The banking cartel is facing a serious threat which it cannot stand up to. Libra is of no concern because it is no different. One centrally controlling entity swapped for another.
What is more important is that each day tokens are distributed on blockchains and placed into the hands of real people. These tokens have value that might grow in the future. As more people sign on, the entire crypto sphere grows, setting over a large scale network effect.
I like your "taking a step back" posts. We tend to focus upon individual blockchains while over looking the network effect on the entire industry. In this regard, we are all in the same boat no matter what the blockchain/cryptocurrency.
The simple technological laws cannot be overcome by the banking cartel. Every single development on a decentralized blockchain is another dagger in them.
I have a feeling the collapse will be quicker than many anticipate. They are already showing signs of desperation.