Corporate Mafia Will Be Better Than Central Banking Mafia

in #libra5 years ago (edited)

A Biblical exchange of power is coming.

Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, and Ebay have left Libra.

However, if Libra isn't even launched yet, did they really leave?

This centralized shit-coin is such a win/win for everyone. The central banks are scrambling to threaten any corporation that associates with it. Let's see what happens when it's actually up and running in the countries that allow it, shall we?

Decentralization is adding healthy competition into a space that hasn't had competition in quite some time. The more resources central banks have to waste on fighting Libra gives them even less time to figure out what the hell they are supposed to do about Bitcoin.


Bitcoin. Can't buy it out. Can't shut it down.

The oldest most outdated pieces of society are about to be replaced by superior technology, and the vast majority of the world hasn't the slightest clue. The reason for this is simple: most people don't even know enough about today's economy to even realize how broken and outdated it is. There's a reason why we don't learn about this stuff in school.

More and more power is going to start slipping through the cracks, and there are cracks everywhere. Facebook is trying to scoop up central bank power, but corporations like Facebook are also vulnerable to decentralization, allowing the trickle-down value to be captured even further down this worn pyramid.


As far as the title is concerned, corporate rulership over the world won't be better because corporations are better than central banks. People are people and greed rules the world. Nothing changes there.

However, the earthquake of decentralization is slowly sinking these pyramids back into the sands of flat architecture. Neutral economic ground is being forged right before our very eyes, and we should all be on the lookout to grab some of this loose power, as it is sure to fall within arms reach at some point.


I really can't tell what is happening in the world of the elite.

T.H.E.Y. seem to be falling apart.
Evidence of internal power struggles are happening.

Too much writing on the walls saying the monetary extortion scheme is failing.

I believe the rots-childs' bank plans to destroy the currencies and reissue the new, backed by gold currency is going to fall flat. That the plan to destroy the dollar will also destroy any faith in the FED.

So... we are leaving a world that was kinda defined by nations and physical boundaries
to a world where we have groups of corporations that have no borders.

"... backed by gold currency..."

They're not backing any currency with anything except confidence and fear. The Masters of the Universe are selling gold at fire sale prices today.

China and Russia are buying it by the ton. Turkey’s been an active buyer too, but on a smaller scale. China’s really in a league of its own.

While for years now central banks have been so assiduously manipulating the price of gold downwards, they have proved impossible to not prosecute by agencies desperately trying to look the other way. It is obvious to me they do not intend to let gold be a store of value or a port of safety during the coming crash, which is why I also don't predict a coming crash.

Frankly, I don't see why they can't just keep printing fiat out of thin air into their accounts. As long as that money doesn't actually get spent on anything besides interest payments, it doesn't cause inflation, and by making debt impossible for anyone without a printing press, they gradually force chattel into corrals... I mean people into smart cities... and out of the soon to be playground of the banksters, rural and wild lands, by making mortgages and property beyond the reach of ordinary folks.

Debt is a weapon, and I can think of a lot of ways, since FDR, of making gold impossible to take cover behind. An old saying comes to mind: 'He who dies with the most debt wins.'

they have proved impossible to not prosecute by agencies desperately trying to look the other way.

I have had too many Guinness Stouts to make sense of the double-negatives. 😅

Frankly, I don't see why they can't just keep printing fiat out of thin air into their accounts.

Sure, for the foreseeable future. But it will work until it doesn’t. Yeah, that’s a cliché, but it’s all about confidence. As long as the masses have confidence in the fiat in their pockets, extra deck chairs can be laid out on the promenade of the Titanic. But if confidence vanishes quickly, I want to have some store of value in reserve (gold, silver, crypto, etc.).

"I have had too many Guinness Stouts to make sense of the double-negatives."

Alas, I have partaken of too much Rolling Rock to write well =p

If they intend to crash fiat, particularly dollars, and are aware that gold will act as a value store during such a crash - as it always has in the past - why would they be selling off gold reserves to the countries you named? More telling, they're selling gold by the ton while they're depressing the price. It really looks like whatever plan they have gives them confidence that gold won't be worth having as a reserve when they pull the trigger.

I can't predict the means they intend to use to keep folks from benefiting from gold reserves, but I can see that they're dumping gold at fire sale prices. Makes no sense to me unless they have no plans to crash fiat, and I reckon it's a good idea to have some PM's just to hedge inflation anyway.

Apparently what i typed earlier was complete garbage...

i was trying... and failing, to say that after T.H.E.Y. crash the dollar, T.H.E.Y. will be doing this thing where they issue a new currency "backed by gold"... but it will be a pain to convert... or some other shenanigans.
This is a future thing. And may not be the first thing T.H.E.Y. try.

i wasn't trying to say that The US has any backing. It is backed by the worlds largest terrorist organization.

"...backed by the worlds largest terrorist organization."

That's why I mentioned fear. It's the currency they know how to mint best.

The banking cartel is facing a serious threat which it cannot stand up to. Libra is of no concern because it is no different. One centrally controlling entity swapped for another.

What is more important is that each day tokens are distributed on blockchains and placed into the hands of real people. These tokens have value that might grow in the future. As more people sign on, the entire crypto sphere grows, setting over a large scale network effect.

I like your "taking a step back" posts. We tend to focus upon individual blockchains while over looking the network effect on the entire industry. In this regard, we are all in the same boat no matter what the blockchain/cryptocurrency.

The simple technological laws cannot be overcome by the banking cartel. Every single development on a decentralized blockchain is another dagger in them.

I have a feeling the collapse will be quicker than many anticipate. They are already showing signs of desperation.

"Bitcoin. Can't buy it out. Can't shut it down."

Doesn't matter. It can be completely prevented from being an medium of exchange - in fact it's incapable of scaling without any shenanigans at all - just by charging xaction fees, as was revealed in 2018. Not only that but it can be trivially bought out (but it won't, because that would enable stakeholders to profit immensely, and griefers won't do that) by fractional reserve banksters, and it can just as trivially be completely shut down by more means than you can shake a stick at.

Here's just a couple ways that I could eliminate the value of BTC tomorrow if I was king of the world: order ISPs to no longer resolve IP's of any exchange. Send jackbooted thugs to the doors of every identified BTC stakeholder and arrest them for something else. Firewall the internet so that international packets were only allowed if they went through my servers, and block all BTC. Shut the internet down, as in literally turn it off.

I've not given even a moment's thought to whether these are legal or not, or whether people would like it or not. If I did, I could still come up with more, that would be legal, and wouldn't get even one politician recalled.

Blockstream is a Bilderberger owned outfit. BTC is their baby. That's why you are allowed to have it. Cash fiat is the CO2 of money, and they want you to destroy it, because they'll make more money after you claim victory. Can you even imagine not paying taxes or fees on any transactions if BTC becomes the official currency of all nations?

You keep saying BTC, but I don't think BTC means what you think it means.



"...greed rules the world."

No it doesn't. You don't even have any clue as to the value of actual interpersonal interactions, because you've never even considered valuing them financially. People put up with greedy bastards because it's more convenient than stabbing their severed heads on pikes. Actual decentralized individually owned means of producing goods and services won't make that happen either, because it'll make greedy bastards irrelevant, and the socially competent will just ignore them unless they cause enough trouble to make them worth putting down like rabid dogs.

if I was king of the world

Good thing no one is king of the world.

God, you are tactful! Kudos. No one is happier than I that I am not king of the world LOL.

order ISPs to no longer resolve IP's of any exchange. Send jackbooted thugs to the doors of every identified BTC stakeholder and arrest them for something else. Firewall the internet so that international packets were only allowed if they went through my servers, and block all BTC. Shut the internet down, as in literally turn it off.

No one has the power to do any of those things,
and none of those things would stop Bitcoin.

Power doesn't work the way you think it does.
You look up the pyramid and think they can do anything and everything.
They can't. There are rules, even at the top.

The elite is not some harmoniously collaborative group hell-bent on exploiting the lower class, they'll consolidate power wherever they can at every opportunity. The competition and backstabbing occurs everywhere at every level.

I had all this shit written down but then I just changed it to something short and sweet, too bad your rebuttal was some unapologetically irritating sarcastic comment that missed the point completely.

No one is king of the world, therefore the world doesn't work the way you think it does. Your entire foundation of thinking is rooted to the 'fact' that one person could make those decisions and they would actually happen. No.

Seriously though, shut off the Internet?

Were you high when you wrote that?

Let's change the topic. Perhaps you could tell me more about how much I value "actual interpersonal interactions". Perhaps there are other subjects I think and feel about that you could explain to me.


very well said but facebook is the great grandson of rockefeller so the central bankers are moving to a new age(libra facebook) and sadly they will still be in control
in saying that great post and i agree they will have no time to see whats happening in the crypto space if they are chasing libra and facebook
do you think its planned this way so that the people think they have gotten rid of the central banks and they will be in there like flies on shit to the centralized cryptos anyways
have a great day buddy

Normies won't use it. We need the Russiacoin to emerge.

Normies won't use the Internet in 1990.

you are right normies will have no choice but to use it and by then they wont be able to make a killing once the wealth has been transferred
poor sheep
but nationalist is right they wont use it until the fear and collapses start and some still wont get in then either lol

^^^^^^ that! :-)

Libra is such a farce.

I remember someone telling the story of how the FED got passed... Libra almost played off exactly the same. BTC has been killing it for 10 years and no one has said a word (no one that matters, except some mofo that wanted to "nip it in the bud") in fear of advertising it. Libra is proposed and the fucking world jumped against it... or so it seemed...

They are really trying to hard!