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RE: One of those Hive Stories

in #life3 years ago (edited)

Though I don't publish as often as I used to or would like to, I'm still just as passionate as I ever was.

Good. People who actually care are worth listening to.

In just over five years, the people leaving comments under my work have earned more than every single human that ever left a comment under every Youtube video for the past sixteen years, combined. Not too shabby, for a virtual nobody.

I've read this before, from you I think. We've also had this discussion and are on the same chapter. or volume, at least.

I'll admit. I wondered if you would sell NFTs while I was away, I doubt it. Hope you get the printer you were talking about though. Then maybe you can work something out. NFTs can claim the original art and help artist control what happens after sale. So there is merit in the mature concept.


Still no NFTs, nope. Again that's business and since this brand is Hive exclusive, I'd really like to see the size of the market increase before I dabble in merch like that. Nothing worse than filling the shelves and watching it sit. Most of my art compliments the writing and vice versa so it's hard to split it up as well. Don't want to just publish NFT ads. Several more reasons and probably a few more excuses LOL!

Didn't think so, just wanted your updated thoughts.

Do I need to create a better feed, lower my standards, or am I stuck with only a handful of interesting pieces to read a day?

I find a lot of cool stuff. Check out #comedyopenmic and look for some laughs.

Of course I can't control how others post. Trending page isn't too bad these days, contrary to popular belief. I'm not too fussy.