in #life9 years ago

Hi Steemers, today the post is about LIE! (THE WAYS TO SUCCEFULLY FOOL THE LIE DETECTOR

Lie Detector

Nowadays, lie detector is not only used by special services and security agencies, but also by the business in the employment process. Employers want to protect themselves from the "unwanted employees”, for example, not to let fraudsters obtain access to the money, or pedophiles to be employed in schools, or people with crime past to work in the police.

Moreover, lie detector is used in more common cases: to check nannies, drivers or bodyguards. Lie detector tests tricky questions make it possible to identify that there is a concealment or distortion of any important information on the early stage of recruitment process. That leads that more and more unscrupulous individuals are willing to fool a lie detector.

Lie Detector

As soon as lie detector was invited, the question if there are any ways to fool immediately raised. But what does it mean “to fool the detector”? Does it mean that you know in advance the answers for the carefully selected questions? Or it does mean to conceal or distort certain physiological reactions? Let`s try to figure it out.

Lie Detector

Most modern computer lie detectors record the following physiological channels reactions:

  • Breathing reactions. Lie detector makes the measurements of the upper
    (breast) and lower (diaphragmatic) breathing. It fixes the duration,
    frequency and respiratory amplitude, as well holding of your breath.
  • Galvanic skin response. Lie detector measures the change in the
    electrical resistance of the skin caused by emotional stress,
    measurable with a sensitive galvanometer.
  • Photoplethysmogram. Lie detector measures the level of blood
    pulsation and the amount of blood filling of the peripheral blood
  • Blood pressure. Lie detector measure the blood pressure. In case of
    increase of nervous excitability changes the pressure and speed of
    blood filling of vessels.

Lie Detector

Moreover, in lie detectors tremors sensors are used to determine:

  • if there are some reactions when the question is asked;
  • if there some involuntary movements during the interview (cough,
    itchiness suppression, etc.);
  • if there is a deliberate counteraction on the asked questions.

It is well known fact that tremor is directly controlled directly by the central nervous system, so it turns into effective instrument of lie detection.

Besides what mentioned below additional channels can be used:

  • facial expression reactions;
  • voices signals;
  • additional pressure sensor, etc.

All these sensors are able to catch the slightest fluctuations in the human responses.

Lie Detector

So let`s talk about how you can fool the lie detector. There are three main ways to do this:

  1. Pharmacological;
  2. Mechanical;
  3. Psychological.


That way means that you recipe various psychotropic stimulants, painkillers or sleeping pills medicines (including drugs) just before the lie detector test. The other way is to drink the night before a bottle of vodka and suffer terrible hangover during the test. Another similar method is not to sleep for 2-3 nights in a row.

Experts consider that way not efficient because any well trained specialist (usually people with psychological or medical education) will determine your condition before testing at once.


During the test you need imperceptibly bite the tongue or squeeze the sphincter muscle, or to step on the button in the boot. These methods are used for deliberate excitation of the body in the moment of asking neutral questions so the level of responses of the other questions will correspond to a level of the neutral question.

Experts consider that way not efficient because there is a tremor detector that will show atypical reaction. Moreover, neutral questions are asked in different order so before you recognize what type of question it is your body will show that you lie.


Before attempting test try to meditate to enter yourself into a trance. The other ways is to recite poems in your mind, focus on thoughts about something pleasant, moving from one thought to another, etc.

Experts consider that way not efficient because people hardly able to control the resistance of the skin. The modern detectors will show that you lie. Even if you will able to concentrate on one thing (the easiest way to control your own breath), the complex data pattern will still betray you.


There are also a number of other methods. Some of these methods include, for example, rubbing antiperspirants in the palms of the hands, the use of 4-5 tablets of aspirin, and others. The elementary biomedical logic indicates that the effectiveness of such methods should be extremely low, which is confirmed by actual practice.

Resume: The best way to fool the detector is to tell the Truth.


I feel like the lie detector is almost fake science.

A horrible hangover, no sleep for a few days and biting my tongue? I think I'll just tell the truth haha