Ugh, that sounds like Reddit, which I quickly learned is the place you go when you're worried your self-esteem is getting too high.
I'm shy, but I'm a great actor.
Ugh, that sounds like Reddit, which I quickly learned is the place you go when you're worried your self-esteem is getting too high.
I'm shy, but I'm a great actor.
There are some who'd prefer this place to be more like reddit. I mean, it was originally called Steemit for a reason. Some wanted to emulate that behavior, most likely assuming that would lead to a similar success story, but of course the easiest way to stay behind is to follow trends.
It's so much better as a place where folks can do whatever they want. No guidelines. No templates. Just do whatever.
I'm not shy but I know most folks are so I just leave them alone.
Ahhhhhh so is that why people always cross out Steemit when they talk about it? Cuz it was a jerk and it failed failed failed?
Lessons in Hive history.
No it boils down to a rich man trying to buy everything and take full control of the chain. We forked, creating a mirror reflection of Steem, calling it Hive, minus the Sybil attack, and just moved on like the rich man never happened. These days something like that can't happen again. Far more security and the weak point that allowed the rich man in no longer exists.
Ahhhhhhhhh. Good and fun to know. Thanks!
This was my first post on Hive, and an intro.
I used to write a lot of jokes.