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RE: Our Forgotten 10th Amendment

in #libertarian7 years ago

Haha... yeah, there aren't a ton of women who care about individual rights let alone individualism - I've given up on women honestly (not in general but as actual friends). They're mostly just basic and only care about what other people are doing/saying/wearing/eating/thinking; and are all so clueless about the whole feminism movement and what it originally stood for. I was appalled when I saw the gals at the Women's March after the inauguration - how does wearing a vagina hat running around topless on the National Mall bring any greater good to anything - we all know women have boobs and vaginas! LOL

My advice, and idk how old you are, but date older women! 30+! We aren't as stupid, mostly... ;)


LOL. 62 and have a fiance... but virtually married. We are just missing the right church to have the formality. This is how I have a family and our "PoshPrincess" as my stepGranddaughter. In the meanwhile, YOU are going to meet some very interesting single men through my network. I gahRONEtee it. I assume you see how much attention Lauren Southern gets, right? ...or Brit Pettibone. I'll filter out the garbage for you. How'zzat? Your dad will appreciate me. Yep. Are you Christian?

Congrats on the engagement! Haha, I don't have time for men, you're giving me all this work to do!! ;) Yes, I love Miss Pettibone! I'm very spiritual with no religious affiliation, kinda goes against my grain. I do however appreciate all religions, and feel that they all have something to share with the world, at least historically, but probably way more than that.

As for not having time for any men? MULTI-TASK, woman. I am allowing you to kill 2 birds with one stone. Do you realize the advantage you have in Libertavia... the Sausage capitol of America? Seriously. Allow the Holy Spirit into your life. Try it on for size. Jesus Christ came to DESTROY religion. Why do you think the jews and romans nailed him to that Cross? Relax... Roll the Bones. (assuming you are somewhat "old school" enough to enjoy the group, RUSH).

Every gen has it's intelligent women..... Problem is, GETTING THEM TO USE WHAT CHRIST GAVE THEM. LOL This doesn't change!!! S.O.S, every year.

Indeed, I agree. My daughter is very intelligent, and sometimes still has her snowflake moments, which is okay LOL (shes 16). But I just talk to her like an adult, with reason (luckily she's reasonable and logical by nature) and I know that all I say will sink in a little later in her life. Right now shes just bombarded by social media, mostly sjw leftists, and even though sometimes she sees the hypocrisy of it all, she kinda just has to go with the flow to exist in her very large and diverse school/peer group.

Baby steps with the young ones - I'd love to be able to be a role model for your g-daughter, and others like her (and my own daughter!) who just need a friendly/informative/entertaining reality check from a fellow "female millennial" (technically, I'm one of the oldest).

It used to be so simple: Give a 13 year old a copy of "Anthem" by Ayn Rand and the rest took care of itself... and imagine what it would have been like if we had the internet in 1956-76. I could only imagine how many "hits" her YT channel would have received.