Hi my name is Ed Privat, I don't understand how this place work, apparently I am supposed to hate you, is that it?
@dandays has been force feeding me your content since birth, and I've been ALWAYS avoiding it, because I always avoid the trending page.
I now have to eat my words, swallow my pride, because it's obvious I've been missing out, I just hate it when Art is forcing his hobbies on me.
"Great post, pretty pictures, voty voty"
Yes you're to be angry with me because I'm on the trending page LOL! But if/when you make the trending page, that's okay. LOL
This place can be so ridiculous like that but I just kind of chuckle. It can be quite demoralizing though and is part of the reason I don't post as often as I'd like.
@dandays is a cool cat.
Exactly, and now I'm on sometimes on the trending page so I can't hate myself, it does...Not...Compute 😁
You mean sometimes appreciator votes you and sometimes he doesn't?
Should I be worried? Are you worried about me?
No hell no. Appreciator votes aren't a bad thing at all, it's when you're on his shit list it's shitty.
Now if only we all shined up our favorite dancing shoes for a couple million of'em instead of just one.
Good morning my dude. I'm mentioning you by name in my article this morning, Ed. You've been warned.
Oh shit have you posted yet? Good morning 🌞
Gimme 30. 👊🏼
LOL. It's almost as if you actually understood what I wrote!
I've almost understood a buncha things.
Oh I understood very well what you wrote don't worry, and I understand very well what @dandays is saying when writing what he wrote.
I was just trying to be courteous, on that good note cheers...