I Don't Know What To Do With My Hands

in #life5 years ago (edited)

If you fell in the forest and no one was around to hear you, would you make a sound?
Scream until you lose your voice, or save it for an ear or two?

I have far too much on my mind these days.

NoNamesLeftToUse - This Won't Hurt.png

I can use my head.

But what the hell do I do with my hands?

This presence you feel inches closer and closer to a past lasting four years.

Four years. Yet many who know me, don't really know me. I am who I am though. Whatever that is, to you, and I won't try to change your mind.

It could be good. It could be bad. A thousand and one things in between and everything, all at once. The dumbass who said something intelligent. The jerk that made them smile. A mysterious outsider who made absolutely no effort to ever fit inbecause I had made it my mission to stand out.

Some might label me an attention whore and frown upon that but I ensure you the art and these words are nothing without eyes, you see.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Had A Rough Night.jpeg

One expects to eventually catch up, someday, when all they do is chase their dreams.

Some of those dreams can be nightmares so it's good to be in a position where it is not the dream that is in hot pursuit. But maybe I do run from my past at times. I suppose it's a good way to stay in shape. Especially when the road leads to nowhere, and back.

Still, it is never wise, to get too far ahead of yourself.

I wonder.

What will I do next?

Find a new home? Settle down?

Who will want me...

My first day, all over again, but I start tomorrow.

What the fuck are my thoughts rambling about...

Things Id Rather - Copy (2).jpeg

Communities on STEEM!

Hooray everyone's excited!

I came here to be real with you folks today. Maybe you've read this far.

I want to talk about so much but I don't know what to say when it comes to certain things.

Four months away, I was. I haven't really addressed that but what is there to say. I was confident enough people knew I'd eventually take a break. I dropped a few cryptic hints here and there and placed them under the noses of a few who I knew would catch on. Drilled it into your heads with my subliminal bits.

Some asked how I managed to survive so long being away from all things The Internet.

I won't even begin to write a guide...

"How To Disconnect in Ten Easy Steps!"

That's all fluff.

I don't think people write those kind of articles to be helpful. They write them because the space in between all of those celebrity gossip ads needs filler. Points that make just enough sense. A watered down writer's measly paycheck, disguised as the wisdom needed to propel humanity into the next infinity, and beyond.

If you're tired, sleep. If you're hungry, eat. If you don't want to be connected, disconnect.

They say it's hard to quit. Much like how tobacco companies claim quitting smoking is hard, as a trick to keep you coming back for more.

In reality, giving up on all of these things is as easy as saying goodbye to the love of your life.

NoNamesLeftToUse - No You Cannot Have That.jpeg

"I'll be home late tonight."

"Don't wait up."

I don't see myself ever sitting here typing out a steemicide note. I've made it abundantly clear. When I need a rest, I will take a rest, quietly. If I'm having problems, I will keep those problems to myself, because they are mine!

Maybe it's all just as selfish as attempting to make you all feel guilty for my own personal reasons to leave, as someone would do with their I quit! post. But at least I won't have to eat my words upon reentry and burn up in the atmosphere, for the only thing I ever said was, "I always come back."

NoNamesLeftToUse - Their Final Day.jpeg

Thank You

No. Really. THANK YOU.

My return was bigger fucking news than the nose pick heard round the world, for about an hour.

Remember back when you were a kid, it was gym class, they were picking teams, you were picked first, and all the other kids cheered?

Of course you don't, because that shit never happened.

I remember being picked third last one year, out of the entire elementary school, when I wanted to play intramural soccer. Hundreds of kids all staring at myself, my friend Ryan, and the fat kid, who was also my friend.

Of course I laugh about it now, but I'll never forget that day. I didn't last the entire season either because I simply didn't feel welcome. It was upsetting. The little version of me fucking cried over that shit.

The big version of me nearly cried the other day when everyone stepped up to the plate to welcome me back. The way I am these days, that's like getting water out of a stone. If words could describe how blown away I was by your reaction they'd say, "Kaboom!"

As I get older...

I'm still learning.

Not knowing what I ever did to deserve such a response is part of the battle. All I really do is show up to work on time.

I want to say it's not fair and I want point out how I feel others are far more deserving and I want to tell you how much it bugs me when I see so many treat others like complete dirt around here sometimes instead of being kind like you are to me because I know you have it in you!!!
I too know what it's like to feel powerless and lose hope.

...but I suppose that's a story, for another day.

So what's next?

Where do I go, from here?

The communities option makes me feel uncomfortable. I'll miss the old ways.

It was like a massive city park full of buskers. One dude over there is preaching on a megaphone about the end of the world. Next to that is a painter, painting the woman telling us a great story. A little further down a beautiful brunette is singing a song to the beat of that man's drums. You could smell the foodie posts and if you ever missed something important, don't worry, because someone was there with a camera to take a photo of it.

I suppose it's all still there and nothing changed except for a few imaginary walls. Invisible lines we all call borders. And now I have to pick a team.

I'm not complaining. I'll figure this out.

Until then, I don't really know which button to push or what to do with my hands so I'll just set them aside...

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fakour.png

For now...

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"If you need me, I'll be somewhere in the crowd."

© 2020 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


You made a lot of nice art while you were gone.
That one of the blue dress is my favorite. If you sent me HQ image ur blessings (res is ok already), I would print it and put it on my wall and send you tree fiddy steem for your troubles.

These aren't new. Some are years old. All the time I spent working on this stuff means I basically have my very own Pixabay. I've released a couple new ones since my return and there will be plenty more to come.

When this place is booming and the infrastructure is in place, I'll have an entire distribution center up and running. If the token value skyrockets I'll buy my own printer and send these things out in tubes, all over the world. That's something I've been waiting for since day one here. I did sell one unit once but I don't know if she ever printed it out. I'd much rather do the printing myself so the product is exactly how it should be. I'm glad you like it though.

Ahh ok, I will wait.

You know there is something called steemleo shop these days?


Would love to see more amazing art on there 🙌🏽🙌🏽

The shop is only about 25 days old so far. Steem is rich with creativity. If I can do anything to help make this happen and get some of your work on the shop, lemme know 🦁

Posted via Steemleo

When we can all settle into a groove again, I'll be exploring these options. Wouldn't it suck to invest in merch, spend all that time getting everything setup, then the next day some more crazy news comes in. LOL! I'm still trying to pick up my jaw off the floor here.

I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm also planning on doing things more on my own. There are plenty of options out there. I simply don't want anything between me and the product.

Yeah, I completely understand. I was thinking of something to sell myself, but don't really make anything and I prefer writing posts and engaging.

It will be neat when you do get around to it. I just have my own photos on my wall mostly.
Here were some I took mid-last year. I got one of those printers from Costco (wifes business ~$250) where you can just put more liquid ink into them and don't need to keep buying cartridges. The photos look alright when printed on photo paper and I can separate them by cutting them if I want.


The printer I'd need would cost quite a few thousand dollars. Then two years later something new comes out. It's not hard to outsource printer services but then you have to depend on other people and of course, pay them. Would be nice to simply take an order, get it ready, ship it out. Authentic pieces all come hand signed. I might even throw in bonus trinkets.

Big plans but like even the post says here, it's never wise to get too far ahead of yourself. With this brand I'm setting up here on the blockchain, there are a lot of factors that are beyond my control. When it comes to business one must eliminate those, but here that's impossible... for now. Part of the reason why so many blockchain apps are simply copycats of each other is because people are afraid to take risks. ... yeah I don't know why I'm rambling about business either....

The personalization would definitely add value to the service. Don't sell yourself short of what you envision.
By the price, I'm guessing you are after a wide-body printer or something that does more than the 4 standard inkwells. I haven't thought much about that myself.
Don't get ahead of yourself, but take reasonable risks...it's an inherent contradiction. Finding the right balance, or more important timing is the key. The ship definitely hasn't sailed yet. Even if it does, just keep yourself happy doing what you do in the meantime. Anyway, this conversation is turning into one of strange expressions like a book of chicken soup for the businessperson.

help for my friend ayuda para mi amiga
help me share ayudame a compatir

Please have a somewhat relevant reply next time.

The beauty of not playing sports: you can't be picked last. The art room was the best place. No jerks in there.

Haven't been active a lot here, came back and am confused by all the community stuff. I hit subscribe on one to see what would happen. I sort of feel like I've just signed some important contract without reading the fine print. Lol. This place is always an adventure.

No jerks in the art room, except for most of the art teachers I had. I was... misunderstood. My creativity even got one of my kids in trouble once, because that Halloween story I helped her with wasn't exactly what they were looking for.

I'm still trying to find my way around this place as well. Currently have my projects on hold. Currently battling my thoughts, as I attempt to write them down in post form, trying to explain how I feel about certain things, without sounding like too much of a douche.

That is true. Art teachers can be jerks. The idea of teaching art is a little absurd to begin with. Art history, okay, but art?

Currently experiencing a bit of a blockage/disorganization of ideas and projects myself. I trust time will sort it all out.

Glad to see you back! I'm a bit unsure about all of the changes myself; communities etc. I kind of feel like some of the changes are driving us apart in a weird way.

I keep taking breaks and coming back. I seemed to have run out of interesting things to post about. I don't seem to be going to any cool new places lately!

Maybe I am overthinking it because I was picked last one to many times in gym class. I don't know.

Feels good to be back, even though these are confusing times.

Organization is good. Segregation is bad. Hopefully we find that sweet spot. Right now with the serious lack of consumers, transferring into smaller groups with less eyes might not be a good thing, but it had to happen sooner or later so now is the time I guess, and we go from here.


At least you had the fat kid as a friend - he used to tease me.

It is going to take some time to find the new way through communities for me I think. Others are likely to get up to speed fast. Perhaps with some separation it will be possible for people to explore their creative selves a bit more, without being judged as harshly.

Don't touch the fitness models, said the sign we can't see....

Perhaps you're right about that. Worse case scenario would be small pockets of infighting, everywhere you look. Let's not let it get to that. Patience and all that fun stuff, right?

Patience and a little social maturity.

We are doomed.

I better not recommend professionalism when engaging with posts here or on social media that may be seen by IMPORTANT outside eyes either... because that would be mean of me.

help for my friend ayuda para mi amiga
help me share ayudame a compatir

All posts
My Friends
My communities

is what i see when i log in. not sure what i'm gunna do myself but will start with deleting most of 300 odd people in the My friends section :)

It would be nice if, when browsing our lists of people we follow, it said when they were last active. My friend feed is drying up, and I follow over 700. It's hard to turn my back on them. It would be nice to get a notification when one of those accounts becomes active again as well, if they ever do.

you could just delete everyone and wait for them to notify you, thanks for the idea ;)

There's a strong chance they wouldn't even notice.

HA! I just noticed what you did there. I suppose I should freak out and give you that notification now? LOL!

lol, figure i might as well force myself to give this community thingo a shot. burn all bridges behind me, no place to go but forward. If it all turns out shit, guess i will need to become a fken bridge builder haha

Everything that gets placed into various communities still shows up in the My Friends feed. Much easier to find the good stuff that way, instead of clicking through eventually thousands of groups to scroll and scroll and scroll until something catches that eye.

help for my friend ayuda para mi amiga
help me share ayudame a compatir

Spamming members here and begging is frowned upon. Please stop as soon as possible for I fear soon enough you will anger the wrong person, which will lead to you achieving the exact opposite of what you seek.

Again welcome back. Yeah, I was usually picked next to last... because of my vision. I survived. But never learned how to do art work like that. Don't stress out! Just take it as it comes. Cheers!

No stress. And you know what man? I sucked at soccer anyway. Hockey was my sport. I could skate circles around most of those kids.

Well, I have been here the whole time and I don't really get communities so I have been ignoring them. Can that be a community?

The ignore the communities community? That might be a tough sell.

I'm trying my best to grasp this concept. Another thing confusing me today is why something called a "Cross Post" with a couple sentences and link to another post here would be worth something. I'm seeing rewards next to these posts and it doesn't make sense to me. So confused here today. I've been browsing around trying to get a feel for this stuff and for the first time in coming on four years of being here, I'm lost.

Don't you hate it when that happens...

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Ask yourself: Would Jesus spam an entire blockchain in order to annoy people, or would he do something meaningful people still speak about 2000 years later?

Hahaha Laughed this one. He already did it from 2000 years ago.