I already feel like a freak and I'm only ten words in. Never truly felt like I belong here. A portion of that mindset, I assume, stems from feeling like an outcast my entire life. I was that kid in school everyone loved to hate. I was that boss at work that only got a smile when someone wanted something. And of course I know for a fact the simple act of finding some measure of success on a platform like this leads to all kinds of dirty looks.
But I didn't really show up to impress anyone. I have 'artist brain' so I already know well in advance folks that don't like what I do will outnumber folks who do, by a huge margin. Comes with the territory.
I acknowledge the fact, despite my flaws, severe internalized struggle with who or what I am along with a decades old past that wants to kill me, some of you out there still managed to see through it all and accept me; for some reason I've yet to figure out.

So It's Been Over Five Years
Though I don't publish as often as I used to or would like to, I'm still just as passionate as I ever was. I want all this Hive stuff to succeed, along with everyone involved; myself included.
I think what pains me the most these days is that simple act of 'giving a fuck' is frowned upon in some social circles and of course since the advent of groupthink, it becomes contagious.
For them it's cool to be negative. It's cool to be arrogant and bitter. Cool to stick around just to hate on the place and the people. It's cool to go around planting thoughts of doom and gloom into any and all susceptible minds they come across. Then, of course, blame all the people that did the work and tried to care, for all the local world problems.
Poke the bear then market the response. Truly nothing new though. Damned if you do; damned if you don't.
Now, I know a "Hive Story" is meant to be positive and uplifting. I don't live under a rock; I see your stories, all based on your experience here. Those taking on this challenge all have something positive to say. Of course they're not idiots and are aware of issues. It's a complex system with people going in all directions at once. Of course it's going to be chaotic at times.

It comes with the territory. Perfection was not in the brochure.
Never wise to focus only on the 1% bad while at the same time completely ignoring the 99% good.
Everyone knows, in the moment, that 1% bad can seem extreme and feel quite intense. Get a flat tire on the road. Boom! It hits you. All at once. The entire world stops, just for you. But then the 99% good kicks in. You got a phone. You got a spare. Someone's already pulling up behind you to see if you're alright. And the kids finally stopped arguing.
That's how Hive is nowadays but in the beginning, options were scarce.
In the beginning there was only one reward pool. Nowadays you don't even need to be a content creator to earn here and if you are one, it seems like there's an endless supply of reward pools.
Hive is decentralized. Those folks building games didn't have to ask for anyone's permission. Could start a tokenized community today if you wanted and its success is up to you and nobody else. Talented creatives can simply step up to the plate and sell merch in the form of an NFT. I didn't need permission first before writing this. Can even take some of my earnings and give myself a 12% raise at current rates by simply pushing two buttons; placing HBD in the savings account. Normally you'd have to ask a boss for the raise and hear the word, "No."
Whatever seeds you got in that bag, you're free to plant them here, and as long as some people like that kind of fruit, you'll succeed; once those seeds grow.
Of course it was never designed to be easy. Mistakes will happen. This is cutting edge technology and damn near everyone is learning as they go, leaving a wealth of experience in their wake; knowledge that didn't exist before being handed down, for the first time.

For instance:
Most folks — and especially those with large followings elsewhere — don't realize they could create several 'whales' out of only a few thousand supporters.
Content these days is delivered fresh daily but the support system never truly evolved in a way that suits this steady flow, until one pays close enough attention to what's directly under our noses here on Hive.
Sure there are tips, subscriptions, paywalls, donations. People are spending millions of dollars per year supporting content online in that fashion. No signs of slowing down.
Naysayers for years around here used to tell me nobody would ever pay out of pocket for content but when that NFT thing exploded they sure got quiet.
Here we also have votes and they work exactly like a tip or a subscription. The only difference is the consumer or supporter is not spending money. Not even when they stake tokens in order to tip slowly, over time with votes, as the content trickles out daily.
The consumer/supporter is simply transferring value from their bank account to their Hive account. Their money is still in their possession and with their property they can still accomplish their goal of supporting their favorite work, consistently, without having to throw their money away.
Also, profit sharing comes standard in the form of 'curation reward'; meaning that consumer is not only accomplishing their goal of supporting content without spending money but they're also earning to do so.
That is the best deal in the history of the arts, entertainment, news and information.

Shhh! Don't tell anyone?
Plenty of folks show up to get paid to be content creators then kind of scratch their heads after a few months; wondering where everyone is. Working to get one audience member with a big fat vote, rather than onboarding thousands of pairs of eyes to compliment and support their product, with thousands of smaller and never-ending votes.
This is a decentralized media platform. You don't need permission to build and maintain your own consumer base along with a solid revenue stream stemming from a list of followers (market) that can never be deleted.
I realize some crypto purists believe tokens are just for investing but business is business and money is money. With Hive especially, one can do a million things with the token simply by thinking outside the box. And of course nobody has to ask permission first.
Often people are grumbling about retention, lack of support, little engagement. The salt needs some pepper, that's all.
Typically when distributing content online the consumer accounts outnumber creator accounts by a huge margin. For instance far more people watch Youtube videos than create Youtube videos. The consumer is the only reason we have successful content creators in this world. The consumer is the only reason that content is worth something.

"But I'm a virtual nobody. I can't do that."
Then scale it up. We have entire communities that would benefit by attracting supportive consumers. Several content creators pushing out exclusives, drawing in eyes, while some of those eyes want to support it with the hopes of more to come. If the content creator vanishes or community falls apart, who cares; consumer still has their money.
Could onboard 1000 new content creators but does the market grow? No, but they're all expecting to get paid straight out of the gates like everyone else that's been busy building their consumer base for five years.
Folks centralize their stake by delegating or joining vote trails. Converting hundreds of potential consumers into, one. So the new content creator is rewarded; hundreds of votes pouring in but what the hell? There's no one around?
People leave. Not because there's something wrong with the platform. The platform works fine. There's simply not enough actual consumers around browsing. People feel like failures; but they're not. They completely disappear not even realizing sticking around to enjoy the show pays far more than that post they published that earned nothing. People don't need to be content creators in order to enjoy this place while earning at the same time.
I absolutely adore this business model.
Putting the consumer, first.
What is art without eyes looking at it? What is a joke without laughs? Without readers, what's the point of words?
In just over five years, the people leaving comments under my work have earned more than every single human that ever left a comment under every Youtube video for the past sixteen years, combined. Not too shabby, for a virtual nobody.
But don't get me wrong, I still thought it was pretty cool Tom Green liked the joke I left under his Youtube video the other day...
Things are changing.
New content comes out daily but people can't be expected to pay out of pocket daily, so this support system on Hive with votes and staking tokens — tipping small consistently over time rather than one lump sum sporadically — fits well with this new model; a new model that's been around for years but people haven't figured out a way to monetize it without ads, until now.
I never want to have to work for advertisers and have my creativity stunted by threat of demonitization.
Also not even the biggest names can be successful without engaging their audience. Hive can do better than hearts and likes.
Since we're all feeling our way around in the dark here trying to figure this stuff out on the fly, eventually, tokenized communities like we have on Hive, including Hive, and the people involved, need to realize content is a 'product' and consumers willing to support it are the 'investors' these tokens need in order to stay above water. I realize it's just magic internet money but even that doesn't grow on trees.
The consumer class of 'investor' is not staring at charts, flipping tokens for profit and being concerned about losses. They're using their disposable income — money once meant to be burned never to be seen again — and putting it to good use.
This changes everything. I personally love getting paid to be entertained and I do it every day.
Have a nice day.

Thanks for sharing this story. Surprisingly most of us can relate to being ignored... part of the reason we stayed on blogging here.
And the faces. I think "Where to now" is special. It looks like it belongs on a record album. Taniqua came alive somehow. I wonder if he would like to become a Muppet. And Fakour... I can hear him saying, "Merely a flesh wound." A healing balm !WINE
Keep the costumer satisfied
Taniqua is actually Fakour's wife. Chicks have beards there. It's just kind of how it is.
My earliest days here, I had a decent sized following on Stumbleupon, so I'd load my content links up to that service and have hundreds, sometimes thousands of views. Could be a post showing it's worth a dime, but I had 500 views LOL. But then stumbleupon shut down and I lost that following.
Thanks for the song by the way. First time hearing it.
Thanks for setting that straight... It has been a while since I saw Taniqua posting. She was looking for some hands to help her husband fakour with a favor. I hope she is not offended that I thought she was a guy. I guess the reason she has no cleavage is because she is more reptilian than mammalian. I see now said the blind man to his deaf son.
On another note, I'm glad you enjoyed the song. I had the album when I was a kid. Something happened to it. I think it got left behind in a move. As a child I would look at the album thinking Garfunkel had a mustache. The two just blended in my eyes.
They lay eggs. No need for cleavage whatsoever. Fakour's hair is just a wig some meth heads glued on while he was blacked out on drugs and alcohol.
Song was cool. I probably heard it years ago, just not ringing any bells. Actually searched Youtube for an hour looking for covers but couldn't find anything modern that wasn't awkward.
Yeah I heard about Fakour's meth allergy. I hope he finds his way home.
I bombed pretty hard with that post when I released him. LOL!
Sometimes it's all about timing...
Something seems to flop but later finds its place.
I wonder why your post looks like this from the vyb front end
0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @mineopoly You Successfully Shared With @nonameslefttouse.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.420
Swap Your Hive <=> Swap.Hive With Industry Lowest Fee (0.1%) : Read Latest Updates Or Contact Us
This hive story is entirely unique from what I know as Hive stories, just being blatant in life is one of the big wins.
I'm still navigating my way through the blockchain and as I've read we just have to do our thing at the same time without actually 'giving a fuck' but sooner or later we end up giving a fuck.
Thanks for this post and as usual, your images get a hold of me.
This wasn't meant to follow that "Hive Story" template. And if I feel like it I can expand on this, talk about something else most folks don't mention.
To your point about giving a fuck: there's no need to overthink things. Just be yourself. The ones who frown upon 'giving a fuck' will swoop in on your worst days offering a false sense of comradery, then help pull you down further, encouraging self destruction. Those types exist just as much in life as they do here.
Yeah, I prefer the part that people don't mention because that actually has more radical effect than the glamours.
Oh, I know the self destruct types and you got my mind fixated.
YOu got it spot on with the NFT thing. It did make all those people who talk about paying for stuff straight out of their own pocket go mighty quiet!
I think Fakour and me would get along. Might hit a few bars, do a few lines, check out some chicks. He might need a hand right enough, but hey, that's what buddies are for!
I know. Art, entertainment, and crypto; of course it's going to gel. Knew that since day one.
And yeah Fakour's arms are still waiting to grow back so in the mean time you just gotta pour the drinks down his face. Don't give him meth though. That's how he ended up with that red wig glued to his head.
Fun fact: I made up the name Fakour. Just fun wordplay that kind of sounds like fucker. But when typed into Google translate it comes up as 'thought' in Arabic. Blew my mind!
Ha!! Yo umust have known on some deep level. Or perhaps not. When we named our daughter I thought it was a cool name and it means something profound in Arabic! And my sons name means something in old hebrew apparently. We didn't mean any of that nonsense
I still like the Fakour, despite his profundity!
Hoo cudda be cadda ba cudda boo.
I wrote that as gibberish once long ago. Translated it comes out as "The white arm is white" in Somali.
I had no fucking clue.
Once when I was drunk I started shouting Les arbres ils rient!! Les arbres ils rient!! and someone said it was french. To this day no one knows what it means despite someof the best scientists in the world examining the words.
Sometimes shit is crazy
Sometimes trees do laugh though.
I wonder what "Il y a une prostituée pour toi au sous-sol." means... ?
I think that's Latin, I did a bit at school. Something about your dinner being ready perhaps? Something to eat anyway. Maybe fish?
Great perspectives! Yes, it's interesting because I've been on Medium a long time, and there you find far more creators than consumers. While it's fun to engage with other stories, it certainly won't earn you any money, nor will those you engage with necessarily read your content. But Hive seems to have addressed this issue by rewarding "consumption" activities like reading and engaging with others' content, which also results in better content (unlike Medium, where so many articles are variations on "how to make money on Medium").
Yes the consumer comes first. Not everyone here sees it that way though, and often struggle mainly because they're working for rewards, and not people; people who reward them.
Medium seems to be full of 'generic' information. Lacks personality. I think I've spent all of 20 minutes on that site total.
Hive I like to think we're injecting content directly into a social setting. Similar to busking. And of course there's variety as well. Video, music, writing, art, photos, combinations, and so on.
Totally! "Customers" and "consumerism" often get a bad rap, but who else is going to buy our creations? Growing up in a tourist town, this reminds me of the eternal paradox: "Tourists suck! But we need them..." And aside from money, don't you want people to benefit from and enjoy your creations?
There are some really talented writers on Medium -- especially in the humor category -- but yes, a lot of it is drivel, especially as it grows increasingly saturated and people compete for views, which results in lots of clickbait and the aforementioned "make money on Medium" stories.
A bad rap, sure. As explained though, the consumer in this case is not throwing their money away. Sure they can stake tokens and the price could go down, but the price could also go up. Traditionally, that money would have been spent, never to be seen again. This approach the money is not spent, still in the consumer's possession, and if the content they normally support becomes lackluster or no longer interests the consumer, they can simply move on to something else and all that support they provided previously only helped grow their account balance. They leave with more than they started with. That's what I find so fascinating about this system. There's no rip offs. 100% voluntary. No pressure. No buyer's remorse.
And yes there's drivel here as well but they don't earn much. Those types end up working harder for less, burn themselves out, and the problem corrects itself over time.
This place needs more humor. I often dabble in humor but haven't been lately. Can't be forced.
Yes, my sentiments exactly regarding humor! Humor is tough to write, which is likely why many people don't do it. My favorite pieces either have a blend of humor and serious reflection or feature dark absurdist humor, which doesn't typically have broad appeal.
Those who perform on stage get to write their jokes, practice, fine tune with each new performance. Writing then publishing; you only get one chance. It can be quite humiliating. Luckily for me though, these folks around here seem to love it when I humiliate myself so I just do it without fear.
I dabble in many forms, most of which are misunderstood.
Even tried the approach where you write a really long build up, to the point where people don't even realize they're reading a joke, then I hit them with he punchline/absurdity, and carry on like nothing unusual happened. A long time ago someone showed up, didn't read the entire thing, didn't realize it was a joke, then even insisted they knew what the post was about when I asked if they actually read it... lol. That's fun though.
Totally! Yes, there are some humor writers on Medium that do a great job of blurring that line between comedy and realism, and from reading the comments you can tell that many people didn't get it was supposed to be humorous. I've even fallen for it a couple of times.
You are so right!!
You said it first
What is art without eyes looking at it?
I remember that a long time ago, I also saw a need to consume and create content that was not here, and I will always remember it because it was the content that I was interested in and wanted to see, which was makeup, I took a need that was not only mine and now turned it into a community where to interact and that in fact has brought more users from outside interested in the same.
so, they're seeing things that they're interested in and joining in, they're learning about this new model, they just need to be educated a bit more about it
Yes indeed, a lot of people, women in general, have makeup in common. So of course in theory it should be easy to gather interest and develop a market. You did just that. I was watching.
Of course, I didn't see everything. In general, business interests me and I enjoy seeing it take shape on Hive, even though oftentimes folks don't even realize they're creating a business or contributing to a business.
You mentioned a bit of education would help and I agree.
Many contributors to that makeup community were given support, often. I'm not sure how things are going now but I know for a fact many received generous upvotes, quite often.
Those were the seeds. Did they eat the seeds, or did they plant the seeds? By that I mean, did they cash out, or stake and hold the tokens?
In order for a community/business to be successful, the support system can't rely on only one large 'whale' vote. The support system must be decentralized. If that whale suddenly stops supporting your community/business, what happens? All is lost.
But, if you have 100 community members with 10000HP each, combined that is 1 million HP. In that scenario the 100 community members combined act as one whale, supporting the community. If one drops out, you still have 99 more, acting as one whale. That scenario is a decentralized support system. No single point of failure.
That could be 200 members with 5000HP. 1000 with 1000HP. Altogether equates to one solid foundation and the community/business can thrive for as long as it wants.
Community members building up enough stake in that fashion (planting seeds) means the orchard can grow and they will forever have fruit (cashing out isn't such a big problem then).
Depending on one individual with one large vote is kind of like the grocery store. If that store burns down or closes, nobody eats.
Something to think about.
I understood it because some time ago, I thought exactly the same thing you are telling me, now it is easier to do it than a few years ago, to run it you have to name it and organize it, but still educate because I feel that part of the community is halfway with all this, they know something but it seems that it is the basics. Sorry if it sounds rude but most things are not fully executed because there is ignorance but if we explain to someone with apples and sweets in some cases something might happen.
It's nice to read from you :)
It does help using analogies in order to bring people closer to unfamiliar ideas. In life it seems many things are similar but require new labels and long descriptions just so they can seem different, new, or interesting. Some things don't need to be taught. Everyone can drive but most have no idea how the engine works, and that's fine.
Ayyyy... I appear to have missed a couple posts, but this was an interesting read. I've often felt similarly (artist, outcast, etc.) and like to think I'm able to voice either 'positive' or 'negative' parts about Hive fairly well.
I agree with you completely about the bizarre ratio of consumers-to-creators Hive seems to have accrued. And I agree that Hive is an absolutely fantastic thing to market to most consumers. They won't find a better deal, content-wise, currently, imho. (Though other platforms do win in the 'quality' of content and production values arena, for now.)
It seems so simple, obvious, and self-evident to me that I'm almost shocked when people don't 'get' hive's biggest benefit, and I shared my opinion on 'shhhh, don't tell anyone' in my acclaimed hive-marketing video, interestingly some of the 'official' marketers of hive had nothing to say about it.
As usual, great post, hopefully many people understand it, resonate with it, and apply it somehow.
P.S. Despite being Canadian, Tom Green isn't a name I've heard a long time, congrats on the joke-recognition. :) 🙏
I don't look at the current quality though. Many make that mistake when rejecting this concept. It's the underlying business model that shows promise; how things are setup. Still, I do manage to find enough stuff in a day to keep me entertained. Of course I used the word 'entertainment' so that might throw people off again, thinking I'm only talking about jokes, maybe. Depends on one's tastes though. A science post could be entertainment for someone. People these days even find joy in talking about death, destruction, and the potential for the world to be ending.
Especially for those tokenized layer 2 communities though. There's no point in creating all that product if they never intend to 'sell it'. Expecting your typical 'crypto investor' to swoop in; that's not being realistic. And because they only focus on ways to pay creators and never think about how to 'get paid', they're on shaky ground.
I've been following Tom Green for awhile on Youtube. A lot more relaxed these days it seems.
Oh I know, if I looked at the 'current quality', I likely wouldn't be here, lol, I just meant that although Hive has an incredible value proposition, it is currently lacking in at least one thing other platforms are not. :)
I wrote a giant, two-part 'science post' recently, that while entertaining to some, didn't seem to resonate with most of my current audience, but it was entertaining for me to write, so... I agree with you. :)
And as usual, I agree with you about the lack of thinking about how to 'get paid' being shaky ground indeed. Ah well.
(As for Tom, I believe many extroverted, attention-getting, 'out there' types tend to relax and calm down in later years, see Lady Gaga, Marilyn Manson, even Eddie Murphy, but I don't have data on this.) 🙏
Dude. I might be experiencing that myself.
lol, I might be too! 🤣
Wow! What an interesting read ! We all love hive isn’t that why we are here anyway ?! The different prospects hive exudes cannot be overemphasized. Decentralized blockchain will indeed come to stay .I’ll be looking forward to your next post , I bet it will be enlightening like this as well. Best Regards!!
Hey! Missed your message somehow. Glad you enjoyed this and feel good about the place.
Hi my name is Ed Privat, I don't understand how this place work, apparently I am supposed to hate you, is that it?
@dandays has been force feeding me your content since birth, and I've been ALWAYS avoiding it, because I always avoid the trending page.
I now have to eat my words, swallow my pride, because it's obvious I've been missing out, I just hate it when Art is forcing his hobbies on me.
"Great post, pretty pictures, voty voty"
Yes you're to be angry with me because I'm on the trending page LOL! But if/when you make the trending page, that's okay. LOL
This place can be so ridiculous like that but I just kind of chuckle. It can be quite demoralizing though and is part of the reason I don't post as often as I'd like.
@dandays is a cool cat.
Exactly, and now I'm on sometimes on the trending page so I can't hate myself, it does...Not...Compute 😁
You mean sometimes appreciator votes you and sometimes he doesn't?
Should I be worried? Are you worried about me?
No hell no. Appreciator votes aren't a bad thing at all, it's when you're on his shit list it's shitty.
Now if only we all shined up our favorite dancing shoes for a couple million of'em instead of just one.
Good morning my dude. I'm mentioning you by name in my article this morning, Ed. You've been warned.
Oh shit have you posted yet? Good morning 🌞
LOL. It's almost as if you actually understood what I wrote!
I like your Hive Story.
I also like it here. I barely know shit about crypto and block chains and all the other aspects of these things that I barely know shit about, but all that matters (to me) is that there are a bunch of creative weirdos here that I get to play with and share my own creative weirdoness with and, whoa, really? make a little money so I can hopefully retire one day and be a full time creative weirdo.
And pay my friends to be the same.
I want hive to be successful because this is the most I've ever felt like I've belonged somewhere in my life. If something were to happen and it suddenly all went away, I'd spend the rest of my days posting ads in the craigslist missed connections section trying to find all of you.
As for the vote trails, they are a lonely gift. It feels good to see all those vote numbers come tumbling in behind a curation. It's nice to have the extra funds roll in after the recognition given by one or two VIWs. But it's also nice, sometimes even nicer than money (but please also money, too, don't stop), to have someone say:
That's the kind of stuff that makes me keep creating. More than the money. I get the feeling I'm not the only one with this sentiment, otherwise all these crazy creatives I'm following would lose their drive.
Anyway, that's my half-crazed sleep-deprived .02HBD. Hope it made sense and I didn't miss any typos. My mind is still loopy after that weird blog I gave birth to last night.
That sense of belonging or me not feeling like I 'belong', as I wrote it, means I'm unowned; unrestricted. So therefore, that suits me. It's comfortable. Comfortable in the chaos.
Yes those trails can be beneficial. When I started years ago, Curie was the only way to make money. Then they cut you off at a certain point. I've always enjoyed the comment section after party more though. Not fun having money but being lonely at the same time.
Majority of the folks doing well here are simply putting themselves out there, having fun and just hanging out. The conversations can be anything. Serious, jokes, it doesn't matter. Just people being people. Folks say there's a steep learning curve but really, it's not that hard. The complexities, one can pick up bits as they go.
And if you're talking about the magpie post, that was pretty cool.
Comments section after party!!! Yes. It is a lot of fun. Especially when it gets all squirrelly and people start partying in their own little rooms on your post. It's like extra rewards for the soul, reading people's jokes and banters and conversations.
There was a bit of a learning curve for me but not anything more challenging than starting a new job or moving to a new city. Simple stuff that you just get the hang of with practice. Personally my biggest challenge was allowing myself to say and write whatever I want, to be my uncensored self and let others decide if they wanted to stick around for more. People might like that on other social media, too, but censorship really takes a toll on the desire to create.
Thanks! I don't know wtf I'm still doing awake. Maybe I need to push out the placenta.
Good times when things are going crazy under posts.
When I first started up here, being off topic was so taboo it could get you downvoted. I learned the hard way within a week after leaving a joke under a political/philosophy post. Some of those folks were so stiff. The more serious and orderly they became; the more loose and casual I became. They're no longer around due cramming themselves into a niche and running out of ideas. That's like self censorship I guess. Creatives don't have that problem, unless they're shy.
Ugh, that sounds like Reddit, which I quickly learned is the place you go when you're worried your self-esteem is getting too high.
I'm shy, but I'm a great actor.
There are some who'd prefer this place to be more like reddit. I mean, it was originally called Steemit for a reason. Some wanted to emulate that behavior, most likely assuming that would lead to a similar success story, but of course the easiest way to stay behind is to follow trends.
It's so much better as a place where folks can do whatever they want. No guidelines. No templates. Just do whatever.
I'm not shy but I know most folks are so I just leave them alone.
Ahhhhhh so is that why people always cross out Steemit when they talk about it? Cuz it was a jerk and it failed failed failed?
Lessons in Hive history.
“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” I'm not much of writer but I do love to read... TY. I for one appreciate all of you.
Good lord.. Specimen HF21B-UG-1 is the stuff of nightmares.
If I remember correctly, shortly after HF21 a bug halted the chain. Don't quote me on that but there were issues sending people into a whirlwind of emotions. So I just sat here and painted their nightmare. That was the inspiration behind that dude.
Ahh, that makes sense. You were really tapping into something deep. Something... visceral. I shall release all of my trauma into Specimen HF21B-UG-1.
Eerily, I was cool as a cucumber.
I remember your stuff from way back when.
Your story resonates with the way I feel posting here. I have written 583 posts about my investing journey. In the way back when days, each post would get double figures as browsers were interested. These days they grab a few cents even though a lot of my followers are auto-voting. Ah - it is because they have delegated their HP to people who are not interested in this stuff.
I started following one of those tokenomics zones that nobody asked permission to build - Actifit. I have posted every day for over two years and have a gazillion SPORTS tokens with hardly a day missed doing 5000 steps or more. My daily posts are not boring posts about the tedium of walking 5,000 steps a day because I do not find the day’s steps tedious. I take my camera and I photograph flowers. Yup. Every day. And each post is lucky to get to $1.00 - $1.19 yesterday. And a lot of auto-voting too. Ah. They have delegated their HP to someone who is not interested in sport and fitness and flowers.
Why babble on with my story like this?
Because I am using the permissionless nature of Hive to change the way I live my life.
I become a better investor by writing down my trades and explaining my logic. This last week I closed a trade that was written up in my 7th investing post over two years ago - search and find and learn. I actively go out to earn those SPORT tokens every day - it is good for my physical health. I actively take those flower photos - it is good for my mental health.
Yes, I hate the lack of rewards but I am better for the effort.
And the best part is I do get paid for past work when the price of HIVE goes up because someone else is doing something clever on here. I hate gaming but I get rewarded from all the gaming stuff driving HIVE value. I am cool with that.
Not just that. The market became saturated. There was and still is far more of that stuff being created than there are consumers interested in it. Combine that with how that market and those creating that stuff would be far more likely to convert their stake into something that turns a profit (like delegating) if the option is available, rather than using it to support content. So the crypto/investing/finance content is a market that eats itself to death, in a sense.
Actifit posts are notorious for going without consumption. Again that's because it's the same style being delivered in bulk. I know some folks try to mix it up and keep things fresh, but the headline is often enough to be a deterrent. If you put those photos into a post destined for a photo community, you'd almost immediately find a market of consumers and gather support.
Still, like you pointed out, you feel rewarded in other ways. Nothing wrong with that at all. Able to find the silver lining.
I too have plenty of former flops that went up in value. It's all about planting the seeds and allowing them to grow. Far too many show up and start eating those seeds immediately. Then have nothing to show for it while still being incredibly hungry.
Thanks for the reply and he vote.
Have tried in recent weeks to change the Actifit posts - change the headlines and also post directly some of the images o photo communities. Next step - my headlines only and some different tagging
It all feels like Twitter - but I do get something back each time - will keep tweaking
Love the honesty in your writing.
Wish I'd found the Hive platform earlier, seems like I missed quite the rollercoaster.
You're still on the rollercoaster. There's now more cars, curves, loops. And sure a rollercoaster will make some sick, but you don't shut it down because one person barfed and 99 cheered.
I feel like I'm on one of the kiddie rides at the moment, but feeling very inspired due to Hive, so long may it last! 🙂
I hope that kid who barfed wasn't sitting in the front car, that's not good for anybody! 😁
Sometimes they splatter their junk all over everyone. I covered that portion in the paragraph about how some think it's cool to sit around and be negative.
On a sidenote, I noticed you got quiet for a bit so I feared the worst, thinking you gave up already (it's common, people heard "post content, get paid" and thought this was a free lunch, but it's not of course), and I pulled that delegation. I think you'll be alright but if you're running out of RC just let me know and I'll send you some. Delegating is always a pain in the butt for me. I hook people up and they almost always go quiet within days. I stopped doing it for awhile because of that...
Ha, ha... No, I'm still here, cheers again for the delegation, yeah, people have great intentions to do stuff, but life and other shit get in the way and they fall back into old habits pretty quickly, I'm guilty of that myself. But I think I've built up a small bit of credit here now that I can use.
I went quiet because I decided to take up a short story challenge in here, thinking " yeah, I'll knock that out in an evening's writing" and of course, a week later I'm sweating like I'm back in college the night before my final thesis is due! 😂
I'll find that balance with posting, reading, engaging etc, I can see how you need to build up your tribe slowly over time, but I genuinely really like this place, I may be here for a while yet. 🙂
Back in my daily grind days I was hypnotized to be creative and work my ass off. I'd have writing and new art ready, daily! Hardly slept because I had to live as well. 8 hours on art, 3 on writing, then sit and talk with folks for as long as the comments came in. I think one time I was on this thing 36 hours straight. All that just because I wanted to get somewhere. I don't recommend folks get that crazy though. But I'm the type where if I focus on something and want to do well, I'm on a mission until it gets done.
These days I'm more about balance. I'll poke away at my posts for quite a few days. No rush jobs. The two I did before this one I'm really happy with.
In a creative lull though when it comes to art and it's bringing me down a bit but luckily I can still write.
But yeah, slow and steady is the way to be. Definitely need to find your people. I'm spread thin when it comes to supporting folks. Like to spread it around as well. Sucks that I can't do more but I'm only one guy.
I've been that crazy with the music side of things, living and breathing it, taking a ton of courses and workshops, really trying to hone the craft, did it for months and months on end, year to year, but it just got too much. My health suffered and my creative well went dry.
Same as yourself, nowadays I'm trying to find that balance.
I think from a newbie's perspective, what you've built here is amazing - I can tell you enjoy your writing, plus people reading and commenting really relate to it. Your own artwork really gives it your personal touch, and as you said, you're not putting that pressure on yourself to post daily, and taking that time shows in the quality of your posts IMO
Sometimes you're better off not trying to push something, like with the art, just enjoy the writing for a while, it's all on the creative spectrum in the end. Hopefully pretty soon you'll find yourself wanting to dip back into the art then, as that urge never goes away, but it can be subdued for a while.
And man, you're doing so much, I genuinely might not have seen the value in this place without you delegating that credit to me at the start - basically some random person I'd never met gave me a leg up, that's very rare in today's society, so just keep doing you man, and know it's absolutely appreciated!
Like always people want big rewards fast and cheap without putting in the work or investment themselves. Nothing real ever seems to work that way.
No free lunch here. And often people see others doing well, not realizing they ran a marathon and climbed a mountain to get there. It's no different than anything else in life. That's why I compare it all to planting seeds. It'll grow but you still have to nourish; take care of it.
That was a damn fine ice fishing joke there.
It was the best I could do on such short notice and I thought it awesome as well. Pretty cool Tom Green is a fan of mine now.
🤔 so since we're all staring into the void anyway, that's where we should cast our content, tokens, and dirty looks?
You're right, that does sound entertaining
😆 great post! Embrace some degree of tribalism and amuse ourselves
I've often though when reading your posts (and comments), here's The Writer/Artist Himself that knows how to enjoy this place. The fixation on earning a particular token, or getting 5k readers on your first post, or earning retirement money on your 5th post 🤷♂ doesn't sound fun
But you! You have fun and happen to get some nice post rewards
Model citizen, you are
Embrace the crazy and never get lazy.
Been having fun since day one. Of course not every battle was won but at least they gave me cool scars.
But, I think it is perfection. I’m mesmerized by Hive. I’ve only been here a short, short while - I travel all over the world, I read fascinating stories, get exposed to amazing poetry and art, as well as discovering great new music - the benefits are hard to beat, and impossible to find anywhere else.
You noticed that. It's far more real. An actual reflection of humanity, rather than overly processed 'social media' trickery. I've enjoyed it for over five years now, and mainly because of the variety, though it can be hard to find at times, but who doesn't like an easter egg hunt.
Well written points with your unique perspective that I quite enjoy. I also poured over your art here. Your use of colour is intense in a way I find appealing.
Remember how I mentioned this brand and style is unique and exclusive to this place? The bright colors stem from the desire to get noticed. Started early on due to feeling invisible then it stuck with the style. Used to use red excessively for instance because the platform was white, blue, greenish. So a red thumbnail would explode. People like shiny.
I do. Your style still pops from everything else. I see why red now. LOL, yes, people like shiny.
I just now thought of old large drawings I used to do (all manner of paper, paper whore that I am). I'd evolved into, not sure what, probably stylized is the best word, and massive use of bright colours.
I used to post some insanely large digital pieces. Not overly complex but would take me days to complete.
They used to load up and be visible full size so those viewing the "blog post" would have to scroll forever to reach the bottom. Good times.
I can see by the length of this one what you mean, LOL. I wish I could see this one full size though. I've zoomed as much as I can because it seems like may figures and faces are in there.
Simplicity/complexity don't determine the quality of a piece of work. Often I find, simple means much more complexity, if that makes sense.
I combine simplicity and complexity at times. When I get carried away, something like this is the result:
It appears as if the top and bottom are different but if you flip it over it's the exact same image.
I see what you mean. The mirroring creates a third image. All these figures and faces I'm seeing. That's another aspect that's caught my eye, plus the subtle aspects. Forgot to mention, I quite like your signature.
Act surprised when you get the pepper we sent for Christmas.
Alright. Should I sneeze as well or is that too much faking it?
Maybe just fake an almost sneeze. No one's doing those anymore.
An ahh but no choo. I can totally do that. This is going to be awesome!
You make a lot of great points. There is a plethora of actions you can take to be Financially successful here. I personally have not really blogged too much. I am one of those weirdo's that would much rather curate and comment. Although I have gotten the posting bug as of late. But as an Artist or any other type of creator, there is that recognition that you want. To know that someone has read and taken the time to really contemplate what you took a lot of time and effort to create. And with everyone so busy creating you make a great point of there being a lack of consumers. In the end, as an author or any other type of blogger, you are setting yourself up for emotional failure if you think you're going to make a ton of money and get a lot of views without paying your dues and giving recognition and views 1st. So you better love what you do for the sake of doing and not earning. I think this place is the ultimate "karma" environment in that you truly do get what you give, albeit there is a bit of a lag in the getting portion.
I was discussing the autovotes with someone recently and we
wondered what would happen if the Autovoters had a hard reset and forced everyone to log back in and reset their autovotes. Would they rethink their autovotes and trails or go back to business as usual? How many absentee voters there really are and how active our chain really is would come to light. And would the people on the receiving end of these votes continue posting without the votes?
Man, I would love to hang out with "Taniqua" for a day ! Oh the trouble we would get into haha
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Curating/consuming and commenting is solid though. I do that far more than posting these days. Earning by voting, always manually. Earning by upvoting the comments of the people I talk to and sometimes they vote mine. It's a good deal.
This is probably my 19th post in the past year. I've burned myself out multiple times trying to grind daily.
I don't mind autovotes. People can vote and view on their schedule. Some of these folks have worked for years and it would be strange to have the support you worked to build up over time suddenly vanish. It's when creators get lazy with their work when autovotes become a problem. Shouldn't be slacking, taking it for granted. If you look at my previous posts on peakd https://peakd.com/@nonameslefttouse/posts you'll see hundreds of comments consistently, and some of those folks vote automatically. I see it more like a subscription. You can buy a subscription to a magazine because you liked one issue, then don't really know what you're getting next but still paying for it. Same with something like Netflix. Folks just need to respect it and work for it.
Taniqua's pretty cool but she gets moody when Fakour isn't around. So you'd have to take them both on a date.
Well, how much does Fakour eat? I'm on a limited budget haha
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A lot. And you have to spoon feed him nowadays, ever since the incident.
I've only been here about four years. I wish I had been on the platform like one year sooner. I have a feeling it might have made a little bit of difference in where my account is now. Then again who knows. I think the communities have really helped a lot of people find their space and be successful here where otherwise they might have struggled.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah content is much easier to find now. My early days here was a daily grind and mostly quiet. I didn't earn everything in my wallet; some is purchased. I've also taken long breaks of many months, several times.
Communities are tough for me. I'll utilize some of the tribes when applicable but it's hard to fit my content into specific communities. Even my art often comes with a lot of writing so I can't just place all the words in the art communities. Not even talking about the art most of the time it's just there to compliment the writing. This is my first post in LEO in probably a year or more. Figured business talk would fit in.
I totally agree with you about communities. They are great for a lot of people. I tend to write about a variety of topics, so it is harder to find a space to call home for me. I have been known to cover finance, travel, music, tech, food all in the span of a week...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've focused mainly on arts/entertainment, humor and creative writing, thoughts; all created by me, whatever's on my mind I guess. First LEO post in years. Not the first time I've brought these ideas to light. Over five years of neglecting to place any focus on attracting folks fine with consuming and earning. I'd like to see that improve. It honestly drives me nuts LOL!
I can't say that I blame you. I just gave you a follow so if you stay consistent you might see more of me :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I appreciate the follow. I don't post often, certainly not daily anymore, but I do have over 900 other posts.
I enjoy the Hive model here and have no plans to go anywhere else. I have been blogging now for 4 going on 5 years. There are great folks here. After all, writers like you are few and far between.
Good people. Good laughs. Plenty of snacks.
Good. People who actually care are worth listening to.
I've read this before, from you I think. We've also had this discussion and are on the same chapter. or volume, at least.
I'll admit. I wondered if you would sell NFTs while I was away, I doubt it. Hope you get the printer you were talking about though. Then maybe you can work something out. NFTs can claim the original art and help artist control what happens after sale. So there is merit in the mature concept.
Still no NFTs, nope. Again that's business and since this brand is Hive exclusive, I'd really like to see the size of the market increase before I dabble in merch like that. Nothing worse than filling the shelves and watching it sit. Most of my art compliments the writing and vice versa so it's hard to split it up as well. Don't want to just publish NFT ads. Several more reasons and probably a few more excuses LOL!
Didn't think so, just wanted your updated thoughts.
Do I need to create a better feed, lower my standards, or am I stuck with only a handful of interesting pieces to read a day?
I find a lot of cool stuff. Check out #comedyopenmic and look for some laughs.
Of course I can't control how others post. Trending page isn't too bad these days, contrary to popular belief. I'm not too fussy.
Are we artificially pushing consumers into the thunderdome only to finish them off mercilessly?
I dunno. Is that what you feel like doing? Should I gas up the chainsaw?
I heard the CEO of GAB saying no it‘s 99:1 Creator vs Consumer on their Side, that’s the ratio. 100 people, one Thunderdone, only one Axe 🪓 in the middle. The rest is Bear Nuckle Bone fighting.
That's just people yelling at the clouds then. I'll get the axe. You bring the popcorn.
Get a really dull one, I like the gore. !BEER on me as well
Don't worry it'll dull down after a few swings and things will get better with time. I've done this before man. I know what I'm doing.
View or trade
Hey @nonameslefttouse, here is a little bit of from @manniman for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Another episode of you.. Hurray!
There it is! But I try to keep my business posts down to about one a year.
1 year is too long.... you´ll keep us waiting then, lololols!
There will be more soon. Entertainment based with some new art hopefully.
Yeheey! soon...
Very enlightening point there! (not to undermine the others dotted throughout the post either). That one especially pulled the post together and highlighted evolution. Your "Hive Story" is a magical example of just that.
Thanks for further expanding my own scope and reinforcing some of the thoughts and feelings I've had myself over the past month.
That 'like' from Tom Green is a treat too! Ice fishing has always looked like fun to me, have you ever been?
Evolution indeed. Hard to notice when in the moment but easy to see when stepping back to view the entire picture.
Tom Green. I emailed the guy awhile back telling him about this place. Those kind of folks need a large market though. Doubt he be interested in a few bucks worth of crypto. But I'm sure his fans would love the perks. I've been knocking on a lot of big doors...
And yeah I was out ice fishing just the other day. Got some trout in a pond nearby. All you have to do is place some raw corn on a hook and drop it down. They yank that shit in no time. But you can't release them if using corn because they can't digest it, so I ate some fresh trout, too.
Wow its been 5 years to you here. Those words are from experience specially this
About the journey on hive, Thanks for encouraging new users for interacting more building their own community. I know its hard, I am also new here, It try to write articles regularly but less people notice. It's like I give my best article and only that no one seems to read haha.
well you been here for 5 years, I guess being consistent is the key.
No choice but to build up a consumer base. I know it's hard for folks. I got almost 75k HP and I'm spread thin, plus only so much time in the day. Being consistent is important yeah but make sure you're not being invisible as well. Mingle with people. But in general there's a shortage of consumers. Everyone wants to be a content creator and make the big bucks. Tough gig anywhere you go. I've seen some Youtube channels that have more videos than total views on all those videos combined. On Facebook I'm lucky to get one 'like'.
Yes that's, there are becoming more creators than consumers. This happened lately in couple of years. many creators came up in youtube tiktok etc. Cause everyone wanna get famous now.
I am trying to interact more now, some times meet some amazing people,
it's just that resource credits aren't enough lol.
Takes money to make money, right? Those RCs can be a pain the ass but all you need is some HP. Power up that HIVE, get a nice pile going. No other way around it, for now.
@nonameslefttouse, my friend is always pessimistic. Writing in hives will do nothing, except for a small piece that you have to knead into breadcrumbs. And all that scatters, spread to other people. I guess I'm being pessimistic too. But then, I realized that I've been spreading trash on centralized social media. In this place, at least I didn't turn myself into recycling trash. I'm still holding my breath here.
I was just looking at your results and have to say you're doing quite well. Need to work on building the size of your following. In general, most folks aren't naturally attracted to those displaying that defeated attitude. And look you also earned for leaving a simple comment here.
Yes, everything must start from small things. We will never know, the butterfly effect can happen anywhere.
I think I did a post every day for a month and maybe earned 20 cents the entire time, when I started playing this game. Over 900 posts and they didn't all do well. Never cared about the money though. I'd be more frustrated with the low views and lack of engagement. Then I just decided to start making a scene. Even my thumbnails stand out from the rest and that's intentional. And the headlines are always ridiculous.
The keyword that you have given me the greatest gift of is "Engage." Yes, it's very magical. The real collectivity is seen from whether or not it is involved in communication. Don't just vote there, vote here randomly. I will start to be a curative commentator engine. Starting tomorrow. Yeah, at least, I'll try.
LOL. It kind of looks like you started today but okay, you can start tomorrow, too.
I even have days when I tell myself: Go and consume on Hive/Leo so you make some money. Such a lovely opposite to the established consumerism!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Total opposite of 'selling out'. One thing that bugs me though is you can take and interest and leave a solid comment meant to continue the conversation, but all you get is, "Thanks for the comment." LOL!
At one point, i thought i was reading lines to a rap song. You nailed it like a star studded lyricist
You should read my previous post if you like that kind of stuff.
Gosh, should have checked the words before starting to read...10 mins later...post comment: 👍
It doesn't take me that long to read, but that's probably because I already know what it says, and just skip to the ending, so I can talk to you fine people.
Nahhhhh, I may make fun of bible length posts, but I read what I comment on. Even though the comment may not be topic related 😂
You know what's even more corny than bible length? Splitting a simple concept up in three parts. Then sometimes they don't even finish "Due to lack of interest"
Talking about interest, I just won the The Bromedian Award 🥳 That's the beauty of Hive!
At all bothering to read comments, you can congratulate me here ;)
Haven't been doing my rounds today because it's post day and I'm busy here, at the post.
and of course I'm dropping plugs.That's frickin awesome you won an award. Gotta love that #comedyopenmic
I'm dropping ads for the COMmunity left and right lol. Have a great post day 😊
I can say with all honesty, you were, and continue to be, one of the greatest highlights of this platform for me. I'll never forget those first few days of being here, stumbling upon This Man, feeling like I'd wandered into an interactive, talented comic shop hosted by a brilliant comedian. Pure magic!
Been awhile since This Man showed up. People still ask about him. I remember laughing to myself a lot when stepping into that character. Did a lot of zany shit early on hey!
Interesting read. I think it's too late in the evening for my brain to really grab onto anything specific in the post to leave a meaningful comment. But good points all around on positivity and attitude, the evolving platform, content creation and curating...etc. I guess I just wanted to make a point to show that your words are being read - you have "customers" out there, so keep doing what you're doing when you're able to... but also keep taking breaks as needed. Lol. Sometimes you need to step away from it all - for creativity purposes, sanity and just to unplug and recharge.
Don't you worry. I think I finally got this balance thing figured out. And yes, proof of concept exists here and now. Been like this for years. Takes work, but it works.
Your profile pic trips me out every time...
Yeah definitely.
Yeah it's tripy. I actually can't take credit for it though. I found it online a long time ago and loved it and figured it was just "fair use." I've thought about switching it many times though since it's not my image. But it's how people know me on here so I'm afraid to change 😅
I've changed mine three times. The one before this you can see in the Youtube screenshot above. It does throw people off though when its changed. Hard to tell the 'punks' apart. Good to have one that stands out.
You're art has a recognizable look about it at least.
Yeah. People can see me coming from a mile away.
Haha it's not a bad thing by any means
Good analysis and analogies here. By the way, do you also draw by hand or paint in a non-digital format?
Unrelated to Tom Green, were you ever a fan of the Red Green Show up yonder?
Well, my digital work is done by hand. And yes I can create physically but I'm not interested in that as much, nor do I enjoy the mess.
Of course I watched Red Green! Spent a lot of time in the middle of nowhere growing up. Could get two channels off an antenna. CBC was one and Red Green was on daily.
It looks like Fakour spent his hands above his elbows creating content and trying to get rich on it...
Taniqua disapproves of this, but what can she do with her unlucky husband?
In her dreams she "Where To Now", but reality does not give ready-made answers.
"Why look for the devil if he is behind you" - a phrase from Gogol's story "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"
Apparently you need to open the bag hanging over your shoulders and shake out its content on the snow ... if the bag is not empty.
But this bag is rather full and not everyone understands what to do with its contents. I also do not fully understand all the possibilities of Hive, I do not have any business model.
Sometimes it is useful to open this bag and get something interesting and fun out of it...
I didn’t understand what I wrote here, it’s all the devil that sits behind my back ... it’s not my fault :-))))
What's interesting is: People are free to take whatever path they want. There's no 'one way' to do things. No approach is the wrong approach, unless it's shady or criminal of course. That's just common sense though.
Our whole life consists of an endless chain of choices. Instead of this phrase, I could write any other. But I wrote this one. And I know why I did it. I react to your line and she conditioned mine in response. But I could have made another choice. For example, start complaining about the difficulties of the Hive ecology. And then for my complaints there would have been other reasons for choosing))
There is always a choice, but it is also always predetermined by something. Freedom of choice is * an illusion of our brain *, it is pleasant for him to think so.
What seems wrong at first glance may actually be the only effective solution. It's all about our blindness. We do not see causal relationships and live in a world of random events. In fact, we simply do not see the patterns and causes of these "accidents".
Right or wrong approach ... and who are the judges? In society, there are general rules ... yes. But there are situations when these rules should be neglected. For me, there is the only unshakable criterion - do no harm to good. And, of course, common sense.
Hi @nonameslefttouse
I love the way you string your words. Reading through, I could feel the rhythm as each paragraph opened.
I am a newbie to hive and in just 2 months, I have gained massive value reading posts like yours on the platform.
Thank you for all you do to make the community better. People like me are here because of people like you.
Welcome to Hive and thanks for those kind words.
I often wrote about this in the previous few years. Mentioning that there are too many content creators, and too little content consumers on this platform. Some people agreed, while others wrote that I should not complain, because "no one likes complainers". I replied to them that I am writing only the truth.
I am happy to see that at least one of the big accounts agree with my viewpoint.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
It hasn't been easy for me either. Been kicked around here quite a few times, far more than I can even count at this point; but that's life. I don't lose sleep over it.
For the longest time, I thought that maybe Hive was not my style. Now, I really wonder if I wasn't wrong. Some of us (like me) don't care about the regular daily updates from posters, I want something that affects my interest and to challenge myself.
Looking around for a short time, and I can already see content that appeals to me (like urs) xD.
Many people that are real content creators would def be consumers of content they like (all we need to do is stop & look)
Free to have your own style. I think attempting to fit in decreases one's chance to succeed.
These days I spend far more time simply consuming, browsing the platform. Noticed over the years it's best to look for interesting people, rather than interesting content. Interesting content can be hard to find but once you find those creators, you're then afforded a steady stream. You yourself noticed my interesting comment. The interesting content came after. We were both playing the role of consumer in the scenario that led us here to this conversation between two strangers who now know one another.
Great article! Cheers.
I assume you followed a rabbit hole to get here. Glad you found something useful here.
yes your thread with the influencer today. he is missing a beat with hive for sure.
He's a good guy. Several follow that same path though. Putting shit everywhere to see what sticks. I took this angle awhile back:
I was a bit fired up that day though. Probably could have done a better job of trying to say what I was trying to say.. lol!
The whole idea though is putting the consumer first and not being wasteful.
Thanks, its a good read and I agree with the sentiment. Why give your likes and thumbs up for free on the corporate social media. Its madness.
But I understand also if Hive isnt his core focus, he just wont get the maximum out of it either i guess.
Any relation to @meesterboom?
I know. I just can't resist telling dumb jokes.
You sure called this one out before it even happened
And I'm afraid that's the only comment a Dawg has to make on this VERY upbeat and empowering NNLTU article 👏
It's still pretty cool though a talking dog comes to my posts and doesn't just lift the leg.
Oh and yeah. I'm an accidental psychic. Happens all the time.
Titled "Fork" from 2017
Brill.......three years in advance this time ha ha.
Psychic for sure, else how would you be tawkin' to me...I wonder. Many Hyumis refuse to undergo such perceived social indignities as engaging in public discourse with a Dawg coz, well, I guess it doesn't fit in with their sense of what ought to constitute reality. Thankfully artists are not so limited!
As for leg-lifting, well I'm a gurl so I squat most of the time altho' I do lift when I'm marking territory or letting ol' Foxie know that Flame woz ere :)
Are you hovering about by any chance? I asked meboom, but he'd be in bed right now so in case you see it first- do you know how to use the beer token thingie?
Hi dad
When we look at the successful stories of both companies and individuals, we see that the past student years or their daily lives were not spent laughing or happily. I think right now you seem to have achieved the success of this platform with your thoughts and ideas.
Tom Green fir Prime Minister.
I never vote for those people, but I'd make an exception for Tom Green.