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RE: One of those Hive Stories

in #life3 years ago

Of course it was never designed to be easy. Mistakes will happen. This is cutting edge technology and damn near everyone is learning as they go, leaving a wealth of experience in their wake; knowledge that didn't exist before being handed down, for the first time.

Very enlightening point there! (not to undermine the others dotted throughout the post either). That one especially pulled the post together and highlighted evolution. Your "Hive Story" is a magical example of just that.

Thanks for further expanding my own scope and reinforcing some of the thoughts and feelings I've had myself over the past month.

That 'like' from Tom Green is a treat too! Ice fishing has always looked like fun to me, have you ever been?


Evolution indeed. Hard to notice when in the moment but easy to see when stepping back to view the entire picture.

Tom Green. I emailed the guy awhile back telling him about this place. Those kind of folks need a large market though. Doubt he be interested in a few bucks worth of crypto. But I'm sure his fans would love the perks. I've been knocking on a lot of big doors...

And yeah I was out ice fishing just the other day. Got some trout in a pond nearby. All you have to do is place some raw corn on a hook and drop it down. They yank that shit in no time. But you can't release them if using corn because they can't digest it, so I ate some fresh trout, too.