deberían hacer.
Se enteran cuando ya se unen a comunidades en Discord o telegram. y si no se unen
Sabes que me cae mal... cuando los asusta Hive Watchers jaja no tienen tacto, asustan a los nuevos que ni saben que hicieron algo mal. Y de paso tienen que apelar en Discord ¿Y si no usan discord?
hace falta mas contenido en youtube sobre hive :), he buscado informacion y solo lo encuentro dentro del mismo hive, como persona nueva iria directamente a youtube pero no hay 😦
Hay que estar atento en las redes, puede haber oportunidades para traer personas que tienen mucho publico como recientemente se puedo realizar con la vtuber cheesitv
Si, eso si. Aquí en Hive es que me volví creador de contenido y es aquí donde me he aventurado a tomar la idea de crear ese espacio para ayudar a los nuevos usuarios a superar las primeras barreras.
Yo queria traer a la vtuber cheesitv pero no tuvo el impacto que esperaba para traerla a hive debido a que tenian problemas de monetizacion por parte de twicht :(
Hive es un estilo de vida, va mas aya del dinero.Hive es una gran plataforma, el problema es que no se puede vender como una plataforma para hacer dinero. #Hive es un medio para evolucionar como persona y creador.
Yo les digo a quien me preguntan de que trata: Yo creo contenido de calidad, me esfuerzo un poquito mas y tengo comentarios de valor, nadie me censura y de paso monetizo y retiro cuando decida.
Lo otro que pasa y que lo he vivido es que monto un video en 3Speak y las vistas son mínimas y por ende las recompensas son bajas.
Me llevo el mismo video a mi canal de YouTube y allí llueven las vistas.
En la web2 los mismos algoritmos valoran la tendencia... pero no necesariamente por calidad de contenido, y se ve mucho, eso provoca un choque a esos usuarios que llegan a web3 con la misma filosofía
Otro aspecto que Inleo ha trabajado es que los usuarios pueden entrar desde su correo y cuenta de X, eso puede hacer que otros usuarios entren sin tantas complicaciones, porque muchos no desean entrar porque lo ven algo complicado.
Un factor aquí que es algo que dejaría desnudo al influencer es el tema de que el contenido tiene que ser original y en todo caso manejar complemento libres de derechos de autor. En cambio en Web2 ese factor no es tan relevante.
En realidad sí es relevante en web2, lo que no hay es quien lo haga valer siempre. Pero por ejemplo, en YouTube y otras redes no puedes usar música registrada y otros elementos similares. La diferencia es que hay gente que está monetizando y gente que no, entonces si no monetizas, no importa
Desconocía eso. Si he escuchado algunos pocos casos donde sancionan pero son muy pocas.
Sin embargo es algo que no entiendo porque a muchas personas les cuesta esa parte.
Cuando están monetizando sí los castigan un montón por usar contenido que esté registrado. Y viene el shadowban también, cuando no arreglas el problema
Cuando llegan a HIVE se encuentran que sus contenidos deben ser de calidad, indicar las fuentes que sean libres de derechos de autor y muchos ven en eso una traba o no se acostumbran a ello. De allí que si permanecía en HIVE sea breve.
Me parece que es una pregunta que podríamos hacerle a esa persona. Está preparado su público para incursionar en Hive?
Hive tiene tanto para dar y tanto por indagar que podría abrumar a un usuario "flojo"
Los usuarios tienden a comparar Web 2 con Web 3, es verdad y están tan acostumbrados a dejarse envolver que no desean investigar, ese es un punto importante para guiar a los nuevos usuarios.
This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for January 17th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added.
All members answering the roll call below will get curated.
Hello friends, good day to you, how is the day going? Please am so sorry for not reporting yesterday, I was so tired and I slept off. Although it's 2:32 a.m. here in Nigeria, but am still awake 💖💖💖. I love you all @freecompliments
There is a lot going on in my notifications, and sometimes it seems I don't even get mentioned... although I am tagged...
Reporting in. Do we have Any updates on Devpress?
Yeah like $3,400 plus taxes and plus I need prescription inserts. ($99+)
I love me some new tech.
I lived on the east coast when the OG Iphone came out and got the 6th one.
It is super pricey but I can't resist.
I have played with it a bit during some dev meetings.
Is not I don't find it super interesting. But the hardware is still too far of what it will become, imho. Is like when I disliked Blackberries as I went from PDAs to iPhones. I wanted a personal device, BB always felt like a low effort.
Nope. I don't game. And I don't see that there would be a significant boost in productivity to justify the cost. I might get more enjoyment from the equivalent value in booze.
It's not just for gaming.
It is a new ear of spatial computing.
In fact gaming is not even the main purpose of the device.
It is a full computing environment.
I’m sure it’s an immersive experience. I just fail to see how it would make processing emails and writing blog posts more efficient for me. To kill time, I can read on my Kindle or watch YouTube in bed with my phone. The computer work I do mostly involves somebody else's computer.
If I worked entirely from home, I might have a use. It would be a distraction from my loneliness.
We have the ability to build some incredible models on Leo (Hive). Sadly, most do not have the knowledge of how to go about this. That is why there is a lot of chasing our tails.
Well we need those who are focused upon their projects to the extent of most other things also.
But it is important for people to keep thinking about these things. That is why I keep harping upon basic business building principles. These are models that can be implemented on here to create the massive effects we want.
Leo Premium goes into the bLeo-bHive liquidity pool and is permanently locked up.
The flywheel is where leo premium can be the value proposition with more features built in. Amazon uses prime for this...look at all you can use it for. This extends the tentacles out into many different areas...music, movies, sports, shipping, etc..
All of that eventually feeds into sales, i.e. the buying of product.
It is a way for people to enter either Leo or Hive. One of the big issues is there are few ways to get the token/coin. Without liquidity, big money will never move into a token since it is afraid it cannot get out.
Try to get in or out of $5K of LEO. It isnt easy right now. That is where liquidity enters.
It buys the $LEO off the market. That's built-in buying pressure each month that is buying liquid LEOs and then locking them in an LP forever. If you know how an AMM works, then you'll know those LEOs are technically for sale, but they're not all for sale at market price. There's a graph of how those are for sale on an infinite price increase
So LEO is effectively being removed from the circulating supply and placed into order books. If the price reaches an astronomical level, they slowly are unlocked on the way up (AMM model)
Well there is much more to it than simply what Khal wrote. Unfortunately, what he is proposing is from a development perspective. Since Leo is community owned there are many more pieces but those on here do not really understand any of this.
That would even be better as it will allow us to understand better. Would be interested to know more about what else can be built if the Leo Premium grows big. What else it can do apart from growing or deepening the bhive-bleo liquidity?
I'm quite sure I'm not the only one who couldn't see further so it would be nice if you could expand it the way you always do :)
There are other aspects to the flywheel that is beyond your area and up to the community. It is imperative that those avenues are established which will enhance your efforts.
Hard to make a sale when there isnt much to sell. This is where we (the Lions) have to step up.
Something around the "attention" is a very good way to pump that flywheel for premium. Sometimes people just want to pay to be noticed... to be heard... and on the blockchain, this is difficult to be noticed, hence why an UI can really make a value proposition in terms of adding that feature for value.
I would defiantly say that with something along those lines (and there could be several levels like X has...) I would be perfectly happy to pay, to be heard.
Normal Premium = just new features...
Premium+ = Same as Premium, plus all threads to immediately join threadcasting in the top, for 24 hours.
Premium++ = Same as Premium+ but instead your threads stay for 3 days.
And so on...
(this is just an example, but you get the idea)
I have a license; I work with video editing.
The folks at work pay for the license for me. I'm not sure about the exact amount, but I think it's around $19.
The question regarding worst pizza topping is open to all sorts of options, whether they are the expected options or those which are bizarre. I'm guessing that pizza topped with chicken lips would be horrible.
market which is only worth about $0.00006, where the 6.9 GM mined every day will be worth only about $0.0004. 💸😅Looks like you very often forget about using the #gmfrens tag on #LeoThreads daily, or no longer interested in mining GM because of its price on the #HiveEngine
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
I'm getting frustrated with new #onboard hivers! Either they give up after a short time or they give up before they even create the account. Long live the #Hive pyramid, where you don't spend a penny to get in!
Yeah, I understand you. And they overcomplicate things, they say here is hard, but then you see other social media and like... it's the same, the only different part in the usability is to get to know your keys
I've already called several people from Instagram, which isn't monetized. They're people who do a lot of work there, but when they come here they say it's too complicated.
The only thing easy there is scroll... other than that, to actually see some results, you have to put a huge effort. Of course there is people that make good money, but if that's not you, improve your strategy of move to a platform that better suits you.
Eu por enquanto não estou chamando mais ninguém, é muito complexo gerir a expectativa deles, porque mesmo ganhando algo aqui que se nao ganha na web2, geralmente acham que vai ser dinheiro rápido e fácil ou que é muito esforço para pouco retorno e o mais engraçado é que fazem isso todo dia de GRAÇA no Instagram kkkk
threadcast es un thread que al usar esa etiqueta activa un modo en que se actualiza cada 5 segundos y el mensaje mas reciente se ve primero. Acaba funcionando como una sala de chat en vivo. Se puede usar para debates o, como este, cuando hay un show en vivo y se chatea en el threadcast
If I have to guess this could be on the top 20 movie fights ever, Im sure there are other great fights but the amount of super heroes against a single villain and still not beat him, besides this is round two
We may have already encountered this situation and know the size of the problem we are facing. It is things like this that make decision making not so easy at times.
In my last post through @inleo in the #hivelearners community I express my opinion on what we can do to make good decisions. Maybe you have other better mechanisms and we can share them.
At the moment I'm not trying to spend too much time on X, to be honest.
I'm checking in once a day, and want to keep it this way for a little while to not get sucked into the X hole :)
1/ Most businesses make money based on a simple premise: they offer a product or service, and customers utilize that product or service and pay for it.
2/ The customer earns value from the product or service they purchased and the business earns value from the monetary transaction. However, not all businesses work like that
3/ Some businesses are designed to profit when customers DO NOT utilize the service or product they purchase.
4/ That's called the breakage business model. Find out more on the link below
Esse é o #threadcast para a AMA da Hive Br! Interaja com a gente!
Absurdo ver a hive impactando tantos lugares.
Para descobrir a data do ama é uma enquete e a disponibilidade dos hosts.
Quanto mais usuários falando da hivebr é melhor para todos os usuários... Tem que ver quem tem essa disponibilidade e talvez falar de outros temas.
Um tema legal é a participação da Hive nos spaces.
Já estava com saudade de falar com a comunidade em video. O AMA me faz conectar humanizadamente com a comunidade.
A expectativa era grande.
Consumo real do Bitcoin está muito mais próximo de 125 TWh.
Iconic and Reliable
The 2001 Honda Civic
the eruo bodies of the gen 6 & 7 are sexy af, im not a car guy, i just like what i like lol
See an ad, click an ad!
Everyone is going to share this gif but I am first. HA

Think I am going to head to bed in a few minutes. Hope I don't sleep in again tomorrow.
Have a great night and get some sleep
Iniciaremos el debate:Bienvenidos a este nuevo #threadcast de Diálogos en @hispapro.
¿Cuál es la mejor forma de atraer a nuevos usuarios?
Como se puede conseguir apoyo lo mas pronto posible cuando se ve una oportunida unica para traer a personas influyentes que el factor de respuesta rapido es la clave para poder traerl@
de donde estemos#hispapro promocionar hive es importante des
Excelente me gusto el hispapro de hoy ♥
Traigan a mas vtubers a hive, muchos de ell@s son artitas y traen variedad de contenido, siento que sera buen impacto si traen a vtuber, traigan a la ratonsita cheesitv :)
Hoy en día en la web2 los usuarios buscan de alguna forma monetizar en grande sin realizar un real esfuerzo. Redes como TikTok, Instagram provocan eso.
Y lo peor es que realmente no son muchos los que ganan en esas redes, pero tienen esa aspiración.
aunque uno de los mayores problemas es el metodo de pago, pues usualmente la gente se preocupa cuando menciono que hive es una crypto. Y prefiere evitar el tema
Yo creo que ya dos veces ha ingresado a Hive excelentes influencers, recuerdo el caso de un comediante y también de un ilustrador pero no les dio el alcance que les genera la Web 2 en cuanto vistas, monetario etc.
Sí, es que si vienen de ganar mucho y tener muchas vistas, aquí no van a ganar igual ni a tener la misma interacción. Hay menos usuarios y el valor no es tan alto
El crecimiento viene de la mano de las necesidades del usuario, aunque no siempre es así, muchas veces se crea la necesidad
Yo creo que hay una tarea de aprovechar los algoritmos de la web2 para viralizar la web3 y todoas las herramientas!
Esa seria la estrategia de entrada.. todos vienen de web2
Concuerdo con Jessica y es un choque el iniciar sesión y quizás los primeros 3 post. También me han dicho que los nuevos usuarios tienden a buscar tutoriales en Youtube y no hay suficiente información allí
Buenas noches.

Creo que la tolerancia sobre el crecimiento de un usuario ayuda a que haya un avance significativo. Obviamente de entrada no respetarán ciertas reglas, que no conocen o no tienen adoptadas, así que es cuestión de apoyar a ese usuario.
Bendiciones para todos.
Una buena tarde conversando sobre Hive y las mejores formas de atraer más personas a nuestro ecosistema.
eso pasa muchas personas consiguen información en YouTube ect de hive, luego se registran y están solos, hay que ayudarlos!
Muy bueno el programa, da para otro.
En literatura HIVE es poderoso.
Puedo publicar una historia de suspenso y las recompensas son satisfactoria. Si las llevo a la Web2 no he podido causar un impacto importante.
Pareciera que HIVE es para no faranduleros por decir un nombre.
Traigan a mas vtubes a Hive :)
quiero ver a cheesitv :(
Traigan a la ratonsita cheesitv :)
Es cierto. Si un usuario por propia intuición llega a Hive no podría evitar cometer algunos errores porque no hay algo que les indique que no deberían hacer.
Se enteran cuando ya se unen a comunidades en Discord o telegram. y si no se unen
Sabes que me cae mal... cuando los asusta Hive Watchers jaja no tienen tacto, asustan a los nuevos que ni saben que hicieron algo mal. Y de paso tienen que apelar en Discord ¿Y si no usan discord?
hace falta mas contenido en youtube sobre hive :), he buscado informacion y solo lo encuentro dentro del mismo hive, como persona nueva iria directamente a youtube pero no hay 😦
Hay que estar atento en las redes, puede haber oportunidades para traer personas que tienen mucho publico como recientemente se puedo realizar con la vtuber cheesitv
Las reglas son fundamentales para los nuevos creadores, tenemos la tarea de enseñarles y tomen el debido camino creando contenido en hive
Si, eso si. Aquí en Hive es que me volví creador de contenido y es aquí donde me he aventurado a tomar la idea de crear ese espacio para ayudar a los nuevos usuarios a superar las primeras barreras.
Está excelente esa frase, tu eres un fiel consumidor y yo soy creador de contenido
Yo queria traer a la vtuber cheesitv pero no tuvo el impacto que esperaba para traerla a hive debido a que tenian problemas de monetizacion por parte de twicht :(
Hive es un estilo de vida, va mas aya del dinero.Hive es una gran plataforma, el problema es que no se puede vender como una plataforma para hacer dinero. #Hive es un medio para evolucionar como persona y creador.
Yo les digo a quien me preguntan de que trata: Yo creo contenido de calidad, me esfuerzo un poquito mas y tengo comentarios de valor, nadie me censura y de paso monetizo y retiro cuando decida.
Estamos en el discord de @hispapro
Muchos exitos a todos los participantes
Lo otro que pasa y que lo he vivido es que monto un video en 3Speak y las vistas son mínimas y por ende las recompensas son bajas.
Me llevo el mismo video a mi canal de YouTube y allí llueven las vistas.
Lo bueno de ésto es que promueves a Hive, al igual que en Tiktok y demás redes , a alguien le dará curiosidad preguntar ¿Qué es Hive?
En la web2 los mismos algoritmos valoran la tendencia... pero no necesariamente por calidad de contenido, y se ve mucho, eso provoca un choque a esos usuarios que llegan a web3 con la misma filosofía
Este es un tema de que se ha estado hablando mucho en el lado Anglo de hive.
Hive no es para influencers grandes sino para el que construye desde cero. Al menos ahora
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Yo no podría haberlo dicho mejor.
Otro aspecto que Inleo ha trabajado es que los usuarios pueden entrar desde su correo y cuenta de X, eso puede hacer que otros usuarios entren sin tantas complicaciones, porque muchos no desean entrar porque lo ven algo complicado.
si hacer una conexión entre las 2 webs
Un factor aquí que es algo que dejaría desnudo al influencer es el tema de que el contenido tiene que ser original y en todo caso manejar complemento libres de derechos de autor. En cambio en Web2 ese factor no es tan relevante.
En realidad sí es relevante en web2, lo que no hay es quien lo haga valer siempre. Pero por ejemplo, en YouTube y otras redes no puedes usar música registrada y otros elementos similares. La diferencia es que hay gente que está monetizando y gente que no, entonces si no monetizas, no importa
Desconocía eso. Si he escuchado algunos pocos casos donde sancionan pero son muy pocas.
Sin embargo es algo que no entiendo porque a muchas personas les cuesta esa parte.
Cuando están monetizando sí los castigan un montón por usar contenido que esté registrado. Y viene el shadowban también, cuando no arreglas el problema
ese es el detalle, un gran detalle
Cuando llegan a HIVE se encuentran que sus contenidos deben ser de calidad, indicar las fuentes que sean libres de derechos de autor y muchos ven en eso una traba o no se acostumbran a ello. De allí que si permanecía en HIVE sea breve.
No tienen una cultura de respetar el derecho de autor
Muy buenas tardes a todos, infinitas bendiciones!
Hola hola!!! Bienvenidos al threadcast :D
Saludos.. desde Cumaná - Venezuela
Hola por aquí
Genial, a conversar un rato sobre el testigo
¡Saludando ando!
Hola por acá! Bienvenida a InLeo y a dialogos con hispapro
Saludos. Presente por primera vez en Dialogos en Hispapro.. Me parece interesante el tema de hoy.
Siii! es interesante, cosas de las que hay que hablar en hive
Aquí te escuchamos
Me parece que es una pregunta que podríamos hacerle a esa persona. Está preparado su público para incursionar en Hive?
Hive tiene tanto para dar y tanto por indagar que podría abrumar a un usuario "flojo"
Ciertamente. Hive requiere de por si, saber cuidar las claves, y esa entrada va a ser siempre un filtro, incluso cuando las dapps estén todas al 100%
Me gusta el tema, es de amplio debate. Saludos
Sí, es bastante amplio. Y realmente todas pueden funcionar para diferentes tipos de público y diferentes tipos de dapps
Los usuarios tienden a comparar Web 2 con Web 3, es verdad y están tan acostumbrados a dejarse envolver que no desean investigar, ese es un punto importante para guiar a los nuevos usuarios.
No es negocio para ellos
Hay retorno
aqui llegando tarde pero estando :)
This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for January 17th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added.
All members answering the roll call below will get curated.
Mental Health Ambassador Team: @alessandrawhite @bitcoinman @caleb-marvel @ckole @fantagira7 @FoneStreet @ganjafarmer @goingcrossroads @gregscloud @ibbtammy @jongolson @juva @laurapalmerr @lorennys @luchyl @manclar @pepetoken @solymi @thebighigg @wongi
Answer this daily roll call to get curation!
Evening all
Beautiful image
Good evening to you 🌞🌞🌞... !AFIT
How’s it going?
am cool and you?
For more info about tipping AFIT tokens, check out this link
Nice seeing you how are you doing?
A lot better than I was ty
Welcome back to being alive!
Hello friends, good day to you, how is the day going? Please am so sorry for not reporting yesterday, I was so tired and I slept off. Although it's 2:32 a.m. here in Nigeria, but am still awake 💖💖💖. I love you all @freecompliments
No problem, we're all human! Only the crazies (like me) come here and post the threadcast every day! 🤪
No you are not crazy, 💖💖💖💖 I sincerely appreciate your works that why I love coming around 😊
Appreciate it, brother! 🙏
Here we are !
There is a lot going on in my notifications, and sometimes it seems I don't even get mentioned... although I am tagged...
Reporting in. Do we have Any updates on Devpress?
im here ready to help my fellow lions and bees
Thank you 🙏
It's deleted now, but that was quite a kinky photograph, haha. Not sure what it had to do with this initiative, but compliments to you. 😁
Keep up the good work everyone! Thankfully, so far I didn't read any posts from people in distress.. If so, I will bring them here!
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/5)@freecompliments! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thisismylife.
Hello friends, here is a dragonfly I caught during the day when I was at work.
#mydiary #hive #dragonfly #photography
Is anyone else getting a Vision Pro??
I can't wait.
Not an Apple user nor in the area of dropping big bucks at this point. Isnt that hitting the market at about $3K?
Yeah like $3,400 plus taxes and plus I need prescription inserts. ($99+)
I love me some new tech.
I lived on the east coast when the OG Iphone came out and got the 6th one.
It is super pricey but I can't resist.
I have played with it a bit during some dev meetings.
LOL we all have our vices.
Maybe ill buy yours used after you are done with it. LOL> !PIZZA
Ew nope, Im quite a technologist but for some reason I dont get attracted to that at all...
interesting your a technologist and not interested the concept of spatial computing.
well each to their own.
Is not I don't find it super interesting. But the hardware is still too far of what it will become, imho. Is like when I disliked Blackberries as I went from PDAs to iPhones. I wanted a personal device, BB always felt like a low effort.
Not me :) I did read it's not going to launch with Netflix app.
Nope. I don't game. And I don't see that there would be a significant boost in productivity to justify the cost. I might get more enjoyment from the equivalent value in booze.
It's not just for gaming.
It is a new ear of spatial computing.
In fact gaming is not even the main purpose of the device.
It is a full computing environment.
I’m sure it’s an immersive experience. I just fail to see how it would make processing emails and writing blog posts more efficient for me. To kill time, I can read on my Kindle or watch YouTube in bed with my phone. The computer work I do mostly involves somebody else's computer.
If I worked entirely from home, I might have a use. It would be a distraction from my loneliness.
I wouldn't be me if I didn't occasionally write in some innuendo towards bodily functions in my comments/posts.
Proverb: A rat that moves in the market is better than the elephant who sleeps at the vault. #mydiary #manhwa
Leo needs to kick off its flywheel and develop a model that reinforces itself. Leo Premium is something that can be at the center of this.
We know how well Amazon does with this. It feeds Amazon Prime into other aspects of the business.
isn't LeoAds the main flywheel ??
I thought Leo Premium funded the back end costs.
Can you expand on this?
We have the ability to build some incredible models on Leo (Hive). Sadly, most do not have the knowledge of how to go about this. That is why there is a lot of chasing our tails.
True. Something I will ponder on.
Yeah. Virtuous cycles can become natural when properly built. A lot of them can happen organically if mapped out and interconnected.
With something like what is happening here, a huge amount of potential.
I agree so much potential.
This entire new InLeo interface and branding has been amazing for me.
Sometimes I get so focused on what we are building, I forget to look at other possibilities. I am going to spend some time thinking on this.
Well we need those who are focused upon their projects to the extent of most other things also.
But it is important for people to keep thinking about these things. That is why I keep harping upon basic business building principles. These are models that can be implemented on here to create the massive effects we want.
Leo Premium goes into the bLeo-bHive liquidity pool and is permanently locked up.
The flywheel is where leo premium can be the value proposition with more features built in. Amazon uses prime for this...look at all you can use it for. This extends the tentacles out into many different areas...music, movies, sports, shipping, etc..
All of that eventually feeds into sales, i.e. the buying of product.
ahhh! I forgot about the bleo & pleo things.
Makes sense.
But, what will InLeo get from permanently locking Premium funds into bLeo-Hive pool?
It is a way for people to enter either Leo or Hive. One of the big issues is there are few ways to get the token/coin. Without liquidity, big money will never move into a token since it is afraid it cannot get out.
Try to get in or out of $5K of LEO. It isnt easy right now. That is where liquidity enters.
Liquidity is quite basic for a crypto ecosystem, this way the investor feel safe about their investment being vested in a project for longer tenures.
What task said in his reply here
Also: Premium doesn't just "go into it"
It buys the $LEO off the market. That's built-in buying pressure each month that is buying liquid LEOs and then locking them in an LP forever. If you know how an AMM works, then you'll know those LEOs are technically for sale, but they're not all for sale at market price. There's a graph of how those are for sale on an infinite price increase
So LEO is effectively being removed from the circulating supply and placed into order books. If the price reaches an astronomical level, they slowly are unlocked on the way up (AMM model)
It's nice explanation, I know what AMM is and how it works. Do you buy LEO from Hive chain as well or only that is on Polygon and BSC chains?
Thanks bro.
Yeah. I was just reading Khal's post. It will be interesting to see if the numbers would go up when people will learn about it.
Well there is much more to it than simply what Khal wrote. Unfortunately, what he is proposing is from a development perspective. Since Leo is community owned there are many more pieces but those on here do not really understand any of this.
Yeah, most of us just see what's on the surface. Could you perhaps write a more in-depth article about it?
LOL I probably could write a dozen. There could be ones for Hive and for Leo.
What would you like to know in particular.
That would even be better as it will allow us to understand better. Would be interested to know more about what else can be built if the Leo Premium grows big. What else it can do apart from growing or deepening the bhive-bleo liquidity?
I'm quite sure I'm not the only one who couldn't see further so it would be nice if you could expand it the way you always do :)
Some of the tentacles (ideas) I toss out there are part of a flywheel concept. Sadly, few jump on it since they cant comprehend a lot of this.
I've realized that Premium is the path forward for LEO in terms of monetization. Even more impactful than Ad Revenue IMO
We see Elon pushing the same on X with Verified Personal/Org memberships
I've changed the entire team's directives to line up with getting us to 1,000 premium recurring subs by the end of Q1 2024. This is now our #1 focus
Developers are focused on 1) UI stability 2) adding new premium features in Q1
There are other aspects to the flywheel that is beyond your area and up to the community. It is imperative that those avenues are established which will enhance your efforts.
Hard to make a sale when there isnt much to sell. This is where we (the Lions) have to step up.
I will put together some articles.
true, well spoken
Something around the "attention" is a very good way to pump that flywheel for premium. Sometimes people just want to pay to be noticed... to be heard... and on the blockchain, this is difficult to be noticed, hence why an UI can really make a value proposition in terms of adding that feature for value.
I would defiantly say that with something along those lines (and there could be several levels like X has...) I would be perfectly happy to pay, to be heard.
Normal Premium = just new features...
Premium+ = Same as Premium, plus all threads to immediately join threadcasting in the top, for 24 hours.
Premium++ = Same as Premium+ but instead your threads stay for 3 days.
And so on...
(this is just an example, but you get the idea)
Editing my first video about @splinterlands !
Está ficando legal, infelizmente durante a gravação, deu problema no meu mic!
mas será o primeiro de muitos!
#splinterlands #inleo #mydiary #hivebr
Which app do you use for doing this, boss?like what am seeing.
i am using Premiere from Adobe!
Thank u, my friend ❤️
waoooo, how much did you get the app boss?
I have a license; I work with video editing.
The folks at work pay for the license for me. I'm not sure about the exact amount, but I think it's around $19.
That's cool. Would have loved to get one if it was free though. Nice work out there boss.
Thank u my friend ❤️
Mee too.
Great job, buddy! Share the link once you've finished editing.
Sure bro, it is a SPLD battle video.
Nice Bro, i will want see!
Here is the link bro..
"A mind full of conclusions is a dead mind, not a living mind. A living mind is a free mind, learning, never concluding."
I love this. When we think we have nothing more to learn then we are just ready to die.
Well said.
I agree!
What's the worst topping to put on a pizza?
Some people would say it's pineapple; others would say its broccoli; some would day it's anchovies
In your experience as a consumer of pizza, what's the worst topping to put on a pizza?
I would go with anchovies. Fish on pizza? No thanks.
This resonates heavily with me. Nothing worse than Anchovies
get out of here man! Pineapple is soooo good on #pizza
Can't do it. It's just the nastiest thing ever on a pie lol
I like it actually, served at Dominos .
I... I'm not qualified to reply this... I would eat everything and more. Have not found one topping that ruin my pizza
That's OK; get creative! !LOLZ
You are out of jokes for the day!
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@magnacarta you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 1 times per day.
same here. i eat any toppings on pizza. i have even tried potatoes on pizza
Ohh in brazil we get very creative with toppings so there is no definitve answer for that question I guess...
But to stick to more common options I would go with anchovies.
And pineapple on pizza = sexy
The question regarding worst pizza topping is open to all sorts of options, whether they are the expected options or those which are bizarre. I'm guessing that pizza topped with chicken lips would be horrible.
I dont know about chicken lips but we have one with a whole roasted chicken on it
anchovies for sure
Try caviar.
The places where I get pizza don't offer caviar, but I'll keep it in mind. The closest I can get to caviar is tuna.
That can be done in your home kitchen as well. 🙂
I haven't tried broccoli, but I haven't met a pizza topping that I didn't like. Pineapple is amazing on pizza.
Anchovies would be my first choice to avoid, especially anchovies with capers! That's too much salt in one go ahaha
But chicken is also a no for me! Chicken is only good roasted alone!
Evening from Newfoundland, the little island in the middle of the North Atlanic. Canadas eastern most province. 9.02PM here. #bbh
I would love to visit there. I went to Prince Edward Island one time.
Be a purple cow, Jongo said. While I let that sink in, let me just stake some $LEO for the day.
market which is only worth about $0.00006, where the 6.9 GM mined every day will be worth only about $0.0004. 💸😅Looks like you very often forget about using the #gmfrens tag on #LeoThreads daily, or no longer interested in mining GM because of its price on the #HiveEngine
Have some !PGM with !LUV! 😁
ifarmgirl-leo, savvytester sent you LUV. 🙂 (7/10) tools | trade | connect | daily
Made with LUV by crrdlx.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
I simply forget hehe. I never even checked the price😅 I have lots of it on Wax😁
Thanks for the tips and #gmfrens 😂
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Sundae school.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ifarmgirl-leo
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@savvytester, I sent you an
Don't forget to use the #gmfrens tag on #LeoThreads today! 🤗
GM transaction history). 🤓😏Anyway, I noticed that you don't transfer your GM tokens on #HiveEngine to the WAX blockchain (by looking at your
Have some !PIZZA with !LOLZ! 😁
An oughtter.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester
ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@ifarmgirl-leo, I sent you an
I think I will follow your steps. I have some LEO's to make stake of them.
Hehe, it's quite fun to do it :) All the best to you.
I'm getting frustrated with new #onboard hivers! Either they give up after a short time or they give up before they even create the account. Long live the #Hive pyramid, where you don't spend a penny to get in!
99 percent of people don't want what is good. And benifets them in the long run. They want easy and instant. Nothing to do with Hive in my oppion
I agree! Most people want immediate things and don't focus on the long term
Yeah, I understand you. And they overcomplicate things, they say here is hard, but then you see other social media and like... it's the same, the only different part in the usability is to get to know your keys
I've already called several people from Instagram, which isn't monetized. They're people who do a lot of work there, but when they come here they say it's too complicated.
The only thing easy there is scroll... other than that, to actually see some results, you have to put a huge effort. Of course there is people that make good money, but if that's not you, improve your strategy of move to a platform that better suits you.
Eu por enquanto não estou chamando mais ninguém, é muito complexo gerir a expectativa deles, porque mesmo ganhando algo aqui que se nao ganha na web2, geralmente acham que vai ser dinheiro rápido e fácil ou que é muito esforço para pouco retorno e o mais engraçado é que fazem isso todo dia de GRAÇA no Instagram kkkk
We back
We so back
So I made a thread while it wasn't working. Does it just get lost in limbo or will it catch up and post it? Or do I need to remake the thread?
3x is the nicest ROI if worked properly on inLeo.
#Premium funds get locked into the $HIVE / $LEO LP permanently. I like supporting both tokens. The smart guys say liquidity is good. 🤓
It's good if people use it. No one really uses it lol It needs to be directly integrated into the UI of InLeo for that to start happening.
Hey Lion Cabal, the #threadsaddict is here 😂
#thread2earn #alive #liotes
Hola 😍 Welcome to the club 😅
Muchas gracias 😅
Nice display. Club is growing.
The son of WWE star Goldberg is headed to UC 🏈
Desde labs @tsunsica. test
👀 I see you
Desde labs si me funciona bien.
An hour ago, the posted thread did not appear immediately as normally do within 2-3 secs. I hope now it is fixed. let's try.
Threads were down.
Was that due to an update?
No clue.
Rise and shine,
It's the foggy morning with a bit of a haze in the air. Air quality as always full of carbon as commuters rush through the streets.
The bright side is that it's not cold and not too warm, just a fine weather.
Good morning. It's good that you're having nice weather despite the haze. Enjoy your day.
It's so breezy on my side of the world so it's cold. It's just going to be another indoor day for us.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Look @ifarmgirl-leo, you've inspired me to make PowerUP of some LEO's.
It's not a bad idea to do it more often, as it really will make a difference at some point 😄 .
Yay! A good move I say :) Keep it up !LADY 😍
View or trade
tokens.@ifarmgirl-leo, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @vikvitnik and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/1 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
I power up LEO everyday around 10 and yes it adds up
why sometimes my threads just don't show up ? lol
Ninja kick it!
Or just refresh it :)
Got a question are you able to post long form posts on inleo with a benifactor/benifactors
Your long winded answers are sure tiresome.
Forces more engagement I'm with it 🤣 !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/50)@taskmaster4450le! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
it's exhausting being this awesome, I'll admit
Can you tell me more about what you using and how you logging in maybe that's my issue I use keychain on desktop.
very easy on desktop. Not sure mobile.
Right below where you put tags
I can post to InLeo using 1 benefactor. InLeo throws me an error message if I include 2 or more benefactors.
interesting I only had one benefactor the default 5% inleo 🤣 !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/50)@magnacarta! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
At the moment TUSD breaks the resistance and keeps falling, losing 1:1 with the dollar, which is very bad for high volume stablecoins.
Better to switch to $HBD 🔥😎
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@joheredia21! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
#newsonleo #etf
Un threadcast latino en el top 👀

Lo siento por mi ignorancia, ¿qué es un threadcast? 😁
threadcast es un thread que al usar esa etiqueta activa un modo en que se actualiza cada 5 segundos y el mensaje mas reciente se ve primero. Acaba funcionando como una sala de chat en vivo. Se puede usar para debates o, como este, cuando hay un show en vivo y se chatea en el threadcast
Wow, que práctico! muchas gracias por la explicación amiga
If I have to guess this could be on the top 20 movie fights ever, Im sure there are other great fights but the amount of super heroes against a single villain and still not beat him, besides this is round two
#avengers #movies #fight #thanos
Erotic poem that deals with revenge in the face of heartbreak and betrayal.
#poetry #erotic #spanish #writing #inleo #threads #hive
Hoy fue un día académico, realizamos un PODCAST sobre Inteligencia Artificial.
Estamos en el discord de #Hispapro!
Yo también!!!
Mis entrenamientos con Hive Run: perseverando en el running/ My workouts with Hive Run: persevering in running [ESP] [ENG]

#hiverun #deportes #fulldeportes #running #dance-therapy
LO ÚLTIMO: El Fiscal César Suárez se convierte en la nueva víctima del crimen organizado, tras resultar baleado en el norte de Guayaquil, Ecuador.
I had to get my snowblower out for the 2nd time this winter today.
Snow blower in Florida = coke whore
hahahahahahahahah. Sounds about right.
Yep. Not a lot of snow here, at least the kind that falls from the sky.
boldlywe have both.
Have to be under the influence of something to deal with the cold up there.
now that is a funny one
Here I take out the dust remover every day 😆
#newsonleo #politics
#newsonleo #doge
#newsonleo #markets
#newsonleo #bitcoin
very interesting I wonder what they are up to
Not sure either. Maybe they just want to show they are still alive, lol! Or maybe they moved to safer wallets
safer wallets might be the answer !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/50)@ifarmgirl! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.
You have a decision to make and you have two options:
A) One option will bring the greatest benefit to you, but will jeopardize the peace between you and the people around you.
B) The other you will lose out on something, but you will keep the peace with others.
Which one do you choose?
2/ 🧵
We may have already encountered this situation and know the size of the problem we are facing. It is things like this that make decision making not so easy at times.
3/ 🧵
In my last post through @inleo in the #hivelearners community I express my opinion on what we can do to make good decisions. Maybe you have other better mechanisms and we can share them.
Here is the link:
#hive #gosh
#newsonleo #shiba
#newsonleo #politics
Am I the onboarding master ? 🤣 #hoc
Ha! That's a great effort there.. I'm going to follow to see what his answer was.
Feel free to give it a shot if you like too !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(31/50)@thisismylife! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
At the moment I'm not trying to spend too much time on X, to be honest.
I'm checking in once a day, and want to keep it this way for a little while to not get sucked into the X hole :)
But I see you doing good stuff!
Lol I hear you, the only reason I'm on X is for the onboarding effort before that I never used it
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/5)@bitcoinman! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thisismylife.
Did they respond back that they're interested? 😁
Nope 🤣 !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/50)@bulliontools! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
Bummer 😔
It's alright I'm not quitting we get there!BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(17/50)@bulliontools! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
continue bringing people that could offer good deals with silver like @bulliontools lol
Haha thanks. I try.
That's what's I'm saying 🤣 !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/50)@gwajnberg! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
Love it.
thanks , I'm steady fishing trying to give hive and SGS a boost 🤣 !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/50)@dkid14! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
Wonder what he'd say to that :)
Will keep y'all posted, slowly but surely bit by bit going to steal them X user and show them a better way 🤣 !BBH
Sounds like a good plan. Good luck 😉
Thank you, feel free to chime in on the effort on X !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@ifarmgirl! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@ifarmgirl! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.