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RE: One of those Hive Stories

in #life3 years ago

You make a lot of great points. There is a plethora of actions you can take to be Financially successful here. I personally have not really blogged too much. I am one of those weirdo's that would much rather curate and comment. Although I have gotten the posting bug as of late. But as an Artist or any other type of creator, there is that recognition that you want. To know that someone has read and taken the time to really contemplate what you took a lot of time and effort to create. And with everyone so busy creating you make a great point of there being a lack of consumers. In the end, as an author or any other type of blogger, you are setting yourself up for emotional failure if you think you're going to make a ton of money and get a lot of views without paying your dues and giving recognition and views 1st. So you better love what you do for the sake of doing and not earning. I think this place is the ultimate "karma" environment in that you truly do get what you give, albeit there is a bit of a lag in the getting portion.

I was discussing the autovotes with someone recently and we
wondered what would happen if the Autovoters had a hard reset and forced everyone to log back in and reset their autovotes. Would they rethink their autovotes and trails or go back to business as usual? How many absentee voters there really are and how active our chain really is would come to light. And would the people on the receiving end of these votes continue posting without the votes?

Man, I would love to hang out with "Taniqua" for a day ! Oh the trouble we would get into haha

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Curating/consuming and commenting is solid though. I do that far more than posting these days. Earning by voting, always manually. Earning by upvoting the comments of the people I talk to and sometimes they vote mine. It's a good deal.

This is probably my 19th post in the past year. I've burned myself out multiple times trying to grind daily.

I don't mind autovotes. People can vote and view on their schedule. Some of these folks have worked for years and it would be strange to have the support you worked to build up over time suddenly vanish. It's when creators get lazy with their work when autovotes become a problem. Shouldn't be slacking, taking it for granted. If you look at my previous posts on peakd you'll see hundreds of comments consistently, and some of those folks vote automatically. I see it more like a subscription. You can buy a subscription to a magazine because you liked one issue, then don't really know what you're getting next but still paying for it. Same with something like Netflix. Folks just need to respect it and work for it.

Taniqua's pretty cool but she gets moody when Fakour isn't around. So you'd have to take them both on a date.

Well, how much does Fakour eat? I'm on a limited budget haha

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A lot. And you have to spoon feed him nowadays, ever since the incident.