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RE: I Don't Know What To Do With My Hands

in #life5 years ago

The personalization would definitely add value to the service. Don't sell yourself short of what you envision.
By the price, I'm guessing you are after a wide-body printer or something that does more than the 4 standard inkwells. I haven't thought much about that myself.
Don't get ahead of yourself, but take reasonable's an inherent contradiction. Finding the right balance, or more important timing is the key. The ship definitely hasn't sailed yet. Even if it does, just keep yourself happy doing what you do in the meantime. Anyway, this conversation is turning into one of strange expressions like a book of chicken soup for the businessperson.


In the meantime I'll continue building up what already is a massive body of work. A thick catalog. Something for everyone. Better to have one success within a pile of failures than to have one failure you think will be a success.